Crown of Doom

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crown of Doom


Whenever a creature attacks you or a planeswalker you control, it gets +2/+0 until end of turn.

: Target player other than Crown of Doom's owner gains control of it. Activate this ability only during your turn.

ShieldOfHolyShadows on Arms Race (Boros Aikido)

7 months ago

king-saproling I've looked at a lot of those cards before but some of them are new! I think the shell is highly flexible and can support most things, but I am curious behind the reasoning on trimming most of the pillowfort and a handful of the rattlesnake cards.

Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip is great but frankly I can't be bothered to track Day/Night when I'm playing in paper.

Bloodthirsty Blade is solid and I have playtested it before, but my experience was that people were generally annoyed to see it, and because it was so cheap, there was no reason for me to not be using it constantly.

Truefire Captain was in there for a long time, but I needed space and it's one of my least favorite versions of the effect. 4 cmc, difficult casting cost, mediocre blocker, encourages aggression. So I trimmed it out for the ones I like slightly more, though I could be persuaded to readd the 3ish versions of the card that I don't run.

Ancient Gold Dragon would definitely be a powerhouse, but it's not really on theme for the deck. It's highly synergistic with Ganax, but Ganax is just in the deck because he's a red commander with Choose a Background and has flying. Gold Dragon is aggressive and highly threatening, which goes against the design goal for the list.

Death Kiss is fun, but I haven't tested it yet. Only concerns are the CMC and tracking the combat math.

For Life of the Party, I have some friends who love this card, but they play it in more of a blink deck where it can really shine. I don't know if I have enough support for it, but maybe I should give it a shot and see what happens.

Crown of Doom is super on-theme, but I've always found it to be relatively low-impact. +2 attack isn't a huge buff, and there's no guarantee it's on the person you need to be attacking.

Curse of the stalked Prey hits on similar issues with Crown of Doom, but I personally don't want to be using curses in the first place. You never know who they need to be on until much later on in the game. Like, imagine you curse someone and it turns out that player 3 is the real threat this game. You're rewarding people for attacking the wrong person, and encouraging them to avoid the real threat.

Skyboon Evangelist is fascinating; it reminds me of Frontier Warmonger. The reason I trimmed Warmonger was just that people never took advantage of the effect, it was just something I kept having to remind them of. I'm definitely going to have to think about this card though; I haven't seen it before.

Thanks for the feedback!

king-saproling on Arms Race (Boros Aikido)

7 months ago

This is a really cool deck. I love the intent and the list looks great. Personally I would make these swaps:

Windborn Muse -> Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip
Ghostly Prison -> Bloodthirsty Blade
Boon-Bringer Valkyrie -> Truefire Captain
Baneslayer Angel -> Ancient Gold Dragon (cool synergy with Ganax!)
Sunblade Angel -> Death Kiss
Lyra Dawnbringer -> Life of the Party
Gisela, the Broken Blade -> Crown of Doom
Brave the Sands -> Curse of Stalked Prey
Crawlspace -> Skyboon Evangelist

Metroid_Hybrid on Coveted Jewel deck ideas

1 year ago

I think Crown of Doom deserves a special mention here..

LeToast on Thantis the Warweaver

1 year ago

Whoa, first thanks for all the input! I think I will re-think what I want to achieve with this deck a bit more. It was intended that the deck is not that streamlined but I think there are too many open ends atm. Currently working on the decklist with a couple of changes. I think I will cut some fogs and the mana artifacts, except Sol Ring and Arcane Signet. Crown of Doom is a fun card as it's just nice to see how opponents spend mana to pass this hot potato around. But sure, not adding much to the decks strategy. Diving into deck building again and will show up soon with an updated deck list and sharing more detailed what I'm up to with this deck. (At least if I found out what I am really up to)

Gleeock on Thantis the Warweaver

1 year ago

Hmm. I've always had a different experience with Clackbridge Troll, maybe because I play so much darn groupslug/Jund. I love the troll, either he is card draw & lifegain, or 8 trample is no joke if you are putting pressure on the right player... You also can choose whatever player has no blockers for the goats if you feel the need to stack the odds in your favor for likelihood for card draw (if that is what you want).

I always feel like deathtrampletouch is awesome... but I usually only focus on having that on a commander that already has 1/2 of that: Grismold, the Dreadsower is a sweet commander that already comes with the trample piece.

I personally agree with some of the cut-recommendations though... but I also don't want to tell you to cut all the responsive/fort, if you want to make her responsive, like a spiky pillowfort, you can, you just have to playtest it a ton because that is a really tricky playstyle to master while staying relevant in games

What I will say about Sunder Shaman is that if you are running with "combat matters" Thantis & most of your wincon are going to be through combat damage, then it is a good idea to have a high critical mass of artifact or enchantment removal, since there are several aggressively costed permanents of that type that take combat out of the game completely.

For cuts, I agree on taking out signets & focusing more on ramp, maybe removing Crown of Doom (Fiendish Duo) would have a lot more impact, maybe pull some of the "hunted" cycle. I think, remove some of the voltron pieces if you are going to keep the combat-discouraging pieces.

Even in my "less combat-focused" Thantis the "courts" see some good play: Court of Bounty, just monarch in general will often accomplish the type of slap-fight that you are looking for, often moreso than the more obvious force-combat stuff.

DarkRequiem on Cards that make opponent creature …

2 years ago

Goad is not a good mechanic, as it forces the creatures to attack someone else other than him. That's not what he really wants.

Angel's Trumpet sort of forces the creatures to attack. Crown of Doom works as an incentive for the opponents to attack you. Season of the Witch also forces everyone (you included) to attack.

Have you considered cursing yourself? The curse auras say "enchant player", not "enchant opponent", meaning you can curse yourself so that opponents get an incentive by attacking you. It's a bit of a trade off: you attack me, lose your creature but get something else in return.

Curse of Disturbance, Curse of Shallow Graves, Curse of the Forsaken, Curse of Vitality

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