Searing Meditation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Searing Meditation


Whenever you gain life, you may pay (2). If you do, Searing Meditation deals 2 damage to target creature or player.

DemonDragonJ on Fires of Purgatory

1 year ago

I have replaced Blazing Specter, Pain Magnification, and Searing Meditation with Blazing Hellhound, Cruel Celebrant, and Mayhem Devil, which lowered the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.84 to 3.82, since the newer cards better suit the theme of this deck.

DemonDragonJ on Which Card Should Denethor Replace?

1 year ago

I am planning to put a copy of Denethor, Ruling Steward into my Tariel, Reckoner of Souls EDH deck, but I am not certain which card to remove to make room for him.

I believe that Denethor should replace either Scourge of the Nobilis or Searing Meditation, since neither of those cards contributes very strongly to the deck's theme, and the scourge, in particular, is very vulnerable to removal, as it is an aura, so I think that it may be the best card to remove.

What does everyone else say about this? Which card should Denethor replace?

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Altar of …

1 year ago

I am contemplating putting a copy of Altar of Dementia into my Tariel, Reckoner of Souls EDH deck, likely replacing either Searing Meditation or possibly Fists of the Demigod, but I wish to ask the other users here for advice, before I do that.

Since that deck focuses on stealing my opponents' creatures for both combat and sacrificing, AoD would provide both an additional sacrifice outlet and an additional way to put creature cards into my opponents' graveyard, for me to steal, which is obviously a good thing.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I put Altar of Dementia into my Tariel deck?

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put FotVD in …

1 year ago

I would like to put Feast of the Victorious Dead into these two decks, but I am not certain what cards to remove from those decks to make room for the feast.

In my Tariel, Reckoner of Souls deck, I feel that Glory of Warfare may be rather expensive (although I admit that Fists of the Demigod or Searing Meditation may also be rather superfluous in that deck, as well; Pain Magnification at least helps to fill my opponents' graveyards, for me to plunder them), but I am less certain about my Teneb, the Harvester deck; I am not certain that that deck contains a sufficient number of artifacts to justify it containing Glissa, the Traitor, but she also is an easy way to get creatures into my opponents' graveyards, for me to then steal with Teneb.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I put Feast of the Victorious Dead into those two decks?

DemonDragonJ on Seeker of Lost Dreams

3 years ago

Well of Lost Dreams is a nice card, but it does not provide any way for a player to gain life and trigger its ability, so I have decided to create a creature that synergizes with itself, following the example of when I previously made a creature version of Searing Meditation, and here is the result of my work:

Seeker of Lost Dreams Show

I felt that making this creature a colorless artifact creature would have made it too powerful, so I made it a colored creature: white for it to have lifelink and blue for it to provide card drawing. I contemplated increasing the mana cost to 5 mana, but I felt that having it require two colors of mana was sufficient for it to have the same mana cost.

What does everyone else say about this card? Do you like it?

KingArthur on I have no idea what I'm doing Zirda Commander

3 years ago


What about cards like Past in Flames to recast Zenith Flare and cycled spells?

Also you can use Searing Meditation, its like Savai Thundermane, but enchantment. If you have lots of life triggers, it might help.

I have not much experience, but for me it seems like you need to focus a little. What your deck wants to do?

Do you really need all that walls and tap spells?

And that Frenzied Raptor?

Halflingz on Queen Marchesa

4 years ago

Board wipes that seem "on theme" and white "ramp" to consider. Kaya's Wrath Fumigate Retaliate Austere Command Decree of Pain Martial Coup Merciless Eviction Descent of Dragons Angel of the Dire Hour Magister of Worth Sunblast Angel Boreas Charger Oreskos Explorer Surveyor's Scope Solemn Simulacrum Sword of the Animist Verge Rangers Smothering Tithe Sword of Feast and Famine Dowsing Dagger  Flip

Queen Marchesa doesn't have a clear single way to build so you have lots of options. However, I feel like said you want to play her like the Kween she is and create a royal court full of politicin' and group interaction to make all the boys whine. I don't think you want to discourgage people from taking the monarch from you, more encourage them to swing others IE: NO Ghostly Prisons, YES Teysa effects. Punish the ones who swing you only after the fact and reward the ones who swing others. There is a lot listed!

Politic theme links to Scryfall searches Monarch, Will of the Council, Council's Dilemma, Join Forces, Curses, Tempting offer, Goad

You will also want to get retake the throne each turn and lets face it, the Assasin's won't always get through Dauthi Embrace Dauthi Trapper Nether Shadow Nether Traitor Soltari Visionary Changeling Outcast Tormented Soul Break Through the Line Ferropede Gingerbrute Key to the City Whispersilk Cloak Trailblazer's Boots Zhang He, Wei General Yellow Scarves Cavalry Wei Night Raiders Wei Scout Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed Lu Bu, Master-at-Arms Guan Yu, Sainted Warrior Shadow Alley Denizen

Finally here are some other fun interactions befitting the royal court. Crown of Doom Kor Haven Cathars' Crusade Electropotence + Pandemonium (Nasty with deathtouch) Field of the Dead Mentor of the Meek In the Web of War Mace of the Valiant Ogre Battledriver Orc Sureshot Mathas, Fiend Seeker Master of Cruelties Anya, Merciless Angel Tree of Perdition Alesha, Who Smiles at Death Ashling, the Extinguisher Azra Oddsmaker Aurification Bloodforged Battle-Axe Contested War Zone Thaumatic Compass  Flip Dread Elbrus, the Binding Blade  Flip Iroas, God of Victory Aurelia, the Warleader Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Five-Alarm Fire Hellrider Hixus, Prison Warden Larceny Necropolis Regent No Mercy Phage the Untouchable Quietus Spike Skeleton Key Throat Slitter Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor Vraska, Scheming Gorgon Scourge of the Throne Akroan Horse Captive Audience Goblin Spymaster Forbidden Orchard Clackbridge Troll Hunted Dragon Hunted Lammasu Hunted Horror

Theme directions to explore? Lifegain to stay above the swings? Angelic Chorus Answered Prayers Anointer Priest Authority of the Consuls Ayara, First of Locthwain Daxos, Blessed by the Sun Healer of the Pride Impassioned Orator Pious Evangel  Flip Soul's Attendant Soul Warden Archangel of Thune Suture Priest Ajani's Welcome Dawn of Hope Deathgreeter Exquisite Blood Epicure of Blood Falkenrath Noble Karlov of the Ghost Council Noble Purpose Righteous Cause Sanguine Bond Searing Meditation Seraph Sanctuary Serene Steward Shattered Angel Spirit Loop Sun Droplet Vizkopa Guildmage Well of Lost Dreams Alhammarret's Archive Licia, Sanguine Tribune Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim Eternity Vessel Chalice of Life  Flip Resolute Archangel Storm Herd Felidar Sovereign Divinity of Pride Serra Ascendant

Aristocrats of the Court (slow life drain strategy)? Bastion of Remembrance Corpse Knight Impact Tremors Purphoros, God of the Forge Blood Artist Zulaport Cutthroat Outpost Siege Bontu's Monument Brutal Hordechief Campaign of Vengeance Cliffhaven Vampire Cruel Celebrant Kambal, Consul of Allocation Polluted Bonds Retreat to Hagra Vindictive Vampire revenge Sorin, Grim Nemesis Judith, the Scourge Diva Stalking Vengeance Syr Konrad, the Grim

SharpRaptor on Brion Stoutarm (Giants)

5 years ago

Part 2


Ajani's Mantra - Too slow. Way too little impact. We don't have triggers off life gaining a lot so we can replace this.

Rise of the Hobgoblins - We aren't really interested in the effect towards our gameplan. The first strike can be nice. But not the best thing we can be looking at.

Scourge of the Nobilis - We don't have anything that we really benefit from putting this on. Brion already has lifeling, and his sacrifice ability is based on the sacrificed creatures power so we don't want to pump him either. Then putting it on a creature we want to sacrifice is setting ourselves up to loose out on cards by 2 for 1nning ourselves. There are some other enchantments that we may play that recur themselves but we will come back to those later.

Maybe Enchantments

Searing Meditation - I really want to like this card but it seems rather low damage for mana investment keeping 2 up all the time. However if we end up with a lot of ways to gain lots of individual triggers. Then this could be worth it.


A couple of these are just upgrade them but keep the same idea. These ones are all effects that we want but probably not this exact version. And we might want more of them.

Condemn can be replaced with Swords to Plowshares (or maybe just have both)

Crush Underfoot could be Fall of the Hammer . It means that a non-giant can use it, though you lose out on the minor ability to search up a removal spell with your Giant Harbinger

Shatter could be Abrade as it gives more flexibility. Or one of the ones that include white that can hit enchantments too.

Others should probably just be replaced, maybe with more version of the above effect.

Pact of the Titan - The free 4/4 with flash is pretty good. But unlikely to win you the game with it. It effectively costs you 5 mana for it and because it doesn't have Haste it isn't winning you the game before you have to pay for it.

Soul's Grace - A card that only gains you life in one burst is usually not worth it. If it did something else too then maybe. But not just life gain.


Giant's Ire - Just isn't worth it really. It doesn't do enough for the mana.

Maybe Sorceries

Feudkiller's Verdict - While this effectively could be a 6 mana 5/5 that gains you 10 life on enter. Which isn't bad, it could still sometimes be stuck in hand unable to make the 5/5. So while this can be decent, It can be bad.


We can afford to cut 2 or 3. I usually recommend 36-7 with around 10 nonland mana sources. Because this runs a lot of big guys, we want to consistantly hit our mana so we want 37.


Armillary Sphere - This doesn't actually ramp us it helps us hit out land drops though which is a good thing. However there are a couple of other cards which do similar while being repeatable or having other effects that go with it

Paradise Plume - We want mana ramp, this is possibly just too slow though. Rocks that tap for 1 colour are usually 2 mana. Our 4 mana rocks tap for multiple mana usually.

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