Boreas Charger

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Boreas Charger

Creature — Pegasus


When this leaves the battlefield, choose an opponent who controls more lands than you. Search your library for a number of plains cards equal to the difference and reveal them. Put one of them onto the battlefield tapped and the rest into your hand, then shuffle your library.

DemonDragonJ on Has WotC Been Doing a …

9 months ago

In the past, some players were complaining about how white had the least emphasis on card advantage and mana acceleration of all the colors, so WotC has recently printed a number of cards that address those issues, with some prominent examples being Archaeomancer's Map, Smothering Tithe, Boreas Charger, and Esper Sentinel, so I would like to ask the members of this forum how they feel about those cards.

Do you believe that WotC has done a good job of providing white with both card advantage and mana acceleration, while still remaining true to white's philosophy and not undermining that color's purposeful weaknesses? What does everyone else say about this subject?

kimosabe on Dakkon Blackblade Voltron

2 years ago

Consider cards like: Scaretiller, Stoic Farmer, Aerial Surveyor, Boreas Charger, Burnished Hart. I think all of these can accelerate your land count, casting the commander, and the amount of damage you deal with him.

freezerboy on No Man's Land (Mageta) [[Primer]]

2 years ago

That does sound tough since each of those tend to take a bit of time. You could get some payoff from Cleansing and Planar Birth to massively buff Ondu Greathorn or Retreat to Emeria, allowing you to only target your basic lands. Or even target only lands with a Balancing Act.

If you're going the landfall route, which may work if you add some more options like Boreas Charger if you've sacrificed your lands or Crucible of Worlds, Oreskos Explorer, Stoic Farmer, Eternal Dragon, Timeless Dragon or anything else with plainscycling. More buffing cards like Canyon Jerboa or Felidar Retreat could help with the subtheme, and as many options with landfall like Fearless Fledgling, Prowling Felidar, Emeria Angel, and Emeria Shepherd. The Shepherd is very strong recursion, though sadly doesn't target lands.

Eternity Vessel could even give you some defense while keeping with the theme and Trove Warden looks viable as well.

All in all, with the basic land angle there are a lot of options for landfall abilities in white, so may as well make use of those for a more immediate power buff than something slow like Elspeth, Sun's Champion.

cac1212 on Teysa Karlov

2 years ago

Ok I messed up and can't edit my comment so I'll continue from where I left off:

...Of course all commander decks need some good card draw, and black gives us plenty of options. We have plenty of access to cards like Night's Whisper which is always good, but since we want to kill our creatures we generally prefer to opt for things like Village Rites or repeatable triggers (which Teysa doubles for extra value) like Midnight Reaper or Dark Prophecy. These will help us get to the pieces we need to win. If you start off a combo such as Reveillark + Karmic Guide (a well-known combo that many player will try to stop very quickly. Consider removing this if your opponents tell you that your degenerate deck is only played by beta cucks) with repeatable card draw on board, you'll run into what you need to win eventually.

I personally like to (or maybe need to) run LOTS of removal to make sure our opponents don't trample all over us before we can set up our finishing turns. Targeted removal is my drink of choice, but good board clears like Merciless Eviction (which unfortunately doesn't let our creatures die if we cant sac them all first) and Austere Command can be easily subbed in if you find yourself going against lots of wide boards.

We love our recursion in this deck. All of our petty fodder and nasty big-hitters like Kokusho, the Evening Star (a card that can be subbed out for a tutor for a more combo/high power deck. I decided to leave him to help cope with the loss of Yosei, the Morning Star . I just think they're neat!) and Vindictive Lich are practically begging to be brought back to life to once again experience the sweet touch of death. Killing our creatures once is good, killing them twice is better. Also, if one of your three essential components gets hit by removal early, your opponents with audibly moan when they come back later. Thus, take out some recursion if you become the one at the table who inspires fear and loating.


Our main combo that will win us the game every time it's out (even without Teysa) is Reveillark combined with Karmic Guide. If Reveillark is in your graveyard, put in karmic guide and bring it back, sac karmic guide, then sac reveilllark to bring back karmic guide, rinse and repeat. Of course, we need a sac outlet to kill our combo pieces and our Blood Artist-type cards or card draw death-triggers to get one out to make the most of this. Best of all, we have a tutor card, Final Parting, which tutors out BOTH of our combo pieces! Simply put reveillark in the grave and bring in karmic guide on the next turn, or the same turn if you have 10+ mana from all of our juicy ramp. As I said above, infinite combos are mean and unfun to play against, so be careful. This one at least needs 4 cards, none of which are our commander, to win the game so it's not nearly as bad as others, but if you need to take it out, don't worry! Teysa will still eek out massive value from all of our other cards and get you plenty of wins without tilting your playgroup. Other infinite combos not included in this deck include Nim Deathmantle + a token generator such as Ministrant of Obligation + Ashnod's Altar or alternatively Reassembling Skeleton + Phyrexian Altar + token death-trigger like Blight Mound. There are many variations of these which I won't go into depth here.

Early Game Strategy

In your opening hand, you ideally want to have a ramp spell or two (preferably a creature to be used as fodder later like Loyal Warhound), one or maybe two removal spells, some fodder, some card draw, and lands. We don't want too many basic plains in our hand or we'll stifle our creature ramp cards like Boreas Charger (keep in mind Knight of the White Orchid can tutor our double land Godless Shrine). We won't worry about board clears or heavy hitters until later. Hangarback Walker may not seem like a good opening card at first, but he can quickly become a big threat in the midgame if played on turn 2 (or turn one with sol ring) and used as a mana sink with his tap ability which adds a counter to him for one mana on future turns. Recursion we don't want at all until we start killing our creatures. Tutors can be good, but the tutors I have included in this deck (with the exception of Ranger of Eos who is great in our first hand) are more useful in the mid/late game since they either put things in our graveyard (Unmarked Grave) which requires we have recursion, give our opponents a tutor as well (Scheming Symmetry or Wishclaw Talisman), or scale off of how many lands we have (Beseech the Queen). We won't be needing a sac outlet until later and we can be reasonably sure well run into one eventually if we have card draw; if not we can always use our small sacs like Phyrexian Tower to suffice in the mean time. Our protection spells can come in handy, but only keep these if we have our other good early game cards in hand.

Mid Game

In the mid game phases (~turns 4-6), don't get too hasty and play Teysa early if you have something else that is part of our 3 essential components (fodder, sac outlet, blood artist-type) which you don't already have on the board. It's often advantageous to instead opt for more card draw or removal on these turns to prolong our window of opportunity to pop off our game winning turns instead of playing Teysa before she is needed. Even though she does double the value of nearly everything we do, we dont necessarily need her on board to win, and we really only need her on the turn or two before our winning turn.

Late Game

All that's left to do once we have our three basic components is to start getting out as many token makers as we can to start reaping what we have sewn. Ideally we want repeatable card draw and recursion to draw into more and more creatures that we can sac on every turn. Even without our infinite combo we can do massive damage just with our tokens and by bringing back our creatures. Graveyard hate from our opponents can really hurt us, but with any luck we can out-pace our opponents with our ramp/card draw.

Miscellaneous Mechanics

If you're about to have something exiled, sac it! Let no fodder go to waste. You can also sac a creature as it is about to take combat damage after blockers are assigned without having any damage go through to you.

Brought Back can be used on our fetch land Marsh Flats for extra ramp. Consider adding more fetch lands to up the power level a bit.

Closing Notes

Have fun with Teysa! Add your own spin to things and let me know what card you love/hate. This deck is still in developement and will be changing bit by bit in the future. If you have any questions, let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to get to them. This is my first deck that I've posted on any platform and I'm excited to see what y'all think!

eliakimras on Breena - Silverquill Statement Upgrade

2 years ago

Hey, me again! I really like Breena, the Demagogue's premise. I want to build her in the future, since I'm cultivating a combat metagame. But I have some ideas that can make your deck funnier and stronger:

I imagine you're trying to keep the idea of giving gifts to your opponents for them to killing each other, while reaping benefits to you.

One way is to force combat. You might want to put Martial Impetus and Parasitic Impetus back to deflect attacks and get draws off Breena. (Too bad goad is a blue-red thing - come on Wizards, give us on other colors). Otherwise, they buff Breena to hit harder.

Another thing you should consider is protection for your creatures:

How about protection to you?

About recursion:

About card draw:

About your ramp:

Sorry for not commenting on your whole deck. Since I have not played her myself, I could only suggest more general things. I hope the suggestions have inspired you somehow. As always, have fun with the Demagogue!

Reynan on Rarefied Atmosphere

2 years ago

Very cool deck, I always thought the new Linvala could give a nice azorius deck.

I would like to suggest Shabraz, the Skyshark, as you use Drogskol Reaver, you can make an infinite draw combo - but only if you are interested in that wincom, of course.

You use Emeria Angel and Azorius Chancery, so adding a Walking Atlas, you are able to put millions of tokens as you wish, and Walking Atlas work as a ramp in early game.

Boreas Charger, Cartographer's Hawk, Knight of the White Orchid and Loyal Warhound are nice possibilities of ramping defense. They can get Hallowed Fountain and Irrigated Farmland for you.

Another combo you can explore, and there's a lot of tutors for it in Azorius, is Archon of Sun's Grace + Enchanted Evening and there's endless tokens ETB(entering the battlefield). Anything to sacrifice a token or some ETB trigger to mill or deal damage to opponent do the trick, cards like High Market, Pyre of Heroes, Culling Dais, Altar of the Brood.

That's it buddy, nice deck.

Guerric on Mono White Ramp/Draw

3 years ago

Personally I think mono white is by far the weakest color in edh, and the gap is only growing with the great new Boros commanders we've had out recently and some good mono-red options as well. I say this as a white player who has tried many times to make a mono white commander deck that I like, only to be always disappointed and to take it apart.

The problem is not really ramp imo. White actually has more ramp than most other non-green colors with cards like Kor Cartographer and Boreas Charger , and, as others have said, they can use the same mana rocks and Sword of the Animist style cards that other colors use.

I don't think the problem is really overall direction either. One thing they have done in recent sets with cards like Cosmic Intervention , Semester's End , Unbreakable Formation , and Teferi's Protection giving white more ways to protect a board state at instant speed, which it often needs in commander. Its always had the best removal, and it also has recursion and some great new lifegain synergies with one great new commander in Heliod, Sun-Crowned .

The problem is absolutely and overwhelmingly an abyssmal lack of card draw. The only helps to this in recent years have been Sram, Senior Edificer and Mangara, the Diplomat , but these are few and far between. Recenty Ari Nieh, the new guy representing white on the council of colors was on Tolarian Community College, and he expressed some of the prior thinking on card draw in white that has led to these problems. In short, an example of what they thought card draw was is God-Eternal Oketra . While a great card, Oketra clearly doesn't draw cards, but they reasoned that the fact that it produces big tokens was basically the same thing. The fact that developers whose job is to make this game actually thought that just shows how far away they are from understanding our format. Apparently Mark Rosewater has had a change of heart recently, and hence why we have Mangara, but there's a long way to go. Every other color can draw cards on its own without support of another color if need be, but its real tough in white.

plakjekaas on Mono White Ramp/Draw

3 years ago

Mono white is fine as is. There's plenty of ramp in mono white, it's probably the second best color at fetching lands out of your library with cards like Knight of the White Orchid, Boreas Charger, Keeper of the Accord and such. Oh and Smothering Tithe of course.

Card advantage comes in less obvious ways, but there's plenty to be found. From flickering Thraben Inspector to fetching lands out of your deck with Land Tax, Gift of Estates or Tithe, to using small creatures with Mentor of the Meek, Bygone Bishop, Ranger of Eos and Recruiter of the Guard, to recurring creatures and/or small permanents with Sun Titan, Resurrection, Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld, to equipment with Sram, Senior Edificer and Puresteel Paladin. And don't forget that Wrath of God is also card advantage if you use it well. There's also more obscure stuff, like using lifegain + Dawn of Hope, or Martyr's Cry on your own board of tokens, or Armistice, Pursuit of Knowledge, Inheritance for slightly overpriced sources of repeatable carddraw.

There will always be a slight imbalance in the colors, there will always be one that needs to work a little harder than the others for the same results. There's plenty of colorless cards to support any deck and make it playable nowadays, and I personally wouldn't like it much if white would be homogenised with the other colors to stop the masses from complaining. We have been doing so for years, it's pretty much a meme at this point. I know people who complain about it without ever having tried to play a mono white deck. Wizards could colorshift all the good green carddraw cards to white the upcoming year and that probably wouldn't fix it, and make the game a lot less varied and interesting in the process.

I embrace the adversity and challenges that come with mono white commander deckbuilding.

Your mileage may vary.

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