Novice Knight

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Novice Knight

Creature — Human Knight

Defender (This creature can't attack.)

As long as this creature is enchanted or equipped, this can attack as though this didn't have defender.

TheOfficialCreator on Equip

6 months ago

You need Hammer of Nazahn, Grafted Exoskeleton, Shadowspear and Open the Armory. Mana Crypt, Mana Vault, and Mox Opal if possible.


Adaptive Automaton (clunky, what are you choosing??)

Benalish Marshal (too mana intensive for so little impact)

Bladegraft Aspirant (same)

Burnished Hart (too slow)

Chief of the Foundry (too much mana for so little impact)

Eivor, Battle-Ready (way too expensive)

Kassandra, Eagle Bearer (not really cost efficient since you don't have the spear)

Militia Bugler (not good)

Mother of Runes -> Giver of Runes

Novice Knight (not good)

Thraben Inspector (not really refined for your game plan)

Darksteel Plate -> Mithril Coat

Explorer's Scope (not good)

Haunted Plate Mail (not good)

Ring of Thune (not good)

Sword of Hours (not good)

Sword of the Paruns (not very good)

Hieromancer's Cage -> Borrowed Time

Pacifism (not good)

Stasis Snare -> Grasp of Fate

Council's Judgment (this card sucks)

Visions of Ruin -> Vandalblast

Rhadamanthus on How do abilities that let …

8 months ago

Season of the Witch's effect looks at creatures that could have been declared as attackers during the Declare Attackers step but weren't. The ruling you found means you won't be penalized for not taking any additional actions to enable a creature to attack if it is currently unable. For example: if you choose not to activate Tidewater Minion's first ability, then it can't attack, so Season of the Witch won't destroy it. However, an enchanted/equipped Novice Knight who doesn't attack will get destroyed, because it could have been declared as an attacker. Likewise for any Defender while Arcades, the Strategist is around.

Macaronigrill5150 on Wield a fist of Iron

1 year ago

wideline1414 well I do need to update the description again, but that's not what I'm going for, this is deck is focused on equipping Fervent Champion, and Novice Knight with Colossus Hammer to swing for some big damage. Auriok Steelshaper is a back up option, when the Colossus Hammer fails, I can equip Auriok Steelshaper with something like Sunforger, or Plate Armor(which is why I haven't removed it from the deck yet) so he can buff Puresteel Paladin, and Esper Sentinel allowing me to hopefully finish off my opponent.

So I'm just trying to work with better back up options just in case Colossus Hammer fails. I also might add Memnite because it is a 0 cost creature making it a lot easier and faster to use Colossus Hammer. But who knows, I will definitely look into more and different equipment though!

PrismMTG on Soulless Winotas' Army

2 years ago

Alright, I'm going to try to do my best to split this in half, one half as more casual suggestions/overall sweeping changes to help the deck run better/more consistent and the other half more focused on specific cards, along with an explanation of my thought process behind the points that I'm making. I'll adjust the kinds of suggestions I make based on what constraints you have/want you want out of the deck, for instance, budget, playgroup, power level, etc.

The first thing I would look at, creature balance. Casual: You have a lot of humans to hit off of Winona's ability, but you only have 13 total cards that are non-humans. It may seem like a lot, but thats not all that many, especially when 5 of them are tied to other creatures triggering some kind of effect, thing etb, death trigger, etc. Winona, Joiner of Forces needs you to attack with a non-human creature in order for her to trigger, you have so many things to put onto the battlefield, but not very many creatures to trigger the effect in the first place. Focused: A few of your human creatures seem to be duds, for instance Snare Tactician, you don't have any cards with cycle in your list, so it effectively behaves as a vanilla 2/3. Or take Fearless Halberdier, another vanilla creature. Vanilla creatures usually aren't as good compared to creatures with effects, especially when those effects fit in a theme. So maybe consider, instead of Snare Tactician and Fearless Halberdier, what do you think about Loyal Apprentice and Goldnight Commander? Loyal Apprentice is both a human and will consistently make non humans, and Goldnight Commander seems to fit your theme well.

The next thing I would look at is perhaps creature upgrades. Casual: I would look for creatures that do thing better than what you currently have, whether it be a lesser mana cost, more useful ability, or just finding a theme and finding creatures that seem to fit into that plan you have. Focused: A few of your creatures have drawbacks that hamper them and stop them from reaching their full potential. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the cost for them to reach their full price needs to be worth it. Cards like Wojek Bodyguard, Novice Knight and Ghitu Lavarunner all have hoops to jump through before they can reach their full strength. Legion Warboss is the same CMC as Wojek Bodyguard, also has mentor, but while Bodyguard has another effect that holds it back, Warboss has another effect that gives you even more value. Instead of Novice Knight, a creature with a very useful ability that can easily catch your opponents off guard is Village Bell-Ringer. Ghitu Lavarunner is a fine card in the right deck, but you don't have very many instants/sorceries in your deck, which makes it hard to get to that 2/2 haste creature. Have you seen Ardoz, Cobbler of War? She is slightly more expensive, but she comes with haste automatically and has 2 abilities, one that buffs your creatures and the other makes a creature to trigger Winota, Joiner of Forces.

I'm going to stop there because I've already put down a lot, no need for me to write an entire essay yet.

Eager to hear your thoughts not just on the card suggestions, but also on the format of said suggestions

Rorolith on mono white

3 years ago

So, take into account what kind of deck you want to play. Aggro? Cut the board wipes. Control? Add more removal, take most of your creatures out. I'm going to work ona n aggro gameplan since that looks like whre your deck is leaning towards.

Cut: Tragic Poet

Prowling Felidar

Lagonna-Band Trailblazer

Knight of New Benalia

Dwarven Priest

Archon of Emeria (You are an aggro deck and want to be able to cast more than one creature in the same turn)

Rustwing Falcon

Djeru, With Eyes Open (you run no planeswalkers, also a bad card)

Adamant Will

Aegis of the Heavens

Blessed Light

Divine Verdict

Squire's Devotion

Slash of Talons

Smite the Monstrous All your sorcerys

Lithoform Engine

Hieromancer's Cage


On Serra's Wings

Novice Knight you run no equipment

4 plains

Now this might seem like a lot, but I will give you some suggestions for cards that will help further your gameplan

Creatures: currently you are running some really good cards as one ofs and bad cards with more copies, such as; Dauntless Bodyguard , Leonin Vanguard , Hunted Witness , Luminarch Aspirant Venerated Loxodon which is a great finisher, and Speaker of the Heavens .

You could run 1 more Ajani's Pridemate and 4x Soul Warden

Legion's Landing  Flip is a very good card, so I would keep it.

Removal: If you want to go with some of the best white removal ever printed that is modern legal, but a little expensive, go with Path to Exile . If not Path to Exile would be much better than Hieromancer's Cage , Conclave Tribunal is pretty good, but I wouldn't run more than 5 removal spells since you want to be going wide with your creatures and a hand ful of removal will just stall the game and you will lose in the end. You want to end the game fast while maintaining a high life score.

Magnanimous on B/W/G Control

4 years ago

General Notes:

I think you have too many ramp/big mana cards with nothing particularly strong to build towards. I'd build this deck with the goal of Early/Mid: Disrupt, lock down the board, gain board presence, Late: Attack with huge walls and win. So, think about replacing worse ramping walls with better walls or control cards. I think you have a good creature/spell mix, but you may want to make it slightly cheaper.

Also, blue has some great defenders so you could switch up your colors if you're unsatisfied with BW.

Card Replacements:

Duress -> Thoughtseize/Despise (may be better/worse depending on meta) | Damnable Pact -> Painful Truths/Read the Bones | Torment of Hailfire -> Anguished Unmaking | Dusk -> Languish/Settle the Wreckage/Drown in Sorrow | Deathrite Shaman -> Jaddi Offshoot (DS isn't nearly as good without fetches and cheap spells)

Maybeboard Additions: Glade Watcher, Hornet Nest, Novice Knight, Portcullis Vine, The Birth of Meletis

Apollo_Paladin on No one can stop the wall!

5 years ago

If you're going to do a Wall (Defender) Deck, I'd recommend switching your colors from Green-Blue-Red to Green-Blue-White.

Arcades, the Strategist isn't a super-expensive card to purchase & he adds immensely to Defender builds.

Wall of Roots can help you out quite a bit with Mana Generation, especially if you need a bunch of it in a hurry. The same is true of Saruli Caretaker Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive is a must-have too I'd say for when you can shed Defender abilities & attack.

If you do decide to splash White, then you have a number of other really decent (and inexpensive) Defender options such as Wall of Essence , Novice Knight , Resolute Watchdog , and many - MANY - more.

aogoli on Human Soldier Tribal (Budget) (Advice Appreciated)

5 years ago

These are the cards I dont know if follows the aggro strategy (or quick growth) on your deck: Veteran Swordsmith , Veteran Armorsmith , Topan Freeblade , Soldier of the Pantheon , Precinct Captain (sometimes you wont be able to attack for two turns. He is better when you "haste" him), Loyal Cathar  Flip (his other form escapes "human tribal", so he doesnt triggers lot of abbilities on the deck), Elite Vanguard , Archetype of Courage (cost 3 is too much, it may leave you without mana for Brave the Elements ).

Some options of cost 1: Hunted Witness , Akrasan Squire , Thraben Inspector and Ardent Recruit which would call for more artifacts and equipments. I think of him because I would use Ratchet Bomb . It is good against midrange enchantments, tokens, cretures and artifacts. And there are God-Pharaoh's Faithful and Novice Knight , they are perfect to be powered with aura and all sort of things (against red decks).

Things may help: Shelter , Danitha Capashen, Paragon , Cartouche of Solidarity , Mentor of the Meek and Felidar Umbra .

If you would escape a bit from tribal: Vryn Wingmare and Moonsilver Spear .

And there are plenty of lands that can help you draw, gives extra mana, enhance your creatures and are way under 3$. I hate to depend on luck, and I hate extra lands in hand, so I would use 20x lands, basic and non basic, plus 4x Secluded Steppe .

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