Demonic Rising

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Demonic Rising


At the beginning of your end step, if you control exactly one creature, put a 5/5 black Demon creature token with flying onto the battlefield.

criddlegakes on Angels and Demon

4 years ago

I would get rid of Demonic Rising, Mark of the Oni, Expedite and Reign of the Pit.

I would replace Demon's Grasp with 4 copies of Terminate.

Demonic Vigor is fine but I wouldn't have 4 and it's low on the priority list of cards to keep.

Raknulfr on Assassins Creed

4 years ago

Cool Deck!

Along with Deadly Wanderings would fit Demonic Rising and Homicidal Seclusion and especially Demonic rising would give you a second creature after Massacre Girls mass murder spree :D

MurderForBrunch on Nether Spirit in modern, just for fun

5 years ago

Hi! I think this deck is pretty cool. I specially like Demonic Rising , I didn't know that card. Have you considered Scrying Sheets ? It seems like one or two of those would be fine in any mono coloured snow deck

Zerpha on Dastardly Demonic Destruction

6 years ago

Have you considered Mark of the Oni?

It might be a powerful choice in the sideboard against creature-heavy decks at least, since it's basically Control Magic for Demon tribal.

Also, don't you have too many creatures for Demonic Rising to be worthwhile?

colton815 on Mono Black Demonic Rising Control

6 years ago

in modern, 5 mana is too expensive for a card that doesnt immediately do something. Demonic Rising and Homicidal Seclusion don't do anything the turn they are cast. you have a lot of high mana cost stuff and not enough mana to cast it. even 24 lands is only enough to support 4cmc spells, yet you have stuff that cost 5 mana and only 22 lands. that won't work. your removal and discard spells are also very sub par. better removal options would include Fatal Push, Go for the Throat, and Smother. for discard, run Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek. of course, even all that won't help a deck thats reliant on cards that cost 5 mana and require you to only have 1 creature. you'll have nothing to block with to defend your life points. the very foundation of your strategy is not one thats modern viable.

Turkey_Robinson on Help Splashing White in Mono …

6 years ago

So I'm thinking about splashing white into my Mono Black Demonic Rising Control

I was thinking going 4 Shambling Vent as another way to activate Homicidal Seclusion and Demonic Rising

Also maybe adding Path to Exile instead of Devour Flesh. a white board wipe and some Disenchant in the sideboard?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Turkey_Robinson on Mono Black Demonic Rising Control

6 years ago

I'm thinking of splashing in white. Having Shambling Vent as another permanent to activate the Demonic Rising and Homicidal Seclusion enchantments. Maybe subbing in Path to Exile instead of the Devour Flesh.

What do ya'll think?

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