Magister of Worth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Magister of Worth

Creature — Angel


Will of the Council — When this enters the battlefield, starting with you, each player votes for grace or condemnation. If grace gets more votes, each player returns each creature card from their graveyard to the battlefield. If condemnation gets more votes or the vote is tied, destroy all creatures other than this.

libraryjoy on 5color Sliver

2 years ago

Your current build does allow you to use Jegantha the Wellspring as a companion. Unless that changes, there's no reason not to.

For boardwipes, the obvious one is Cyclonic Rift, but it's pricey. I don't really understand the utility of Guilty Conscience except as creature removal, so something like Swords to Plowshares is probably more effective.

An interesting one is Endemic Plague, which would destroy your creatures too, but only works if you have Maskwood Nexus out. Other options are Fell the Mighty, Extinction, Magister of Worth, March of Souls, Nevinyrral's Disk, Planar Collapse, Retribution of the Meek, Sublime Exhalation. My pick besides Cyclonic is Nevinyrral's Disk, but it sometimes makes you a target. You might also consider Sedge Sliver to keep some of your slivers around.

Scytec on Help me convert this out …

2 years ago

You also have the option of using Athreos, God of Passage as your commander, because unfortunately Kaya is not a legal commander. The only planeswalker that are legal as commanders are the ones that specifically state they are on the card itself Commander works a little differently though, because there are traditionally more people at a table (4 people in a standard pod) lifegain doesnt mean quite the same thing as it does in brawl. Not saying it is bad, depending on the level youre playing at, doubling your starting life total can be really solid. Some options you could consider running alifegain list to win would be things like Approach of the Second Sun, Felidar Sovereign, and Aetherflux Reservoir. there are many other options as well, those are just the ones i would consider. Oloro, Ageless Ascetic is another very popular commander that deals with lifegain if that is the route you want to take. If you want to lean more heavily into the tribal side of things, especially with a focus in angels, I would consider Kaalia of the Vast. She is a really powerful commander. In the deck you tagged here, if you wanted to choose a commander from that list i would go with Firja, Judge of Valor. Selective card draw is really good in commander, and this one you should be able to trigger quite frequently. A phenomenal resource for any player new to the commander format is This link should take you straight to the page for Firja, Judge of Valor as I threw it in the search bar before I tagged the link, that should give you an idea of what to expect from the site. I will be honest, Orzhov is generally outside my comfort zone, but you're welcome to tag me in anything you put together and I will happily take a look. Since you're building a 100 card singleton deck, I highly recommend having in the ballpark of:

10-12 Ramp of some kind Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, etc.

10ish Card Draw/Engines of some kind Mentor of the Meek, Mind's Eye, etc.

8-10 Pieces of Single target removal Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, etc.

3-5 Pieces of Board control Damnation, Wrath of God, Merciless Eviction, etc.

This will set your deck up to work consistently, and there are some card that will kind of fit multiple roles for you such as Magister of Worth and the like. I like to start by choosing my commander and working from there, but many people build the deck they want and then choose the best option from every viable commander they can. It is all personal preference. Let me know if anything I said doesnt make sense, or if you want me to clarify anything. Hope you decide to join us for the best format in the game.

Max121212 on Hot Women Card Collection

3 years ago

Thanks Vectornaut :)

Loving these cards...

Treasured Find . Gorgeous contrast!

Naya Battlemage . Beautiful.

Magister of Worth . Great wings.

TheVectornaut on Hot Women Card Collection

3 years ago

I actually made an entire deck around this concept that works surprisingly well. Steve Argyle is a particularly great resource for this topic. In addition to Liliana of the Veil and Chosen of Markov  Flip, he's also done Deadly Allure , Guul Draz Vampire , Naya Battlemage , and Night Revelers . Other notable artists are Jason Chan ( Deathpact Angel , Fires of Undeath , Kiora, Master of the Depths , Mayael the Anima , Maul Splicer , Treasured Find ) and Volkan Baga ( Elspeth, Knight-Errant , Korozda Gorgon , Stoic Angel , Student of Warfare ). I ended up going with vampires + knights and some other cards I included are Hero of Bladehold , Knight Exemplar , Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts , Elenda, the Dusk Rose , and possibly the most ridiculous piece of Magic art ever created: Soul Collector . Some cards that came close to making the cut are Angel of Despair , Bloodflow Connoisseur , Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief , Knight of Dusk , Magister of Worth , Avacyn, Angel of Hope , Vampire Hexmage , and Veteran Cavalier .

Other cards that I like (sorted by type) include Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch , Lyzolda, the Blood Witch , Kemba, Kha Regent , Sunspear Shikari , Elvish Champion , Gaea's Herald , Quirion Dryad , Nimbus Naiad , Dreamborn Muse , Mistral Singer , Shipwreck Singer , Siren of the Fanged Coast , Akroma, Angel of Wrath , Archangel of Strife , Basandra, Battle Seraph , Razia, Boros Archangel , and Ire Shaman . Looking at this list now, it's clear I've spent far too much time researching this subject.

DemonDragonJ on Strixhaven spoiler season

3 years ago

Black and white are my two favorite colors in this game, so, naturally, I am excited about the cards in the black and white deck.

Tempting contract is nice, but very unreliable, so I am not certain if I can put it into any of my current decks.

Felisa, fang of Silverquill is nice, but nothing spectacular, and I notice that many cards that are associated with Silverquill generate inkling tokens, just as many cards that are associated with Quandrix generate fractal tokens.

I do not like the wording on combat calligrapher; would it really have taken up too much space to write “whenever a creature attacks one of your opponents, its controller creates…etc.?”

Return to Dust has already been reprinted numerous times, so I dearly wish that WotC had instead reprinted Heliod's Intervention in this set, since that card has been printed only once, and is better in the majority of situations.

Guardian archon is definitely a great card, but its controller shall need to find a way to “flicker” it to truly get great value from it, but that should not be difficult to do, in white. I also like that this is the second card in the game with the text “secretly choose an opponent” and “activate this ability only once,” after Stalking Leonin .

Nils, discipline enforcer is a perfect example of white’s authoritarian nature, and he will definitely be annoying for many players whose decks rely upon putting +1/+1 counters on their creatures; I have a deck with Atraxa, Praetors' Voice as the general, so he could definitely hinder that deck, if I cannot deal with him, quickly. At least he does not have flash, because that would make him ridiculous.

Promise of loyalty will definitely lead to some very complicated political dealings in games that have more than two players, so I will be interested to see how it works.

Sponsorship scholar is another example of how card advantage works in white, and, even better, it allows players to search for any basic lands, not merely plains! Finally, WotC is making white more powerful and helping it to reach the other colors in terms of power!

I really like author of shadows; first, that artwork is amazing, and, second, the effect is very sinister, and will definitely turn the tide of a game, if used properly.

Bold plagiarist is the latest in a long line of cards that punish players who seek to gain advantage, but, at least, this one does not actually stop them from gaining advantage; it merely copies their advantage. Why is it that the opponent is the one who places the counters on the plagiarist, and not the controller of the plagiarist?

In a similar manner, cunning rhetoric is a continuation of black’s ability to discourage an opponent from attacking one’s self, and punishing them, if they do.

Fain, the broker, has serious potential for powerful combos, and could definitely lead to major shifts in games if used properly.

Incarnation technique would be good for either my Mimeoplasm or my Teneb, the Harvester decks, but I cannot remove and existing cards to make room for it.

With keen duelist, I first am very glad that there are still black wizards in this game, now that warlocks are a creature type, and, second, a symmetrical Dark Confidant will definitely lead to some major politics and bargains between players, and it should go without saying that the best way to use it is with the ability to manipulate your own deck, such as with Crystal Ball or Sensei's Divining Top .

Stinging study is a nice way to take advantage of a general with a higher casting cost, especially if that general has been sent back to the command zone at least once, and has become too expensive to reliably recast; given that that card costs 5 mana to cast, I say that a player should have a general with a converted mana cost of at least 5 to truly get good value from it.

Inkshield is like Batwing Brume on steroids, but its high mana cost does mean that it will require strategy and careful timing to be used most effectively; I personally think that it could have cost 4 mana and still have been perfectly balanced.

As for the reprints, did we really need another reprint of Zetalpa, Primal Dawn or Sun Titan ? However, the reprints of Utter End , Oblation , Magister of Worth , and Mikokoro, Center of the Sea are all welcome, and I am glad that WotC has finally reprinted Deathbringer Liege , because that card very badly needed to be reprinted.

Overall, WotC has really increased the quality of this year’s Commander product, compared to those from previous years, so I hope that every Commander product has this level of quality, from this point forward.

Ungodlyfreak on

3 years ago



Bababad on Ayli, Frooty Loops (Primer)

4 years ago

Sorry for late reply, haven't logged in in quite awhile AbsoluteIridium

Intrepid Hero, Royal Assassin, Doomed Artisan, Mirror Entity, Magister of Worth, Mangara of Corondor, Lumbering Battlement, Gray Merchant of Asphodel, and Tortured Existence can carry their own on a budget. after those swaps i guess you would have to hone your curve and add some big cheap curve toppers or focus on middle range value.

Hope this helped!

we are currently converting this build to a Ghave, Guru of Spores sun titan shell due to alot of added support in the recent sets

megagundam7 on Vote for Kenrith

4 years ago

I vote for Tim. Although if you want to take the group hug a little further go for any of the good will of the council cards Plea for Power , Council's Judgment or Magister of Worth

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