Stoneforge Masterwork

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stoneforge Masterwork

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 for each other creature you control that shares a creature type with it.


multimedia on Zombies.

4 months ago

Hey, those are good changes since Warren Soultrader is an infinite sac combo with Gravecrawler + Bontu's Monument, this gives you a wincon without needing to attack.

Three cuts to consider are Bad Moon, Stoneforge Masterwork and Gruesome Fate since these cards do nothing without having creatures in your control and even then I don't think they are needed. Now that you may be adding Soultrader then I don't think you need Fate. Fate could potentially be a wincon if you can't attack with your Zombie horde, but now Soultrader combo can be the nonattacking wincon and you don't need a Zombie horde to win.

For other cuts to consider, some of the lesser removal spells Murder, Poison the Cup, Assassin's Ink since the others you have here are better. Next cuts could be switching recursion Ghoulcaller's Chant, Cemetery Recruitment, Stitch Together for more lower mana cost reanimation. Stitch could be reanimation, but not in the early game where you want it.

You could cut two cards that are only good with Gisa Thornbite Staff (is there a combo here with Staff that I don't see?) and Patriar's Seal, replacing them with more haste enablers. The haste enablers are good with Gisa plus they can protect her, but also with any creature you reanimate as well as protecting Soultrader when combo.

Other cuts to consider could be some of the lesser creatures Gempalm Polluter, Nested Shambler, Death Tyrant for some better reanimation targets. Consider cutting the 3-4 drop ramp Heraldic Banner, Nyx Lotus for draw?

Feed the Swarm can be an important removal spell for mono black since it can remove an enchantment. Vile Mutilator can be reanimated and it makes each opponent sac an enchantment as well as a creature. Bubbling Muck with 30x Swamps could produce a lot of mana on your turn. If you want more ramp then Muck/Mind Stone/Jet Medallion are good options.

Exlixer on Skeleton Deck

1 year ago

I appreciate the input, I was trying to make this a monoblack skeleton tribe deck for goofs and laughs. A buddy of mine suggested Death Baron but I'm not quite sure about adding it. Maybe Paragon of Open Graves seems like it'll help.

For the boost then if I can't get Coat of Arms out and Bad Moon isn't overly helpful, what else could I put? My friend suggested Stoneforge Masterwork but I'm apprehensive about it.

I'm also worried about the land issue as well, however with everything being 1-2 drops anyway, would I have to worry that much about it?

unstable_anomaly on Flying Tribal - Artifact & Enchantement - Token

2 years ago

Your land count makes me nervous, do you ever have any issues with mana?

Also Coastal Piracy is a strict upgrade over Phyrexian Arena / Tocasia's Welcome. All That Glitters and Stoneforge Masterwork can allow for an easy one shot with your commander and gain a ton of life in the process. No Mercy is also a great card for an Alela deck. Harsh Mercy is a one sided board wipe most of the time. The Meathook Massacre can also sometimes be one sided, and will double as a finisher if you kill enough of your own creatures.

Would also highly recommend Anointed Procession and Mondrak, Glory Dominus.

awesomedude20 on Sekki, Ghost Piñata

2 years ago


That's a fair point for Garruk/Elemental, but I might try to lean into some burst draw like Soul's Majesty rather than those two in particular, just for the reasons I mentioned before.

As for Asceticism, the goal of the deck is to give Sekki at least one additional toughness by means of anthems or equipment, auras, etc. If Sekki has one toughness, it's completely immune to damage-related death, and still produces tokens equal to the damage it takes. The regenerate is for targeted removal or whatever, boardwipes that don't exile or bounce, etc. etc. Long story short, I want to give Sekki at least +0/+1 and then beat the hell out of it with everything I can get my hands on to spam out Spirits.

As for Garruk, I might be able to swap out something like Stoneforge Masterwork for it. I really like Stoneforge, but if I needed that effect I may as well run Coat of Arms I think.

And for Topiary Stomper... honestly this entire time, I thought it just couldn't attack. I can probably do away with it, yeah, good catch, I can't read haha

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