Defy Death

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Defy Death


Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield. If it's an Angel, put two +1/+1 counters on it.

DreadKhan on Super Shivan

1 year ago

Green has lots of stuff like Noxious Revival and Bala Ged Recovery  Flip that can get your Shivan out of the graveyard, and as I've pointed out there are some White cards that let you reanimate it if it's dead (or iirc take it out of exile if someone exiles it, with Pull from Eternity).

I looked up to see if there were some more decent White reanimator effects, there is Karmic Guide (also provides a blocker), Defy Death (pretty bad), Invoke Justice (better but how do you cast this!), Enduring Renewal (really, really janky), Second Sunrise (very situational), Angelic Renewal (seems good), Breath of Life (solid), Cleric Class (mana hungry/low synergy with deck), Elspeth Conquers Death (maybe?), False Defeat ($$$), Late to Dinner (good), Marshal's Anthem (mana!), Miraculous Recovery (good), Resurrection (fine), Reya Dawnbringer (so much mana). There is probably a few more, but here is a starting point, I think with your Commander the Sorcery ones make a lot of sense, but a creature that can repeatedly reanimate Shivan seem like better fits but I don't know how annoying it will be to Egg into them.

Balaam__ on You can't spell control with out the trol(l)

3 years ago

@Thebestnoob there are indeed spells that reanimate. Proclamation of Rebirth , Tethmos High Priest , Breath of Life , False Defeat , Late to Dinner , Ramosian Revivalist , Resurrection , Timely Hordemate , Bishop of Rebirth , Defy Death , Karmic Guide and Miraculous Recovery , just to name a few. Not sure what specific format you’re looking to build in, but there are options in most.

LivingThing on Sexy girls with wings

3 years ago

ok, cut the following:

Noble Purpose, Defy Death, Entreat the Angels, Angel of Grace, Angel of Sanctions (for Christs sake just run Path to Exile ), Avacyn, Guardian Angel, Serra's Guardian, Segovian Angel, Daxos, Blessed by the Sun (you're not going wide when you play one expensive angel a turn), Angel of Dawn.

Add more efficient angels, and add better removal/board wipes.

ClockworkSwordfish on Brisela, Voice of Nightmares

4 years ago

Do you find you can often live long enough to actually cast Bruna? Seven mana seems like a tall order, especially with only 21 lands. I'm sure the Hedron Archives help, but I can't imagine you consistently cast her by turn seven.

You might have an easier time assembling Brisela by instead casting Gisela and expecting to reanimate Bruna with something like Resurrection, Breath of Life or Defy Death. That way, you could have both of your angels out by turn four or five! The mighty Brisela should be that much more difficult to deal with if she shows up early.

Smorgaz on

4 years ago

Brutal_B Cascading Cataracts is basically a second Darksteel Citadel in case the Armageddon happens while Avacyn, Angel of Hope isn't on board. Defy Death does nothing if there is no angel in my graveyard and if I have an other angel in my deck instead I would rather draw that.Since There's no way to tutor for creatures in mono-white, I would rarely draw Bruna, the Fading Light and Gisela, the Broken Blade together and on their own they don't really do that much. Light of the Legion doesn't really contribute to the deck either. She is more suited to a deck that goes wide which this clearly isn't. Seraph of the Suns has way to high cmc for basically being a 4/4 who does nothing most of the time. I just don't have a slot available for a good blocker, when I have various ways of giving any creature indestructible. I had Reya Dawnbringer in there for a while, but once I hit 8 Mana, the only thing the deck wants to do is getting Avacyn out safely. At that point I don't have time to cast Reya anymore. Brought Back might actually be good, but I don't quite see which card to cut for it.

Brutal_B on

4 years ago

Not sure why you're running Cascading Cataracts...maybe swap it for Idyllic Grange or Isolated Watchtower. Thought about Defy Death? Bruna, the Fading Light and Gisela, the Broken Blade would be cool additions and they'd fit in the apocalypse theme when joined into their Eldrazi form. Light of the Legion? Seraph of the Suns would be good if you attach Pariah or Pariah's Shield to it if your commander isn't out. Brought Back? Reya Dawnbringer?

KingOfWhales on Aurelia's Assault

4 years ago

I would specifically- take out: Herald of Faith (Not very good. Body is barely ok, 2 life is not that much) Puresteel Paladin (You don't have enough equipment for it to be good) Tajic, Blade of the Legion (It doesn't have any evasion, and a conditional 7/7 is not good) Defy Death (This effect is not good enough for 5 mana. There is a 4 mana version but it's still not very good) Sephara, Sky's Blade (While you do have a lot of fliers, you don't have enough to get the reduced cost frequently)

A lot of your Planeswalkers don't really contribute to your plan of attacking a ton, I would drop some of them.

Mentor is not a very good keyword for commander, a single +1/+1 counter on each attack is not very good, I would recommend taking out the creatures

You do have too many board wipes. You specifically don't want the board to be wiped because you rely on creatures a ton. There might be some synergy with all of your ways to give indestructible.

To help you build the deck, I would organize it with custom tags. Sort all of your cards into one of the following categories:

() Lands

() Removal

() Draw/Card advantage (Etali goes in this, for example)

() Ramp

() Goodstuff (general good cards, like Archangel Avacyn  Flip and Akroma, Angel of Fury. These cards are good, but do not contribute to the general deck theme or synergise with multiple attack steps)

() Synergy (cards that do things when you attack. I would only file cards that give you a permanent advantage when they attack, like Firemane Avenger Sun Titan or Hero of Bladehold, but not Odric, Lunarch Marshal)

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