Sheoldred, Whispering One
Start Commander Deck

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sheoldred, Whispering One

Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Praetor

Swampwalk (This creature can't be blocked as long as defending player controls a Swamp.)

At the beginning of your upkeep, return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.

At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, that player sacrifices a creature.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Battlefield Percher
Raiding Nightstalker
Poison Arrow
Charging Bandits
Urborg Shambler
Moor Fiend

DemonDragonJ on Waste Not

1 week ago

I have replaced Fungal Shambler and Kheru Lich Lord with Indulgent Tormentor and Sheoldred, Whispering One, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 3.73 to 3.71, which is very nice, since the newer cards better fit the theme of this deck.

legendofa on Should I Keep Fungal Shambler …

1 month ago

As a 4/4 for 6 mana across three colors, Kheru Lich Lord needs a strong ability to justify its cost, and I don't believe it has one. It costs three additional mana to have any more utility than a vanilla creature, and the randomness and lack of repeatability make it very unreliable. It also directly competes with The Mineoplasm. Fungal Shambler is better, and probably close to on par with Indulgent Tormentor and Demon of Loathing. Sheoldred, Whispering One is by far the best option of what's listed. There's some tension with the commander, but it's mild and temporary, and I think the battlefield control more than makes up for it.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Keep Fungal Shambler …

1 month ago

I have an EDH deck with The Mimeoplasm as its general, and I have both Fungal Shambler and Kheru Lich Lord in that deck, but I am not certain if I should keep those cards in that deck, since I am not certain how well they work with the theme of the deck, so I certainly would appreciate any feedback that anyone here can offer any feedback, on this matter.

I am contemplating those creatures with creatures such as Indulgent Tormentor, Demon of Loathing, or Sheoldred, Whispering One, but I certainly would be interested to hear any other suggestions that other users of this forum may have to offer.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I keep Kheru Lich Lord and Fungal Shambler in my The Mimeoplasm EDH deck, or replace them with creatures that better fit the theme of the deck?

Spell_Slam on This Is Going To Hurt

4 months ago

Good list! I got some ideas for my own, so thanks!

In terms of enablers, Keen Duelist and Descent into Avernus are quite strong. Walking Ballista (and to a lesser extent Hangarback Walker) also makes a great enabler in the early game or a giant threat in the mid/late game. Cryptolith Fragment  Flip is great as a ramp spell that fixes and also enables casting Rakdos. I am also playing Insolent Neonate, which has worked out surprisingly well, though there may be better options out there. I see you're not running Heartless Hidetsugu, which I think is a must-have for this deck. It makes dumping out your hand and killing every opponent trivially easy.

When it comes to payoffs, I really like playing as many colourless cards as possible to really take advantage of Rakdos. I see you're missing Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and Emrakul, the Promised End in your top-end. In terms of other colourless cards, I like Duplicant as a potentially free removal spell, Wurmcoil Engine for the value, Myr Battlesphere for early damage output and Steel Hellkite as a flying threat that can wipe out huge chunks of the board.

When it comes to coloured payoffs, I stopped playing cards that cost more than or in their costs, as they wouldn't play well with the Rakdos discount. I do like Sheoldred, Whispering One, Knollspine Dragon and Balefire Dragon.

With Whip of Erebos and Exquisite Blood in the deck, is seems like Sanguine Bond would be a great include as a combo finisher.

In terms of cuts, Lightning Bolt seems like an easy one to let go. I stopped playing haste-givers because I found myself playing creatures post-combat most of the time anyways, so something like Rising of the Day could be an easy cut. Read the Bones seems like a really weak card that could be replaced with better card draw or recursion (Necropotence?). I see the combo with Tectonic Hazard and Death-rattle Oni, but that seems pretty niche otherwise and could be replaced with more reliable/repeatable enablers instead. Spawn of Mayhem seems pretty awkward in this deck, as you'll rarely be able to cast it before turn 4 even with Spectacle (and we know what turn 4 is for! :) ). The triple-black on Bloodletter of Aclazotz and Dread Cacodemon are pretty restricting, in my opinion. Indulgent Tormenter seems very unreliable and probably not worth the cost.

Jet Medallion and Ruby Medallion are not at their best here, as they reduce colourless costs instead of adding mana, which means that with Rakdos out they may not even do anything.

DreadKhan on Sauron, The Dark Lord Commander Deck

6 months ago

I feel like this deck should look pretty hard at Relic of Sauron, it's one of the best mana rocks for a Grixis deck, it also offers card draw and a discard outlet when you don't need the mana. I also feel like you might want more ramp, but I'm not sure I'd shave the land count too much further. I do have much higher average MV decks with similar land counts, they tend to run a lot of ramp though!

I've always liked the idea of evasive Changelings in this deck, the best being Changeling Outcast, but Mistwalker is also good, Mothdust Changeling less so but still interesting, evasion is really good on an Army in here. Taurean Mauler might be worth throwing in too, any of these is infinitely better than trying to use a token as the base for your army. Amoeboid Changeling can make any creature an army (to trigger Sauron). You might even try Maskwood Nexus, you can always choose not to wheel your hand away if you're happy with it (could be an issue if you're getting in with several armies in a turn).

Since Sauron discards your hand before he draws a new one you might want to look into some recursion effects, Black is very good at that kind of thing. Sheoldred, Whispering One is a nice easy-button recursion card that also hassles your opponents, but she is slow and a ton of mana, but you can reanimate her with something like Animate Dead or Reanimate. Since Sauron can make you a new token whenever someone casts a spell (if you don't already have one) you could use sacrifice based recursion effectively, Hell's Caretaker could do some work. These are just a few low hanging fruit, if you need a bunch more (or cheaper ones) I could probably rattle off more.

With this much built in discard you might look at the better Delve cards, Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time come to mind immediately, both are pretty good card draw if you don't have to pay any generic mana in.

Mask of Griselbrand can work well as a draw source, it also gives two useful abilities for an Army. Not sure if this is too out there, but you could try Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep and Shizo, Death's Storehouse, if you make an Army your Ringbearer it becomes Legendary, meaning these lands don't just help Sauron (but making Sauron unblockable is inherently good in a deck like this because he has 7 power and he's a 3 hit kill). Fear from Shizo is probably better than First Strike in most metas, but First Strike is a very useful effect. Rogue's Passage is a nice budget card that can let Sauron or an Army get in each turn. I really have enjoyed using Scavenged Brawler, it would be very good with your Commander (if he can get in twice he can kill someone, regardless of their life total), but it'll also be useful with a good sized Army token, those key word abilities are pretty sweet in my experience. Dauthi Embrace is a nifty old card that can be very sneaky, you can use it to help opponents get in, not just to protect your creature from blockers. If you plan to attack and are in Red you might benefit from Berserkers' Onslaught, double strike on your entire board can be a very powerful effect.

If you want a way to protect Sauron from most board wipes, I really love Gift of Doom, this gem of a card can be cast as a Morph for 3 mana, after which you can sacrifice a creature to attach the aura to a creature (note that this method doesn't target the creature it attaches to, so you can get around Shroud on your creature) at literally any time you have priority iirc. It's also not a spell or ability, so you can use it in response to something with Split Second. Indestructible is very good, but if you can get Deathtouch on a creature with trample it only takes 1 point of damage to 'destroy' any creature (regardless of whether or not it dies), the rest goes over, so it has great synergy with Scavenged Brawler (and other Trample sources). You can always cast it for 5 mana, and it's not a terrible card in that form, but the Morph effect is one of the best ways to protect an individual creature (or to turn your opponent's block attempt into a blood bath).

Finally, Mercadian Bazaar, Subterranean Hangar, and Saprazzan Cove are my spiciest ideas for a deck like this, I will take no offense if you laugh at them, but you might be surprised by what they can do in a deck with a 6 mana Commander. I use the first two as well as two Fallen Empires storage lands (which I wouldn't encourage you to use unless you want gray hair) in my Rakdos deck, I play them as ramp cards, and it's openly hilarious how useful they can be if you really want to cheese out a big Commander (or recast them repeatedly).

Hope some of this brainstorming is helpful, Sauron is a pretty strong Commander that attracts a fair bit of attention afaik.

wallisface on Rona, herald of invasion and …

6 months ago

If your Commander is anywhere that is not the Battlefield, only the front face exists. However, if it is on the battlefield and transformed, only the back face exists.

So, in the case of Sheoldred, Whispering One, you’ll only get to scry if Rona is on the battlefield and transformed. Note that while Rona is transformed this way, she’s not a “human”, so you won’t be able to scry off any humans you cast.

Also note that if your Commander is in a Hidden Zone, Path of Ancestry can't "see" it so it will not know what creature types it has. In that case, you won't scry no matter what you cast.

koylucumert on Rona, herald of invasion and …

6 months ago

lets say rona is my commander and I have a path of ancestry in play. when I use that path to cast Sheoldred, Whispering One (who is erratad to be a phyrexian), do I get to scry since rona is a phyrexian on the back side? does the answer change if I have ronas backside on the battlefield as I cast the sheoldred?

NV_1980 on

8 months ago

Would Hell's Caretaker fit? Also, I'm thinking Sheoldred, Whispering One would make a lot of sense.

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