Essence Scatter

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Essence Scatter


Counter target creature spell.

Icbrgr on How is the New Ghalta …

6 months ago

Loses to Torpor Orb/Hushbringer and Thoughtseize/Despise and Counterspell/Essence Scatter.... lol jk jk jk

Certainly powerful.... but you need to not only consistently ramp into it but also have threats in hand to capitalize on its effect.... personally i think the new cascade/discover cards are just more problematic than this but that's a separate debate.

Aiyoki on Sliver Overlord EDH

10 months ago

This is my Sliver Overlord EDH deck as of 8/29/2023.

Improvements or other Feedback about this deck that can help me improve success in competitive play is welcomed and appreciated!

Options for cheating out Sliver Overlord onto the battlefield ASAP would be best. Some commander decks I usually have to play against are:

Codie, Vociferous Codex

Urza, Lord High Artificer

Removal: Global & Targeted Options

  1. Damnation Destroys all creatures for only four mana and prevents them from regenerating!
  2. Supreme Verdict This one also destroys all creatures for only four mana! While it doesn't prevent regeneration, countermeasures like Counterspell won't work!
  3. Harsh Mercy Is a cheap global removal option that can keep all of our slivers safe while simultaneously wiping out most of our opponent's non-tribal creatures!
  4. Terminate A cheap targeted removal that prevents regeneration
  5. Swords to Plowshares A great targeted removal, perfect for eliminating an otherwise pesky creature that would keep coming back if just destroyed.
  6. Essence Scatter Targeted creature removal, before it even gets the chance to hit the battlefield >:D
  7. Aura Shards Play a creature, get a free targeted artifact or enchantment removal as a result! We use this enchantment instead of Harmonic Sliver because the sliver variant doesn't give us a choice in the matter and can end up forcing us to destroy our own artifacts and enchantments. We don't want that!

Graveyard Hate:

  1. Leyline of the Void. This enchantment exiles anything our opponents put into their graveyards and can even come up as a pregame play in your opening hand, making it an extremely efficient play against graveyard based commanders!

Mana Fixing:

  1. As long as you've got the green mana to spend Manaweft Sliver and Gemhide Sliver work wonderfully. If you've already got one of these babies on the board it's best to keep the other in reserve in case of a board wipe or targeted removal.

  2. The World Tree, and Chromatic Lantern both provide non-sliver options to fix mana colors.

Mana cost reduction:

  1. Herald's Horn costs only to play and also reduces the generic mana costs of all our slivers by . Save for the Legendary five slivers we're using here, basically every other sliver will cost 1 less to play with this thing on the battlefield!
  2. Morophon, the Boundless With slivers as the named creature type, when this this thing hits the battlefield it reduces the cost to play any sliver by ! It might be the most costly to get out but it's indispensable for certain combos this deck is capable of pulling off.

legendofa on Does roiling vortex trigger whenever …

1 year ago

Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver's token creation isn't a spell, it's an ability, and isn't affected by Roiling Vortex. Broadly speaking, a spell is anything represented by a card you play from your hand, that isn't a land. (There are exceptions, but this will cover most of the interactions you're likely to see.)

So, lands are never spells.

If it's coming from something already in play, it's an ability, not a spell.

A Duress you cast from your hand is a spell.

When you cast Corrupt Court Official, it's a spell until it resolves, then it becomes a permanent. This is important for cards like Essence Scatter; a creature spell is not the same thing as a creature.

The simplified sequence of events is

  • Declare that you're casting Corrupt Court Official.

  • Pay .

  • Play CCO. (This is where it's a spell.)

  • Nobody does anything, CCO resolves and enters the battlefield. (It's no longer a spell.)

  • CCO's ability triggers, and you choose who will discard. (This is not a spell, it's an ability.)

  • Nobody does anything, CCO's ability resolves, and someone discards a card.

Yeah, that's the simple version.

Roiling Vortex will affect cards like Memnite, which has a casting cost of mana; Fireblast if Mountains were sacrificed, since no mana was paid; or Walking Skyscraper if you control eight modified creatures, since its cost is reduced to .

The most technical definition is covered in 112.1 of the Comprehensive Rules:

  • A spell is a card on the stack. As the first step of being cast (see rule 601, “Casting Spells”), the card becomes a spell and is moved to the top of the stack from the zone it was in, which is usually its owner’s hand. (See rule 405, “Stack.”) A spell remains on the stack as a spell until it resolves (see rule 608, “Resolving Spells and Abilities”), is countered (see rule 701.5), or otherwise leaves the stack. For more information, see section 6, “Spells, Abilities, and Effects.”

By the way, welcome to the club, Coldless! Are you confused yet?

BioProfDude on Thousand Years of Phoenix

1 year ago

I think Sprite Dragon is just better than Storm-Kiln Artist. With this many instants and sorceries, you should probably run 4 of them. I think also putting something like Essence Scatter into at least the sideboard would be wise as there are sooo many creature decks running around right now in Pioneer. At least a couple of Fading Hopes and/or Stern Dismissals (a great answer for Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip).

Cool deck! +1 from me!

DreadKhan on Into the Sharknado

1 year ago

I gather you are looking for suggestions in the area of counterspells? I suspect you might consider whether you usually need to counter creature or non-creature spells, as there are Negate and Essence Scatter at 1U, as well as An Offer You Can't Refuse for a mere U. As you're in mono-Blue, if you didn't mind upping the budget a bit there is Counterspell, which is a fine card in many ways if not really suited to more competitive arenas.

Pretty out there, but Spiketail Hatchling, Spiketail Drakeling, and Spiketail Drake can all be sacrificed to counter an opponent using fairly large spells/effects, especially stuff like wipes. There is also Judge's Familiar to help with this, but it's more narrow. You mainly use these guys to protect something more important, including to counter an opponent's board wipe.

If your games tend to go pretty long, Gargoyle Castle can be useful, a 3/4 flyer trumps a Delver. The key is that it uses a land slot to be potentially a very solid body. There is also Mishra's Factory that can offer you a body, with Mishra's Factory being very hard to deal with as it's only a creature on your turn, and you don't have to summon it, so it blanks a lot of solutions and saw play in control decks historically for these reasons. I mention these two because you run a decent number of lands, perhaps you wouldn't notice having some colourless lands with so many Islands, and could benefit from some situational bodies.

Vicarian on Raffine Metaschemer

1 year ago

Stern Dismissal I wouldn't bother playing too many of. That's highly situational, and could help you get lethal damage through by bouncing a critter. It's also not a counterspell. In a similar vein, Essence Scatter is useless if you're going up against a control player (who play very few, if any creatures, and the ones they do play usually come with the "Can't be countered" ability). See Chromium, the Mutable, Hullbreaker Horror, etc. If your meta is creature heavy, then by all means. Though I do have a preference for counterspells that exile instead of having the spell hit the graveyard. Ertai's Scorn is really useful in matchups against burn, or against fast aggro decks, but again is situational. If Lilly is your bane, then you could consider Negate which is effective against walkers for 2 CMC.

Titus7007 on Raffine Metaschemer

1 year ago

Vicarian thanks for checking it out.

What do you think of cheaper counter spells like Essence Scatter and Stern Dismissal over Dissipate and Ertai's Scorn?

wallisface on Burn/Control

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • the idea of mixing control and burn is going to be a very difficult tightrope to navigate, because both these ideologies want different things. Control wins by gaining incremental card-advantage, and generally needs a game to go long to pull-ahead. Burn on the other hand doesn’t typically care about card advantage, and will usually waste all their cards haphazardly in an attempt to win the game as soon as possible (and before the opponent can stabilise).

  • From a control standpoint, i’d recommend against stuff like Blink of an Eye (it gives you card disadvantage), Essence Scatter (its application is too narrow, Mana Leak is better 99% of the time), and Ionize (its just too weak/ineffective when soo many good 2-mana counterspells exist, including Counterspell).

  • From the burn standpoint, i’d suggest ditching cards like Goblin Electromancer (you have almost no spells that benefit from this, and in any case its a creature for combo decks), Guttersnipe (its very slow, and waaay weaker than it might read), and Imperial Recruiter (again, too slow for burn. Also messes with cobtrol tempo).

  • cards that could help you here are Dragon's Rage Channeler and Delver of Secrets  Flip. Both if these cards can come into play cheaply, which lets you hold up mana for countermagic, and they both become fairly aggressive quickly. You’ll prolly want Mishra's Bauble to help enable the Channeler.

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