Eternity Vessel

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Eternity Vessel


Eternity Vessel enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it, where X is your life total.

Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you may have your life total become the number of charge counters on Eternity Vessel.

Made_Compleat on The Price of Power | Rowan EDH

10 months ago

Eternity Vessel? It fixes your life total so that you can pay like 30 life, play a land, and pay 30 more life!

Also, cool deck!

McToters on No Man's Land (Mageta) [[Primer]]

2 years ago

freezerboy Yes I agree! Love your suggestions. Ok, about to make some changes. I do not own all the cards you and others have suggested such as Eternity Vessel, Emeria Shepherd, Planar Birth, Cleansing, and Crucible of Worlds--so I'm putting in what I have to make the deck more land focused than it already is and put in some recursion that Spell_Slam discussed with me. I also see an obvious slate of 10-11 cards that I can take out now. I will publish the update and you can provide more feedback from there if you wish! Thanks!

freezerboy on No Man's Land (Mageta) [[Primer]]

2 years ago

That does sound tough since each of those tend to take a bit of time. You could get some payoff from Cleansing and Planar Birth to massively buff Ondu Greathorn or Retreat to Emeria, allowing you to only target your basic lands. Or even target only lands with a Balancing Act.

If you're going the landfall route, which may work if you add some more options like Boreas Charger if you've sacrificed your lands or Crucible of Worlds, Oreskos Explorer, Stoic Farmer, Eternal Dragon, Timeless Dragon or anything else with plainscycling. More buffing cards like Canyon Jerboa or Felidar Retreat could help with the subtheme, and as many options with landfall like Fearless Fledgling, Prowling Felidar, Emeria Angel, and Emeria Shepherd. The Shepherd is very strong recursion, though sadly doesn't target lands.

Eternity Vessel could even give you some defense while keeping with the theme and Trove Warden looks viable as well.

All in all, with the basic land angle there are a lot of options for landfall abilities in white, so may as well make use of those for a more immediate power buff than something slow like Elspeth, Sun's Champion.

abbatromebone on Mono White Landfall

2 years ago
  • I dont think there are any bounce lands legal in modern but you want affects like this in you deck Murasa Rootgrazer. Im aware you dont want green and want it mono white so i would recommend cycles of these cards Wildfield Borderpost there's one for every 2 color combo, and could help if you want to splash a color or want something for your sideboard.
  • Another tech you could consider is Dryad Arbor its a land and a creature so you could make a loop that bounces it back to you hand and play it. It would also go off of Emeria, The Sky Ruin pretty well. They are like 3$ a copy so not very cheap.
  • you might not need Leyline of Sanctity unless your playing against a burn like deck or maybe some discard deck.
  • There is an issue with Knight of the White Orchid and running 25 lands. Odds are by turn 3 youll probably have 3 lands in hand but its no guarantee that your opponent will. So it will most likely just be a 2/2 with first strike which isnt bad, but isnt great.
  • I dont think you need Steppe Lynx Its an 0/1 on everyone elses turn, and you dont need to be the agressor you have the late game with you other creatures. If you need to stall i recommend wall of omens.
  • Eternity Vessel is a cool card but its draining your budget and lets assume you have 6 mana what would you rather cast Eternity Vessel or Admonition Angel?
  • Fabled Passage is expensive budget wise, so it might be worth considering to see if we can get a better synergy out that money. Being we cant get it consistently. The deck doesnt have enough card draw, tutoring, or filtering to get it. You might get more out of cards like Wildfield Borderpost
  • This might seem like a meme but its pretty solid Mana Tithe. No one sees it coming, and can be back breaking.
  • White has good hate cards like Stony Silence and Rest in Peace however what graveyard and artifacts are killing us? also RIP is a anti-synergy with Emeria, The Sky Ruin. These cards can strain your budget and arent always as helpful as you think.
  • Anyways cool deck idea havent seen mono white landfall and hope this helps. Ping me anytime you need help with a deck

Caerwyn on Need help with Black/White landfall …

2 years ago

Modern is a fast format--not so fast as Legacy or Vintage, but fast nonetheless. Your curve is way too high for Modern--your average CMC is a 3.39, and a large percentage of your cards are at the 4-7 mana mark. In a fast format, you are going to be lucky to play such high-costed cards without Green or other Ramp, and, once you play them, they're likely going to be taken out of the picture with the relatively efficient removal the format has to offer.

Your removal is also in the three-mana range. You really are going to want to do better on that front--Path to Exile and Fatal Push are solid Orzhov removal options. Inquisition of Kozilek is a solid "removal" spell (insofar as it stops a threat before it hits the battlefield), and is cheaper than its cousin Thoughtseize.

Otherwise, if you want to be competitive in Modern, focus on lowering your curve substantially. If a card costs 4 or more mana, it should have an immediate impact on the game the turn it can be played. Currently not a single one of your 4-7 mana cards meet that criteria--most of them just provide a body the turn they are dropped (Eternity Vessel being the only exception--it provides no body and is thus completely useless the turn it comes down), and you have to wait until your next turn to gain their landfall benefit (if you even have a land in-hand by that point in the game--you do not have much card draw in your deck). You could probably cut 100% of your 4-7 mana cards, replace them with things that come down and swing faster, and you would see a significant improvement in how your deck plays.

I also disagree with Wendithewendigo's advice--Orzhov Basilica is a terrible card that has no place in any deck. Yes, it allows you to get a land back so it can be played next turn... but it comes at the cost of putting you full turn behind the curve. After all, not only are you down the land you bounced; you are down the land drop for the turn because it enters tapped (or you are down the land drop because it bounced itself, which puts you behind in all future turns).

Raging_Squiggle on Surviving My Own Deck

3 years ago

Eternity Vessel is always an option depending on how interactive your group is. Exquisite Blood is also an option.

klaudiohmm on

3 years ago

Hey! I think that this deck should use Miren, the Moaning Well . It's a way of regaining life with a creature that will die because of some effect. It makes you gain a lot of life and increases the effect of Willowdusk's ability.

About the untap effects outside of blue, you can use Thousand-Year Elixir or Magewright's Stone . About combos... well, if you use sacrifice effects (e.g. Ashnod's Altar ), you could try the Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion -like combos (actually, these two work alone, but some combos needs a sac outlet). Depending of other cards, loops with Mikaeus, sacrifice outlets and creatures with Persist could also work.

An artifact like Eternity Vessel can reset your life (if I remember well, having your life total become some value counts as lifegain).

Maybe creatures like Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper or Reyhan, Last of the Abzan works well inside this deck. As instants or sorceries... the only one that came to my mind now is Weather the Storm , which can be very interesting in some situations.

Why use cards like Jaddi Offshoot (gains you only one life), Dash Hopes (I think that's an unreliable counterspell and the 5 life is a low cost in EDH), Blunt the Assault (I think that this card is pretty bad, maybe a card like Gray Merchant of Asphodel gains you much more life while drains your opponents) or Lifegift (it won't make you gain a lot of life on the same turn)?

Mortiganil on Broodmother of the Great Forest: Beledros EDH

3 years ago


Thanks for the tips! Eternity Vessel is indeed interesting and i might try it, and yes Exsanguinate is awesome and im definitely going to run it.

when it comes to the flash/untap package i personally dont want to include them, playing during an opponents turn is usually something that annoys people quite a bit so i'm quite hesitant to include them :)

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