Mana Breach

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Mana Breach


Whenever a player plays a spell, that player returns a land he or she controls to its owner's hand.

Necramus on Kynaios and Tiro's Enchanted Realm

1 month ago

Hey, friend!

I'm curious what your thoughts on Mana Breach are for this deck. Helps break the parity of benefit that your commander provides your opponents, while allowing you to bounce things like Mystic Sanctuary so you can recycle your board wipes or tutors.

Just a thought! Love the deck =]

Niko9 on Diabolic Revelation or Rune-Scarred Demon?

3 months ago

Hmm, I think in general I'd say Rune-Scarred Demon is better, but in your deck you have a lot of interaction and a lot of cards that are good for specific situations, and I actually think Diabolic Revelation might be better to set up multiple plays, or get something to counter another player and something to further your board at the same time.

I almost hate to suggest it because it may be too mean, but what do you think about something like Overburden or Mana Breach to load up opponent's hands with lands? Expel from Orazca is a favorite card of mine and might also work, return a card you want to play with Sen, or if in ascend, then it's brutal because you remove a threat and screw up their next draw.

Also, there's no way it works, but Patron of the Moon doesn't work with Sen Triplets does it? It does say your hand, so I assume you can't play lands with patron from an opponent's hand, but maybe? It would just be a fun play to bounce lands back to their hand and then jam them out on your field. Doubt it works, but hey, the patron kami's will get their day!

scottbaker91 on Zur the Enchanter Stax

5 months ago

Some of my favorite Zur Combos are: Teferi, Hero of Dominaria + Stasis // Solitary Confinement + Necropotence // Rest in Peace + Energy Field // Stasis + Azor's Elocutors // Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact // Winter Orb + Mind Over Matter

Sunder, Armageddon, Death Cloud will send your opponents back to the stone age while you fish out more enchants and punch them to death with Zur

Mana Breach, Mana Vortex, Oppression, Overburden are must have stax cards for Zur. The enchantments / creatures that keep your opponents from drawing or casting more than 1 spell per turn are really solid for stax ex: Arcane Laboratory, Spirit of the Labyrinth. Notion Thief + wheels will leave your opponent with 0 cards

Spellskite, Vanishing, Diplomatic Immunity, Steel of the Godhead, Mind Over Matter are all S tier for Zur

Approach of the Second Sun for another easy win con

Have fun crushing your opponents soul

SufferFromEDHD on Keranos Lands

1 year ago

Such a clever concept. Big fan of "less is more" and this list is it. I too have an Izzet 43 Lands.dec list piloted by Keranos but my theme/gimmick was Legacy 43 lands.dec your glass cannon heavy land based combo is awesome!

I'm going to spit ball some ideas because your list got my creative juices flowing:

Cursed Scroll that many basics makes this efficient colorless damage.

Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle make something out of all those basic mountains.

Fiery Islet/Prismari Campus high quality filter and card draw.

Tolaria West tutor for the utility lands.

Burning Sands/Mana BreachOverburden I always try and sneak a stax tax or 2 in my combo decks. These similar cards are an irrelevant tax to you but brutal to aggro strategies.

Back to Basics brutal to greedy mana bases.

Retreat to Coralhelm/Valakut Exploration good value for playing lands.

Fathom Trawl cascade tutor. Treasure Hunt #2

Cut Tectonic Reformation. Add Trade Routes. The synergy with Seismic Assault is necessary to your strategy.

GrandmaGotRunOverByADemon on Chulane, Teller of Tales ($25 Budget)

2 years ago

I would suggest putting Mana Breach in the actual deck, it is one of your few all deck combos with Shrieking Drake and Chulane, Teller of Tales. It should have it so you can draw your whole deck immediately. Though otherwise I am totally building this.

Mithrandir.mvm on Wizzardrix (Kwain, Itinerant Meddler)

2 years ago

I love this deck! I've been toying with some cards, but I'm hesitant on some of them:

Omniscience: I tried to use it as a pseudo Smothering Tithe, but it doesn't work with X spells, and it's super expensive... Same happened with As Foretold

Mana Maze really slowed the table. But so did it with my deck! At the end I found it a bit fatigue-inducing, so I'm not sure...

Overburden and Mana Breach are interesting, specially at the early game. We barely have creatures, and don't play too many spells, so I think it can help.

The new Smuggler's Share should work pretty well here!

Enchanted Evening + destroy enchantments is mean. Also Aura Thief, which I love. I've tried a small package for this synergy, but have not played it yet, and I feel it's veeery niche. Getting a draw with Archon of Sun's Grace could be fun, I guess? Enchanted Evening has something that attracts me every time, though. Any other ideas to use it in this deck?

Meekstone was pretty effective.

Drumbellower is cheap mana-wise and allows us to overgift with Kwain. It feels like it needs more tap creatures, though, and I'm not sure it is worth it. But 3+ cards per round... Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset has another untap + lifegain. It should attract some gazes, though; is he worth it?

Words of Worship: with that much drawing, paying x to gain 5x life instead of drawing x could be interesting.

Wizard Class: hey! We don't have that many creatures, buuut this could become pretty stupid. Kwain Voltron anyone?

Ominous Seas has been cute: instant speed 8/8, you say?

Lay Claim it's another enchantment I like, and goes well with Open the Vaults.

I'm thinking of the New Capenna cards, let's see if some of them can work here too. Let's keep this deck brewing!

ClockworkSwordfish on Sen Triplets

2 years ago

Hmmm... what do you think about something like Mana Breach, Overburden or Storm Cauldron? I can imagine it would make it easy for the Triplets to regularly play lands from your opponents' hands, permanently depleting their mana base before long.

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