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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rules Q&A
Linvala, Keeper of Silence
Legendary Creature — Angel
Activated abilities of creatures your opponents control can't be activated.
fluffyeel on Rafiq of the Many
3 months ago
Equipment and other stabtastic things are fun, and your deck has a lot of my usual favorite toys in those colors. I approve. I do have some thoughts that might help you, though, but some of these are playgroup dependent (or meta-dependent):
- From MH3, things like White Orchid Phantom, Estrid's Invocation, Lion Umbra, Glyph Elemental, Indebted Spirit, Triton Wavebreaker, and Monumental Henge all might prove useful.
- Some other fun toys in your colors I quite like include Mirari's Wake, Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist, Privileged Position, Lavinia, Azorius Renegade, Linvala, Keeper of Silence, Yosei, the Morning Star, Exalted Angel, Sublime Archangel, Eiganjo Castle, Council's Judgment, and Questing Beast. These may or may not do things for you, but they might help depending on how crazy things are in your playgroup.
- I'm very surprised you're not running Umezawa's Jitte, given how it likely synergizes with Rafiq (and it's just a really good card).
- Steelshaper's Gift, Fact or Fiction, and Eladamri's Call might help you get to the fun stuff, and Abundance combos really well with Sylvan Library.
- While you aren't really an equipment deck , Puresteel Paladin might both get you cards and makes your equipment quite cheap (and it's easy to turn on in your deck). I also quite like Kaldra Compleat and Batterskull, but I'm not sure if you want to draw that kind of attention.
kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*
6 months ago
When you drop Aurelia's Vindicator as a disguise you're paying 3 generic for a 2/2 non angel, non flying body. Then you flip it up for 4X to target X creatures. So at minimum you're paying 8 mana to disguise and flip to target 1 creature. If you're only looking for a stat line then sure it could beat Gisela, the Broken Blade Meld but most people don't run it for the stats, they run it for the meld ability. The only real difference between the 2 is you're swapping first strike for ward 2. I've only melded Gisela twice and people see it coming a mile away so they use single target removal and prevent the meld from happening.
There have been quite a few 3 drop angels released in the past year so I've been pulling angels that are just bodies. I usually want them to have 1 extra ability. If you compare a 4 drop Aurelia to any of the following it pales in comparison due to the lack of extra abilities.
In the end it comes down to power level. My original list was close to this one and I won a ton of games when Giada was first released. Since then the store's power level has jumped several levels and you won't keep a board state past turn 5. Giada is also a lightning rod for cheap removal so you'll need some form of protection or be prepared to cast her for 8 mana. If you're still able to have good games with a basic angel aggro deck then that's great but if your pod begins the arms race then be prepared to be outclassed.
XinZhao on KAALIA'S CATACLYSM - Aggro/Stax cEDH [MH3 Update]
1 year ago
fluffyeel on F*** Kevin
1 year ago
I don't see the problem with this deck. Not at all. However, I have some suggestions to make it even more "fun" for Kevin:
- The Filth and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth combo seems like a fun addition. Not only do I recommend Urborg (and, for that matter, Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth in general for decks, but this one means your creatures won't be getting blocked. (Good luck to your opponents!)
- For more things that bring friends with them, you could also think about Junji, the Midnight Sky and Priest of Fell Rites as other reanimators; I get good mileage out of them. Athreos, God of Passage is a sacrifice pay-off I've found to be quite noxious for some people to deal with, and I also quite like Yawgmoth, Thran Physician as a sacrifice outlet.
- Yosei, the Morning Star, Archon of Cruelty, Archfiend of Despair, Questing Beast, The Gitrog Monster, Thalia and The Gitrog Monster, and Kogla, the Titan Ape are nice payoff creatures I recommend. Drana and Linvala and Linvala, Keeper of Silence can also be supremely annoying for your opponents to try to deal with, which is also why I highly recommend them.
- Sylvan Library would combo extremely well with Underrealm Lich and Abundance, but it can be an expensive card cost-wise.
- If you do find your mana ramping to quite high totals, Genesis Wave is well worth considering.
- In decks like this, I still don't feel comfortable without some pinpoint removal tools. My favorites are Vindicate, Anguished Unmaking, Assassin's Trophy, and Swords to Plowshares, but this can be also dependent on your playgroup. I might also recommend the typical suite of tutors (for you, Enlightened Tutor, Worldly Tutor, Vampiric Tutor, Diabolic Intent, and Expedition Map would be at the top of my list), but that's maybe less important.
- Field of the Dead is a close-to-auto-include for me in a deck like this, but don't get it just for this.
DemonDragonJ on Why Are Most Hatebears so …
1 year ago
A "hatebear" is a permanent, usually a creature, that prevents something from happening or otherwise hinders a certain strategy, with some well-known examples of such cards being Containment Priest, Drannith Magistrate, Collector Ouphe, Hushwing Gryff, Hushbringer, and so forth, and such permanents tend to be rather inexpensive, which I severely dislike, as I feel that cards that can completely shut down certain strategies should be more expensive. I am not bothered by Linvala, Keeper of Silence or Angel of Jubilation, since they have stricter casting costs than the other cards that I mentioned, nor by Ash Zealot, since that creature punishes a player for doing something, but does not outright forbid them from doing so, as do most of the others.
What does everyone else say about this? Why are most hatebears so inexpensive? Should it not cost more mana to utterly ruin a deck's strategy?
Azoth2099 on Weaver of a Thousand Faces +
1 year ago
Oi! Sen Triplets is so busted lol, great choice.
Consider more Tutors if you're looking to keep up with high-power pods more effectively, unfortunately there's really no way around it. Recruiter of the Guard could also pull a lot of weight here, considering all of the applicable pieces like Walking Ballista & Grand Abolisher.
Stuff like Paradox Haze, Mnemonic Betrayal, Praetor's Grasp, Mindslaver & Word of Command also offer value and pseudo-redundancy to this Commander, but they might be getting a little too cute with synergy too.
Card advantage pieces like Ad Nauseam, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage, Scroll Rack & of course Necropotence get around card draw Stax pieces like Notion Thief & Narset, Parter of Veils. You may also want to consider those two in this list! Lavinia, Azorius Renegade, Linvala, Keeper of Silence & Chalice of the Void will ruin a lot of game plans as well. If you were running Reanimator I'd also recommend Void Winnower, but this may not be the Commander for all of that...Definitely consider Silence & Angel's Grace, though! Perhaps some Rule of Law effects like Archon of Emeria as well, but it seems like you're trying to go fairly fast here so maybe not lol.
I know they're "boring", but cards like Brainstorm, Ponder, Careful Study, Tolarian Winds & Dark Ritual are just...really, really good haha.
Rhystic Study & Sensei's Divining Top are obviously absolute bangers. Same with Sea Gate, Reborn Flip & Agadeem, the Undercrypt Flip, can't recommend them enough.
Lastly, a piece that I don't see often but is definitely worth it in high-power pods: Deep Gnome Terramancer. This lil dude Ramps you so much you'll think you're playing a deck, it's actually absurd.
darkmus on Ang-Hellic
1 year ago
you're welcome. It does look better to me. I would just add a few things, first of all, I don't know what your playgroup allows but can't you just proxy the canopys and put the real ones in whatever deck you are using ATM? that's what I do with expensive cards.I would have like 24 cavern of souls if I wouldn't, haha. Atraxa's Fall is IMO the most interesting one, but if you want it specifically to deal with Stormbreath Dragon, it shouldn't matter much taking 4, but you may want to consider the instant speed spells since the dragon has haste. I am there with you in the flavor man, I already had playset of vindicates and paths to exile and yet I bought Vindicate and Path to Exile as soon as I knew they existed, hahah. About Aether Vial that's thing either hits t1 or at most t2, or you simply don't want it any more, so normally I would say either 4 copies or no copies. But that's a matter of opinion I guess. 2 Lyras and 2 Thunes is more than ok, I am sure you will find that Archangel of Thune makes your board way more dangerous than Lyra Dawnbringer. To be fair Linvala, Keeper of Silence is there still for flavor but it's probably the weakest card of our side, the next one out If I need something. If you have it, go for it, but I wouldn't recommend expending en them. About the deck itself. 7 instant and sorceries are too much. The more instant/sorceries we have less angels we have to ensure our strategy, hitting our triggers every turn, and maximice both Serra Paragon and Sigarda, Font of Blessings (in case you en up playing it) and well, the most creatures we have the most attacks we make, xD. The thing is pretty much the same as with Shadowspear, you can afford to have 1 of silver bullets in decks like death and taxes or goblins, which have multiple ways to search for your silver bullet. But you dont have any, so 1 offs cards for very especific situations 95% of the times are going to be horrible dead draws that won't help you. While in the matches you want them you are very likely not drawing them. To make a competitive deck you need to focus the deck, what are the biggest threats for your deck? that's what you have to focus one, in this case a few cheated big creatures Archon of Cruelty and permanents that shut us down like Ensnaring Bridge. So prepare for that, for any other more uncommon situation, that's what the side is for. Redundancy es the key to consistency, and consistency is the key to regularly win.Try to focus the deck in what it wants, putting angels in play to trigger our shenanigans. So I would try at most to have just 4 instant or sorceries, the ones that cover our biggest weaknesses, most likely 2 Paths to Exile and 2 of any combination of Vindicate and Anguished Unmaking. Because with 7 you are diluting too much the objective of the deck, while adding 3 or 4 one offs that are going to be death draws more often than not, not even overall useful cards. I explain myself like shit but I think you understand what I meant, xD. well, sorry, too much text, xD. Anyway, let me know when you play if the deck feels better now!
BotaNickill on Ang-Hellic
1 year ago
Dude! You have helped a ton! Thanks so much for all the feedback! I Made a few changes for now, and I'll try it out and see how it works. I'm gonna leave the black in my build for now Mostly because I don't have the new Sigarda, Font of Blessings yet, and I can't really afford to buy another playset Horizon Canopy right now. I didn't know about some of those green removal spells so that's good food for thought. I do have a couple other selesnya builds, the bogle deck, and a soul sister deck in Modern, so I'll keep those in mind for those as well. I like the look of Atraxa's Fall. I put the Anguished Unmaking back in because of the awesome angel art, and being a prime reason I went to black in the first place alongside Vindicate. I put the Giver of Runes back in, and two of my Aether Vials. I went back to 2 and 2 of the Thune/Lyra, I only have the 2 Thune, so that will have to do. I slipped the einganjo back in place of the 7th plains. I also stuck the Linvala, Keeper of Silence back into the Sideboard in place of the Go for the Throat I'll try and get some games in now!