Smite the Monstrous

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Smite the Monstrous


Destroy target creature with power 4 or greater.

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, well done for a first deck on such a low budget. I haven't seen this Commander before.

When you're just starting out building decks in Commander it can be helpful to have some basic deck structure guildlines to follow.

This is just a basic structure to get things started. It doesn't cover everything and your final deck may have different numbers for each part of the structure such as you might have more creatures. Some cards can cover more than one area such as Palace Jailer who is creature removal and can be repeatable draw which is really helpful.

Ramp is something all Commander decks need since you don't want to only rely on lands/land drops to make mana. You have Sol Ring which is really good, but that's where the ramp ends here. Only Sol is not enough ramp.

I always explain to new Commander deck builders that you need to be able to sacrifice (cut) some of the fun cards to add ramp to your deck. Since doing this will help gameplay so that you can more easily cast your Commander and the other big fun cards you want to play. In the case here my advice is consider cutting at least 9 cards to add more budget ramp?

Some cards to consider cutting to add more ramp are creatures who don't do enough for their mana cost: Gods' Hall Guardian, Living Tempest, Dread Rider, Shepherd of Heroes, Kor Celebrant, Ronom Unicorn, Brinebarrow Intruder

Like ramp all decks also need draw that comes from single draw effects and more importantly repeatable draw sources. Currently your deck has three good single draw effects Baleful Strix, Champion of Wits, Cloudblazer and one repeatable draw source Jace, Wielder of Mysteries. There's a reanimation theme here that can get you more draw from these creatures which is good, but consider more draw?

Jailer and Rose can be repeatable draw sources with the Monarch Emblem. When you have the monarch then you draw a card at your end step. Only one player in the game at one time can be the monarch and it can change players. As long as you are monarch you get the repeatable draw at your end step which is a big advantage.

For an opponent to become the monarch they have to do combat damage with a creature to you or play a card/effect that makes them the monarch. When this happens you loose the monarch and that opponent becomes the monarch. You can get back the monarch though by doing combat damage with a creature to the opponent who is the monarch or playing a card/effect that makes you the monarch.

Some cards to consider cutting to add more draw: Withercrown, Grave Endeavor, Arcane Endeavor, Smite the Monstrous, Extract Brain, Wand of Orcus

The area of your deck that you have a lot of is removal. I count 23 single effects of removal here. You can afford to cut some removal to improve other areas of your deck: Withercrown, Befuddle, Iron Verdict, Smite the Monstrous.

If you're interested I offer more advice in another comment. Including explaining how blink from single effects or repeatable such as Soulherder and Brago, King Eternal can be powerful here. Would you like me to continue with more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

koylucumert on Can I skip my combat …

3 years ago

so lets say we are playing commander. opponent B has a Telepathy and I know that opponent A has a Smite the Monstrous in their hand, along with the mana to play it. my commander is Arahbo, Roar of the World and my only creature on the battlefield is Fleecemane Lion which I dont have the mana to give it monstrous. to protect my cat, can I skip my combat phase to not give it the buff, or since arahbo doesnt say may, even if Im not gonna attack I have to enter the combat phase, arahbo triggers giving my cat +3 +3 and making it a removal target?

Rorolith on mono white

3 years ago

So, take into account what kind of deck you want to play. Aggro? Cut the board wipes. Control? Add more removal, take most of your creatures out. I'm going to work ona n aggro gameplan since that looks like whre your deck is leaning towards.

Cut: Tragic Poet

Prowling Felidar

Lagonna-Band Trailblazer

Knight of New Benalia

Dwarven Priest

Archon of Emeria (You are an aggro deck and want to be able to cast more than one creature in the same turn)

Rustwing Falcon

Djeru, With Eyes Open (you run no planeswalkers, also a bad card)

Adamant Will

Aegis of the Heavens

Blessed Light

Divine Verdict

Squire's Devotion

Slash of Talons

Smite the Monstrous All your sorcerys

Lithoform Engine

Hieromancer's Cage


On Serra's Wings

Novice Knight you run no equipment

4 plains

Now this might seem like a lot, but I will give you some suggestions for cards that will help further your gameplan

Creatures: currently you are running some really good cards as one ofs and bad cards with more copies, such as; Dauntless Bodyguard , Leonin Vanguard , Hunted Witness , Luminarch Aspirant Venerated Loxodon which is a great finisher, and Speaker of the Heavens .

You could run 1 more Ajani's Pridemate and 4x Soul Warden

Legion's Landing  Flip is a very good card, so I would keep it.

Removal: If you want to go with some of the best white removal ever printed that is modern legal, but a little expensive, go with Path to Exile . If not Path to Exile would be much better than Hieromancer's Cage , Conclave Tribunal is pretty good, but I wouldn't run more than 5 removal spells since you want to be going wide with your creatures and a hand ful of removal will just stall the game and you will lose in the end. You want to end the game fast while maintaining a high life score.

defamagraphy1 on An Invitation to Help Magic

4 years ago

Determining just how broken a card is depends on how well it can be interacted with. Omanth is very easy to interact with. However I do believe Genesis Ultimatum or Escape to the Wilds should have seen the axe

The other problem is that so many players are playing it just to win.

I think the bigger problem is that it forces a player to interact with it so early which throws off an opponents game plan, that and players don't want to put more removal in their decks.

Bloodchief's Thirst, Giant Killer, Mutual Destruction, Feed the Swarm Heartless Act Legion's Judgment Murderous Rider Mythos of Nethroi Dirge Bat Hagra Mauling  Flip Drag to the Underworld Smite the Monstrous Triumphant Surge Angelic Ascension Dire Tactics Epic Downfall Necromentia Deny the Divine Eat to Extinction Banishing Light Skyclave Apparition Redcap Melee Thundering Rebuke Charge of the Forever-Beast Flame Spill Soul Sear Channeled Force Mythos of Vadrok Rumbling Rockslide The Akroan War Concerted Defense Anticognition Essence Scatter Jwari Disruption  Flip Lofty Denial Cancel Convolute Deny the Divine Didn't Say Please Mystical Dispute Mystical Dispute Memory Drain Rewind Agonizing Remorse Memory Theft Pelakka Predation  Flip Shatter the Sky Storm's Wrath Extinction Event

That's a whole lot of cards that can deal with Omnath decks. So its not so broken that it can't be dealt with. Does it mean you have to add more than 4 removal cards or change colors? You might have to. Does it mean you might have to change some strategy? Possibly.

Mono White has at least 12 solid answer cards for Omnath and you can still play aggro. Blue has counterspells though you might have to pair it with another color. Red has a few options as well, and the only color that is lacking is if you play mono green. With that many cards you really can't say it's so broken it's unbeatable. You have to play around it. You have to anticipate the strategy. These cards can easily be maindecked, and if youre a player that goes 38 creatures and only 22 lands then I'm sorry for you.

But I wholey disagree with the term Broken. Ive often seen Omnath players quit when they lose Cobra and Omnath. I've also seen a lot of them pass the turn and pass several turns. If you cannot answer it, its out of lack of trying, preparedness, or just a bad game which happens. Also, its not Omnath doing broken things. Omnath only produces the mana to do really really good things. IF Wizards bans Escape and Ultimatum players will have to switch to Lithoforming and while it won't kill the deck it will slow it down and I think that's a more fair approach. But yeah... as above, you don't have to limit yourself to just what's being played. Think outside the box.

Magnanimous on Thoughts on Mutate?

4 years ago

TypicalTimmy I disagree on all points.

While the size of the card pool may be a problem, I think that with a design this different, future sets will use it and the card pool will expand over time.

This does have mechanical similarities to Bestow especially, but I see this as a better and more engaging form of the mechanics you mentioned. I like that players can choose which creature is on top, that they can change the color/type/subtype/CMC of a creature to mess with interactions with Fatal Push, Smite the Monstrous, and Go for the Throat. I like that mutating a creature can make it weaker if you choose to put a card with lower power/toughness on top for whatever reason. Also the optics and feeling of 'mutating' a creature to survive is much more fun than making it wear more clothes.

So I don't have much experience with player tantrums, but my thoughts on this are that it's pretty clear what the card is/does except for the power/toughness and if you're actively trying to cheat (very possible for younger players). The top card shows the name/CMC/type... and all the abilities are placed below as if they were one giant card. The power/toughness confusion comes because p/t is at the bottom so some really new players may believe that you can choose or add p/t or it's taken from the bottom card, but the reminder text is pretty clear that only the abilities stack.

Overall, I think they're being conservative with the ability and would love to see 1 - 2 CMC mutate costs on Flash creatures in the future. On comparing it to Meld/Bestow: it's more fun than bestow and meld never worked because it was a 2 card combo with ok upside.

ZendikariWol on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Okay so... I hate to be that guy but... White really does have a hard time drawing cards in a flavorful or novel way. As to why, let's just look at the things White likes to do:

Gain Life? Dawn of Hope

Control equipment and enchantments? Puresteel Paladin and Mesa Enchantress

Have lots of small creatures? Mentor of the Meek

Tax spells? How do you reference that in rules text?

Hosing effects (such as Stony Silence and Containment Priest)? Normally the purpose of those cards would be defeated if instead of actually stopping the opponent you just drew cards.

Help the group? Happily Ever After.

That said, I might have something.

Catchup effects (such as Oreskos Explorer) are in White's color pie, that shows promise.

I suspect that Heartwood Storyteller, if printed today, would be printed in White, as it's mostly a hoser for noncreature spells, with group hug thrown in.

White can also punish people for doing things it doesn't want them to do (see Divine Verdict and Smite the Monstrous)

Just pointing out the difficulty of this question. It's not that White doesn't want to draw cards, it's just quite tricky to pull off effectively.

Prudent Marshal

Creature- Human Soldier

At the beginning of each end step, if a creature with greater power than each creature you control attacked this turn, you may draw a card.


This may enable some shenanigans with combat tricks, I don't know, but that doesn't really matter.

How about another flavorful white draw card?

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