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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Aegis of the Heavens
Target creature gets +1/+7 until end of turn.
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Defending budget commander deck
2 years ago
Hey, good changes so far. Looking nice with a really low avg. CMC.
Some budget defender upgrades to consider.
- Orator of Ojutai --> Hover Barrier
- Sunscape Familiar --> Gatecreeper Vine
- Wall of Roots --> Cathedral Membrane
- Shield-Wall Sentinel --> Geist of the Archives
- Wall of Stolen Identity --> Marble Titan
- Wall of Junk --> Fog Bank
- Walking Bulwark --> Consider
- Crashing Drawbridge --> Suspicious Bookcase
Orator of Ojutai is another two drop defender who can draw ETB if you control Arcades and it has flying. Sunscape Familiar and Wall of Roots are more defenders who ramp. Shield-Wall Sentinel is a defender tutor. Wall of Stolen Identity is good in multiplayer Commander and it ETB as the creature you choose with defender. Identity and Shield-Wall are some higher mana cost defenders, but their ETB abilities are worth it.
Wall of Junk has been errata to have defender, it can return itself to your hand if it blocks making it bonus good with vigilance. Walking Bulwark and Crashing Drawbridge are low mana cost defenders who can give other creatures you control haste.
- Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive --> Aegis of the Heavens
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive makes your defenders unblockable. What makes Tower Defense good here is it gives all creatures you control the instant pump for two mana. Aegis of the Heavens only targets one creature for three mana.
Because Arcades triggers to draw when a defender ETB then blink can be a powerful effect. Blink can also enable an infinite turns combo where attacking Arcades and/or defenders are the wincon.
- Eerie Interlude --> Voidslime
- Soulherder --> Serra's Blessing
Eerie Interlude can protect all your creatures from a board wipe since your creatures return to the battlefield at the next end step. If Arcades is exiled along with defenders then when the creatures come back you draw. To price match for a possible cut, Eerie could replace Voidslime? Cutting Voidslime will also clear some budget to add some of the more price defenders I suggested above.
At your end step Soulherder can be repeatable blink of any creature you control. With Arcades blinking a defender is draw, if the blinked defender has an ETB ability it triggers again and gives the defender pseudo vigilance since it will ETB untapped. Blink can also reset Shield Sphere and Wall of Roots.
If your game plan is to attack with defenders thanks to Arcades then how about extra attacks from extra turns? Adding this combo and Eerie Interlude are some reasons to keep Mnemonic Wall.
Cast Aeons and at your end step Soulherder blinks Mnemonic returning Aeons to your hand. On your extra turn cast Aeons and repeat. If you control Arcades then you also draw at your end step, but you only get extra turns equal to the number of cards in your library.
SpectersWolf on
Big Weaklings [Budget Azorius Jank]
2 years ago
First time posting and was wondering a few things. You have Refuse to Yield listed but it seems to defeat the setup for the deck. Would Aegis of the Heavens be better as it offers the same toughness but keeps the power low enough to remain unblockable. I understand that Aegis of the Heavens costs more, but it is still only $0.25 a card.
For the sideboard since you have Fae of Wishes would Brave the Sands be a possible addition for defense?
Squee_Spirit_Guide on
Azorius Testudo Spearhead
2 years ago
Priests of Norn might be fun. It's a little higher on the curve, but it's a one-hit kill with Aegis of the Heavens.
I'm not sure about Twisted Image. It's kind of a dead card once Huatli, the Sun's Heart or High Alert is out. It might be worth splashing green for things like Assault Formation and Tower Defense.
Polaris on Twisted Image and Aegis of …
2 years ago
The short version is that you always switch power and toughness after applying all other changes. Regardless of the order these cards resolve in, the creature will get +1/+7 and then get p/t switched.
The long version is that power and toughness effects fall into four layers (and P/T effects are layer 7, the last layer, if you have tons of different things like Control Magic in effect).
Layer 7a: characteristic-defining effects, like Geist-Honored Monk
Layer 7b: power/toughness setting effects, like Square Up
Layer 7c: power/toughness modifying effects, like +1/+1 counters or Aegis of the Heavens
Layer 7d: power/toughness switching effects, like Twisted Image
This is why Twisted Reflection can be a kill spell; you reduce the power, then swap it to toughness.
9-lives on Twisted Image and Aegis of …
2 years ago
If I play Twisted Image on my turn, if I cast Aegis of the Heavens after on the same turn, would I have the P/T switched, then adding Aegis of the Heavens +P/+T? Or with Aegis of the Heavens gets added to the P/T and then switch with Twisted Image? Or is there another way they interact?
RaidenShogun69 on
3 years ago
cut Aegis of the Heavens , Lazotep Plating , and Gauntlets of Light . you don't need buff spells, you need removal so you can get in unblocked attacks in the first place. buffs won't help when your opponent can chump block with a 1/1.
Rorolith on
mono white
3 years ago
So, take into account what kind of deck you want to play. Aggro? Cut the board wipes. Control? Add more removal, take most of your creatures out. I'm going to work ona n aggro gameplan since that looks like whre your deck is leaning towards.
Cut: Tragic Poet
Archon of Emeria (You are an aggro deck and want to be able to cast more than one creature in the same turn)
Djeru, With Eyes Open (you run no planeswalkers, also a bad card)
Smite the Monstrous All your sorcerys
Novice Knight you run no equipment
4 plains
Now this might seem like a lot, but I will give you some suggestions for cards that will help further your gameplan
Creatures: currently you are running some really good cards as one ofs and bad cards with more copies, such as; Dauntless Bodyguard , Leonin Vanguard , Hunted Witness , Luminarch Aspirant Venerated Loxodon which is a great finisher, and Speaker of the Heavens .
You could run 1 more Ajani's Pridemate and 4x Soul Warden
Legion's Landing Flip is a very good card, so I would keep it.
Removal: If you want to go with some of the best white removal ever printed that is modern legal, but a little expensive, go with Path to Exile . If not Path to Exile would be much better than Hieromancer's Cage , Conclave Tribunal is pretty good, but I wouldn't run more than 5 removal spells since you want to be going wide with your creatures and a hand ful of removal will just stall the game and you will lose in the end. You want to end the game fast while maintaining a high life score.
RiotRunner789 on
4 years ago
Here's what I recommend to cut:
Aegis of the Heavens: only buffs one creature.
Rootgrapple: 5 mana is a lot for this kind of removal and you have better removal.
Diabolic Tutor: Unless you digging for a specific combo, should be able to cut.
Garruk, Primal Hunter: Doesn't really fit the theme. If he had a great ult/emblem then maybe keep him since with walls you can defend PWs better.
Fruit of the First Tree: Too situational. Also, it would hurt to get hit by Path of Exile with this
Oblivion Ring: There are better options that are also cheap in Orzhov colors. You also have a good bit of removal. Better to have something be permanent.
Spirit Shackle: Fun and Janky but not much else.
Tawnos's Wand: You have Behind the Scenes, if you want more switch a utility land with Rogue's Passage.
Fireshrieker: Good card. Doesn't fit theme.
Cathar's Shield: Equip is too expensive. You're better off with a global enchantment that grants vigilance.
Nyx-Fleece Ram: One life per turn isn't the best rate.
Grizzled Leotau Not the easiest to cast and too vanilla.
Warmonger's Chariot: You have quite a few effects that already let your defenders attack but this only allows 1 to attack. Also, you don't have a ton of defenders.
Not quite 30, but that's what I believe to be easy-ish cuts.