Bloodsoaked Champion

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bloodsoaked Champion

Creature — Human Warrior

This can't block.

Raid: Return this from your graveyard to the battlefield. Activate this ability only if you attacked with a creature this turn.

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Deathmonicon - Teysa Karlov Aristocrats EDH

3 weeks ago

Updates to the list:

Can't remember what got cut for them, but Bloodsoaked Champion and Skrelv's Hive have been added to the list. Bloodsoaked acts as a secondary 1-drop Reassembling Skeleton, and Hive as a redundant Bitterblossom fodder generator.

-1 Vat of Rebirth +1 Victimize

The Vat was in the list for a bit as a cheap 1-drop artifact that could help steadily recur creatures from our yard, but at sorcery speed activation was a little slow. Vicimize has been swapped in for double duty as a death trigger and instant gratification reanimation.

-1 Scoured Barrens +1 Despark

This list doesn't struggle with clearing out hordes of creatures at all between plenty of wipes and Grave Pact effects, but it did need more versatile noncreature removal. Despark replaces a tapland to offer an additional answer to problematic permanents.

legendofa on What Commander/cards Should I Use?

6 months ago

To make sure I understand what you're looking for, it's sort of a reanimator/sacrifice hybrid? Discard big creatures, bring them back, and then sacrifice them again so they can be reanimated again?

There aren't too many cards that let you repeatedly bring big creatures from the graveyard to the battlefield, and Sheoldred, Whispering One is one of the best. If you haven't looked in this direction already, I suggest filling out your deck with smaller, self-recursive creatures like Reassembling Skeleton, Gravecrawler, Bloodghast, Forsaken Miner, Bloodsoaked Champion, or Nether Traitor.

Some other possible commanders are Whisper, Blood Liturgist (if you can protect her for a turn), Drana, the Last Bloodchief (reanimates nonlegendaries only), and Moira, Urborg Haunt (good for immediate sac + reanimate). I would use the commander slot for the big reanimator effect so you can access it reliably.

JimboSliceJr on Infinite Wheels of Death

1 year ago


Sure thing! Bloodchief Ascension & Mindcrank create an infinite mill and damage cycle.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed & Triskelion create an infinite damage cycle where you remove counters from him to do 1 damage to a player & the rest to kill himself. Then he is returned to the battlefield and you repeat. This also works with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed & Walking Ballista, but he needs a third card like Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist to create the infinite cycle of damage/life gain. If you can’t get one of those two cards, Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos will create infinite sacrifice cycles. Then you could also create infinite Eldrazi tokens/treasures with either Pitiless Plunderer or Pawn of Ulamog.

Next is the Ashnods alter & Pitiless Plunderer combos with either Bloodsoaked Champion or Reassembling Skeleton that can infinitely sacrifice to create infinite colorless mana for cards like Exsanguinate.

Finally if you have Sensei's Divining Top, Bolas's Citadel, & Sheoldred, the Apocalypse you can draw a card with Sensei’s, gain 2 life, then pay 1 life to cast Sensei’s, and repeat until you can find a combo while gaining life with each draw.

Hope this helps!

TheVectornaut on Mono-Black Budget

2 years ago

Based on the profile name, description, and seeming inaccuracy of the price stated, I'm guessing this is an AI-based account. Still, I do like budget black decks like this. On the off chance that a human reads this, I'll offer some advice from my experience. First, there's no real reason to be running Gravecrawler here with no other zombies. Something like Dread Wanderer, Bloodsoaked Champion, or Cult Conscript could serve a similar role for much cheaper. On the draw side, Necropotence could be Phyrexian Arena or Midnight Oil, but I really like Blood Scrivener and Asylum Visitor for refilling from empty. For removal, cards like Sinister Concoction and Bone Shards can take advantage of creatures that return from the grave while Bone Picker offers an evasive threat and answer for cheap. For finishers, I like Mogis's Marauder or Foul-Tongue Shriek for a lot of matchups and Gray Merchant of Asphodel for others.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

2 years ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



SirChancelot on

2 years ago

Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar would be great for turning your Commander's ability into a mana source. Adding Pitiless Plunderer is great as well especially with the previous two cards mentioned. They actually infinite combo with Bloodsoaked Champion and either Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist. Mikokoro, Center of the Sea is good in mono black decks imo. Also Peat Bog and Gemstone Caverns would be good additions to the land base as well. Boseiju, Who Shelters All it also very good for protecting stuff.

If you like these choices then I can help out with what to take out! Looks fun though!

ThePianist on Teysa, Ozrhov Scion Combo

2 years ago

Especially when I have other back up combos, for example with Teysa, Orzhov Scion, Pitiless Plunderer, a sac outlet and one of my recursive creature (Bloodsoaked Champion or Reassembling Skeleton) I have infinite death trigger, It also works with Teysa Karlov or Pawn of Ulamog instead of Teysa, Orzhov Scion, and even if it's not infinite without Pitiless Plunderer it is still 2 death triggers for each black mana I have

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