Drown in Dreams

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Drown in Dreams


Choose one. If you control a commander as you cast this spell, you may choose both.

  • Target player draws X cards.
  • Target player mills twice X cards. (They put twice the amount of X cards from the top of their library into their graveyard.)

NV_1980 on The Horror ... THE HORROR! *PRIMER*

8 months ago

Thank you for the great feedback UltimateRoxas40! I'll make sure to check out your Cap'n deck as well :)

Roaming Throne sounds like a fun addition; bit expensive though but I'll see if I can obtain one. It would fit nice in some of my other tribe decks too, so the investment is probably worth it.

I get what you're saying about Everflowing Chalice. Maybe it would work to replace the medallions with other rocks (this being one of them), though I would have to stress that thus far the medallions have been very useful to me in games. What I like about them is that you don't have to tap them in order to use them. It wouldn't hurt though to switch them out with other rocks during my next game, just to see if I would notice any differences. I wouldn't add Chalice for the Hullbreaker combo though, as this deck doesn't have that much use for infinite colorless mana (Brainstealer Dragon would benefit a bit of course).

Drown in Dreams is nice, but in a deck that's not really about X-spells (like this one) it wouldn't fit so well. The exception to this being Mind Grind as it mills way more than the X you put into it.

UltimateRoxas40 on The Horror ... THE HORROR! *PRIMER*

8 months ago

Fun looking deck! As a fellow Captain N'ghathrod, I always enjoy seeing other people have fun with him.

A few cards I'd recommend adding.

Roaming Throne - This card is great with our Captain. It will cause both of his triggered abilities (Triggered abilities = “when,” “whenever,” or “at”) to double, Milling twice as many cards and getting two permanents out of an opponent's graveyard at the end of turn. It's colorless, so we don't have to worry about mana; has Ward 2, which makes it hard to remove; and can enter as a Horror to benefit off of our Captain.

Everflowing Chalice - With Hullbreaker Horror and Sol Ring, you can create a loop of bouncing each artifact back to hand, netting one colorless mana each time around. If you're not into infinite combos, then no worries. Funnily enough, this infinite combo was actually present in the Captain Precon deck.

Drown in Dreams - A great outlet if you end up running the above loop, or just a great way to Mill someone and Draw a bunch of cards.

Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the Medallions outside of mono-colored decks. I'd rather have an artifact that can just tap for mana rather than a reducer. But that's just my thoughts.

All together though, it looks great!

Cyb3rguerrill0 on Dude, where are your cards? *WIP*

1 year ago

Now let's add some flicker: Thassa, Deep-Dwelling, Ghostly Flicker, Deadeye Navigator (no budget though), Essence Flux and some other suggestions: one of my favorites is this one Maddening Cacophony, Drown in Dreams, Curse of the Swine of course. Keep it up, looks interesting.

unstable_anomaly on All My X’s Live in the Hive Nexus

1 year ago

If you didn't wanna run any of the infinites Seedborn Muse would still be incredibly powerful with any of the instant speed draw spells (Blue Sun's Zenith / Commander's Insight / Diviner's Portent / Drown in Dreams / Even the Score / Pull from Tomorrow / Stroke of Genius). Could easily draw the whole deck for a Thassa's Oracle / Laboratory Maniac / Jace, Wielder of Mysteries win.

Also pairs really well with all the X cost counterspells Condescend / Syncopate / Power Sink / Logic Knot / Clash of Wills.

Just some more food for thought.

unstable_anomaly on Send Nids.

2 years ago

This commander is bonkers. Looking forward to building around her myself.

Doesn't look like you're going for the spell slinger route, but Seedborn Muse with any of the instant speed draw spells (Blue Sun's Zenith / Commander's Insight / Diviner's Portent / Drown in Dreams / Even the Score / Pull from Tomorrow / Stroke of Genius / Thassa's Intervention) would be really good here. Could easily draw the whole deck for a Thassa's Oracle / Laboratory Maniac / Jace, Wielder of Mysteries win.

Since you're going the creature based route Kindred Discovery / Herald of Secret Streams / Open Into Wonder.

Some other generic good stuff for a deck like this Nyxbloom Ancient / Selvala, Heart of the Wilds / Mana Reflection / Pest Infestation.

bushido_man96 on Zombie help

2 years ago

Tainted Adversary seems a bit mana intensive to really get good results from. How many tokens do you usually get when you cast it? And is the effect worth that much mana investment? I don't like Stitchwing Skaab, either, especially when you talk about running out of gas. It will only contribute to that problem if you don't have cards to discard, and you don't want to discard better cards to play that one.

I'd consider cutting Spell Swindle for a cheaper CMC counterspell, or a straight removal spell. I think you want to be pretty aggressive with how you spend your mana in this deck, and holding up 5 mana to counter a spell is counterintuitive to that strategy.

I'd drop the mill theme: Dread Summons, Drown in Dreams, Maddening Cacophony, Peer into the Abyss, Psychic Corrosion maybe even Telemin Performance. I would add card draw spells in those spots. Night's Whisper, Ambition's Cost, and Sign in Blood will always draw you cards, regardless of board state. Altar's Reap, Village Rites, and Vampiric Rites are good draw sources when you have a board state. I'd recommend pushing your ramp to 10 spells, and then you should be off an running.

Good luck going forward with this deck.

DareiJuxis on Kess Infect - Gorgeous or Gross?

2 years ago

I really like the idea of non-combat infect!

    I think it'd be much better to have a Chandra's Ignition than the Vraska. The ultimate is a pretty cute win but it's unrealistic to think it'll ultimate often, if ever, and all it takes is your opponents destroying your creatures to null the ultimate. Her plus does not do enough and her minus takes away from the ultimate while being slow.

      Tezzeret's Gambit and Contentious Plan seem better than the sorcery card draw present (Read the Bones, Bitter Revelation, Concentrate), and any of the 3 mana X draw spells (like Commander's Insight, Blue Sun's Zenith) are going to be better than Mind Spring, with an interesting emphasis on Drown in Dreams since if you wanted you could mill yourself with Kess's ability to get back most anything you may want at some point. Might not be worth it like the other ones are, but definitely interesting.

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