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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Spirit Loop
Enchantment — Aura
Enchant creature you control
Whenever enchanted creature deals damage, you gain that much life.
When Spirit Loop is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, return Spirit Loop to its owner's hand.
king-saproling on 11 and bust
1 year ago
You could have infinite damage by giving S&H lifelink and having a "gain life = +1/+1 counter" ability on board.
E.g. any of these: Ajani's Pridemate, Trelasarra, Moon Dancer, Voice of the Blessed, Celestial Unicorn, Light of Promise, Sunbond, Gideon's Company, Ageless Entity, Cleric Class, etc. (there are more)
Plus anything like these: Lifelink, Spirit Link, Basilisk Collar, Shadowspear, Spirit Loop, Felidar Umbra, Armadillo Cloak
king-saproling on Naya Combos with Shalai+Hallar
1 year ago
You might consider these: Light of Promise, Celestial Unicorn, Ageless Entity, Gideon's Company, Ajani, Strength of the Pride, Twinblade Paladin, Voice of the Blessed, Spirit Link, Lifelink, Felidar Umbra, Rune of Sustenance, Spirit Loop, Bretagard Stronghold, Witch's Clinic
carpecanum on
2 years ago
Eye of Vecna, Spirit Loop and Nykthos Paragon are all pretty cheap. Spirit Loop stacks with Lifelink, the Paragon lets you hit harder for more life each round and the Eye is an extra card each round.
legendofa on Favorites and Bests
2 years ago
I like these questions. Just giving everyone a chance to talk about themselves is an underrated art form.
My favorite color pair is . I'm happiest when I can out-resource my opponents in as many ways as possible--mana, cards in hand, board presence, etc., and the combination of 's ramp and creatures, and 's removal and discard, and their overlap in graveyard recursion, draw power, and lifegain, is what drew me to this combination. I'm happiest when my opponents have run out of steam and I'm still going strong, especially after they've thrown their best at me.
I can't pick out a strongest color pair; their strengths and weaknesses can't really be compared. The strongest color combination is the one that you're most comfortable using and that brings you the most satisfaction.
I would not remove from the game. It's arguably the most technical and tactical color, and it provides checks on a lot of different formats. If you've never seen a Saskia vs. Edgar vs. Dragonlord Dromoka vs. Atla EDH match, it's a race to see who gets out the most, biggest creatures out the fastest before someone combos off or beats everyone else down. If you enjoy that, great! It can be a lot of fun. But I like a little more tactics and trickery, and provides that angle that the other colors don't have. Counterspells, unlockable creatures, and Control Magic effects may not always be fun on the receiving end, but they provide a needed depth to gameplay.
The main three ways I see creature Auras being made stronger are recursion (Rancor, Spirit Loop), replacement (Griffin Guide, Mantle of the Wolf), and protection (Diplomatic Immunity, Indestructibility). If the Aura provides a new threat when it goes away, or just refuses to go away, it makes the two-for-one problem much more manageable.
My favorite tribe is Skeletons. They're more interesting than Zombies, smell better, require less care and feeding, and Zombies are spotlight hogs, getting new powerful cards almost every set while Skeletons keep getting maybe one or two cards a year (usually worse than a Zombie option). Outside of being the forgotten cousin of Zombies (one of my least favorites--can you tell?), I like Skeletons on their own merits. The skull and bone aesthetic is always popular, going back at least to medieval Memento Mori art, and Skeleton Scavengers's Regenerate was one of the first complex abilities I learned how to use properly, so they have some nostalgia factor for me as well.
For lands, I almost always go for the 40% and adjust as needed--faster, lower-cost decks get less; slower, more controll-y decks get more. I try to err on the side of having a couple too many lands than not enough. I do have a goal of one day owning a Legacy or even Vintage Dredge deck, though, and those can have single-digit land counts (does anyone have a pile of Lion's Eye Diamonds or Bazaar of Baghdad they want to give away for free?). I don't usually use the MDFC lands myself, but I've seen them used well, and the Pathways are a great option if you can't or don't want to shell out for the shocklands, fast lands, or other big-money lands. (They're still above what I would call truly budget, though.)
wallisface If I may speak for the OP, this doesn't appear to be focused on any specific format. It's asking questions about what you enjoy, how you feel about certain cards and effects, and general chatting.
VolrathsPurse on Endless Wurm & The Rancor Kid
2 years ago
Understood. You mention maybe taking it into green/white in the description. If you do, the power and consistency goes way up. Things can go really crazy when you add Auratog, Femeref Enchantress, Spirit Loop, and or Satyr Enchanter. Just thoughts. I love fun casual decks like this.
carpecanum on Monk Takes Big Chants
2 years ago
Wave of Reckoning, Loxodon Wayfarer, Rhox Faithmender, Rhox Meditant, Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant Flip, Serene Master, Commander Eesha, God-Eternal Oketra, Karametra, God of Harvests, Oketra the True, Spirit Loop, Holy Armor, Consulate Dreadnought, Zetalpa, Primal Dawn, Grizzled Leotau, Sigarda, Heron's Grace, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Dragonlord Dromoka, Hand of Justice, Myojin of Blooming Dawn, Radiant Solar, Kami of Old Stone,
carpecanum on Evra-nne24
2 years ago
Maybe use some of the creatures with Prowess? Especially the Eidolon of Countless Battles.
True Conviction, Strata Scythe, Blackblade Reforged and Spirit Loop (Spirit Loop is not Lifelink so you gain twice as much life]).
carpecanum on [$] Killian, Bulk Duelist [$]
3 years ago
Blessing of Leeches maybe? Daybreak Coronet? Spirit Loop to double your life gain.
Virtus the Veiled could be a secondary target for all those enchantments, especially the evasion cards.
Benevolent Blessing could replace Pentarch Ward. That Flash is as good as a counterspell sometimes.
I'd take out Angelic Gift (drawing a card is nice but you NEED to draw a card to make it equivalent to almost any other enchantment you're running). Same with Grisly Transformation.
There has got to be better card draw than Tome of Legends.