Norika Yamazaki, the Poet
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Norika Yamazaki, the Poet

Legendary Creature — Human Samurai


Whenever a Samurai or Warrior you control attacks alone, you may cast target enchantment card from your graveyard this turn.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Mending Hands
Ajani Fells the Godsire
Celestus Sanctifier
Kellan's Lightblades
Archon's Glory
Charitable Levy

CommanderNeyo on Samurai

1 year ago

Welcome to Magic! I highly recommend watching this deck-building template from The Command Zone, it gives extremely helpful suggestions on how to put a deck together that will run smoothly and do what you want it to do:

Also, you could visit EDHREC to get some suggestions on what cards might be good in your deck based on what other people are playing.

Some suggestions I would make:

Add Boros Signet and Talisman of Conviction to help make sure you get your colors. Because of the extra combat steps, if your budget allows, you could also consider adding Sword of the Animist.

I would consider some cheap removal spells to answer opponents' threats, namely Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, and Wear / Tear.

I would add some more protection, such as Boros Charm and Eerie Interlude.

Card draw is key, and I would consider adding Valakut Exploration and Laelia, the Blade Reforged.

Some cuts I would make:

  • Anointer of Valor, because it is too much mana to use its ability.
  • Norika Yamazaki, the Poet, because you don't have that many enchantments, and its only useful if someone killed one you really needed.
  • Rummaging Goblin, because you could just replace this with card draw or pseudo-card draw.
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