Luminarch Aspirant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Luminarch Aspirant

Creature — Human Cleric

orcopollo on Akroma & The Valkyrie

9 months ago

Cool deck, I do love a nice Angel tribal! Have you considered adding Odric, Lunarch Marshal? He is just so good in any Akroma decks! I could also recommend Resplendent Marshal and Luminarch Aspirant for the counters theme, they're both low mana and Resplendent Marshal works especially great in tribal decks!

BioProfDude on Mono-White Humans Pioneer

1 year ago

Guardian of Faith is really more of a sideboard card, so that opens 2x slots. Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip is not in most lists anymore, and I think you could go to 3x Luminarch Aspirant. That frees up 4x slots for a card that adds a lot of value.

That's what I would do, anyway.

Blackgate on Innistrad: Lycantropes (Esper Werewolves)

1 year ago

Thanks Dani3377! It’s a fun deck and I agree Undying Malice is an awesome card!

GrimlockVIII I’ll try out Shady Traveler  Flip in place of Vengeful Strangler  Flip and see how it goes so it’s fully Werewolf :). I was considering Luminarch Aspirant on this slot as well and will give that a shot.

Andramalech on Modern Amulet Artifacts

1 year ago

I noticed that there isn't a sideboard detailed, and I did notice how your mana based is arranged, so I'll take it you prefer Bant () colored spells. I'd recommend:

I noted that you said you haven't constructed this yet so I keep that in mind with my recommendations; afterall, Broken Bond may do what you need it to better than Force of Vigor but honestly go off, either way, I see the great potential you have to make this an unorthodox at your local tourney. It would certainly raise eyebrows, and I think it could be fun. Best of luck with your building!

420MensRightsActivist on Counter Deck

2 years ago

since Rebullet recommended cards outside jund colors, i might as well too. Conclave Mentor and Luminarch Aspirant are must haves in white. Snakeskin Veil and Professor's Warning are also incredibly good cards that can give creatures counters and/or save them from removal. with a Hardened Scales in play (or any of the aforementioned creatures with a similar effect) they make particularly nice combat tricks. Walking Ballista has long been a popular card in modern. a couple The Ozolith couldn't hurt either.

Apollo_Paladin on Steroids Taste Good

2 years ago

Nice build!

This reminds me of a Green/White deck which I built specifically to run off of +1/+1 counter generation.

I myself went with Hardened Scales as a primary 1-drop & I think it could fit well with your build, as I also use Luminarch Aspirant as a means of building things up.

My method was to use Hardened Scales as a first-turn drop (sometimes even second turn drop, since I run 4 of them) as well as 4x Conclave Mentor, and then play creatures which come in with counters already (See: Servant of the Scale, Barkhide Troll, Ochre Jelly, Mikaeus, the Lunarch).

Few other thoughts:

  • Hydra's Growth can make for a nice finisher in any +1/+1 counter-based deck
  • Snakeskin Veil is a better alternative to your Arbor Armament since it can protect a creature with many counters already on it
  • Basri's Solidarity combo's amazingly well with Hardened Scales and Conclave mentor, and overall is more powerful than some of the other Sorceries that you're currently running.
  • Incubation Druid provides silly amounts of mana early-on provided you can get a counter on him (easy combo for mana ramp)
  • Charge Through is a nice workaround for decks which have many blockers, as without Trample, even the strongest creature can still be blocked. This fires at Instant-speed as well, so it can be used as a finisher against an opponent hoping to block a large creature with a weenie blocker.

BioProfDude on Mono White Humans

2 years ago

I have to second the suggestion for Luminarch Aspirant. That card is sooooooo good.

Drestlin on G/W +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

You are right regarding Luminarch Aspirant, i could try it instead of the lion - lion can pump himself up to disgusting with just 2-3 mana on the same turn he comes down tho, if i have one or two Hardened Scales or Conclave Mentor. 2 or 3 permanent counters for 1 mana each is basically GG if he stays down.

I think it's a side situation maybe. Also, don't underestimate reconfigure: while attached it isn't a creature so it can keep pumping up the creature it's attached to and survive removals - or at least the first one! Useful in case of a deathtouch defender for example.

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