Caller of the Pack

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Caller of the Pack

Creature — Beast


Myriad (Whenever this creature attacks, for each opponent other than defending player, you may put a token that's a copy of this creature onto the battlefield tapped and attacking that player or a planeswalker he or she controls. Exile the token at the end of combat.)

thefiresoflurve on Naya Populate True

1 year ago

Welcome to big board state club! (I used to run G/W populate back in the day).

Disclaimer: not sure what your budget is for recommendations, so I'm going to go by what I see here (Dockside, Smothering Tithe, Parallel Lives level of cost for individual recommendations).

I think Ghired, Conclave Exile would make a better commander here than Palladia-Mors, unless you're tied to the latter for sentimentality/flavor/etc.

Next, land base. The single best thing I did for my Esper deck was upgrading my land base. You don't have to go super hard here to see results, but I would put together a list like: 1x Cabaretti Courtyard 1x Command Tower 1x Jungle Shrine 1x Sungrass Prairie 1x Rockfall Vale 1x Branchloft Pathway  Flip 1x Needleverge Pathway  Flip 1x Rogue's Passage 1x Kessig Wolf Run 1x Gavony Township. If you like this route, there are even more cheaper dual lands you can add in like the Temple of Triumph and friends.

There are a few cuts or substitutions that I think the main deck could make really easily:

Ultramarines Honour Guard -> Caller of the Pack. If Ghired attacks with a creature that has Myriad, he can populate the token that Myriad creates, but the Populated token forgets about the exile clause. Thus, you can end up with a theoretically infinite horde of creatures. It's fantastic. :D

Going off that last bit... Wayfaring Temple -> Treasure. Basically a great card in commander anyway, here it's a free win if you manage to clone it.

Growing Ranks is an easy cut. It's way too slow for EDH (compare it to Parallel Lives...) Could replace it with a Talisman of Conviction or friends to help you ramp faster.

I would replace Momentous Fall with Teferi's Protection or Akroma's Will or Grand Crescendo - some extra source of board wipe dodging. I don't think your creatures are really big enough to warrant a momentous fall.

I would also replace Druid's Deliverance with one of the aforementioned board wipe dodges. There are also some cheaper options like Your Temple is Under Attack, Unbreakable Formation, Make a Stand. Reasoning being: you should have enough board state to block things that want to hurt you, as long as you keep your board alive.

As far as making tokens sooner: well, if you want to do that, you're going to have to run some cheaper creatures.... or ramp faster. I'd probably opt for ramping faster, TBH, since your creatures are really cool. If you add the entire Gruul Signet and friends, along with the Talismans I mentioned earlier, that should get you to the minimum ramp package in tricolor EDH to make sure you can play quickly.

Naya Charm -> Artifact Mutation can help make some earlier tokens.

Brindle Shoat and Call of the Conclave are some decent options for turn 3 tokens you might consider, as well. But adding those would also require cutting other stuff.... horrible choice I don't envy you : P

Sorry for the wall of text...Hope that helps, and happy building!

marco-online on Hosenfurz

2 years ago

Ok I just realized I can not edit that comments :) since the gameplan looks now clearer to me I would change some cuts and make some other suggestions.

Caller of the Pack Very expensive, After you tapped out and if it sticks ( survives one whole round ) you only got more fatties out of it and the tokens will leave the field then!. -> Armada Wurm costs less, has more devotion towards your gods Karametra, God of Harvests, Heliod, Sun-Crowned and the token sticks

Zendikar Farguide Unplayable mediocre evasion. no synergy. Thats just bulk. -> replace this with Thragtusk with the same cost you get a token and life gain

Impervious Greatwurm is strictly MORE-WIN. -> Instead of a meaningless fatty I would include a fatty that helps at least your creatures and tokens ( If you manage to fokus on something here.. ) Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

Nyx-Fleece Ram slow and only viable in enchantress or lifegain ( well seems you would like lifegain ) I would suggest Authority of the Consuls instead. No one want to kill Authority of the Consuls and it triggers all the time I have seen it. There is also Soul's Attendant in creature form but the enchantment is stictly better ( it sticks around as an engine )

Trudge Garden this card is just playable if you commit more to lifegain... so yeah lets do that. dont cut this anymore pls.

Conclave Guildmage This fragile setup card has no synergy rate. Token 4cmc to expensive and tapping for trample is something you will mathematically never really benefit from. I would replace it with some real oomph here -> The Great Henge ( Its really broken )

Jewel Thief is pure garbage for green ramp. You play green man. USE IT BETTER -> I would to another ramp which is also a library fix and lifegain. good ol Courser of Kruphix

Heal the Scars is way to expensive to hold back for a battle trick. Unplayable. -> If you want stuff like that I would let it die and play -> Momentous Fall. Can also be used If it would die in your combat step.

Mirariis unplayable here. dead card. That fits in a blue wizard spellslinger/artifact deck consider the very versatile Knight of Autumn

There is Blossoming Sands or Graypelt Refuge to have more chance of lifegain triggers

Trelasarra, Moon Dancer as far as the math went ( or is ) you dont get any meaningfull recursive life but you can try him would not cut him anymore.

Second Harvest This is a card just playable if you commit 100% towards tokens. Dont make the deck bad Instead of a WINMORE play WIN. You dont want to pay 4mana for cloning one or two 1/1 or 2/2 tokens -> I would replace it with Archangel of Thune

Growing Ranks This is a card just playable if you commit 100%% towards tokens. you could replace it with some of the horses like Crested Sunmare

Knotvine Paladin maybe you misread this it does not get a +1/+1 counter it just gets +1/+1 until end of turn. This card has no synergy anf if you think it gets big because of all the creatures you have then its MORE-WIN - replace it with some protection (lacking in the deck) Heroic Intervention

Loxodon Smiter this card is just a vanilla 4/4 for you No one lets you discard this there is no reason for it replace it with protection (lacking in the deck Teferi's Protection

Murasa Rootgrazer only viable for a landfall deck. - replace with more protection Dauntless Escort note that sac: is instant speed when i is on the field.

Chatterstorm unplayable. this is no storm/spellslinger deck at all. Random suggestion here you like mean ones like Hornet Queen dontu

marco-online on Hosenfurz

2 years ago

I would cut

Caller of the Pack Very expensive, After you tapped out and if it sticks ( survives one whole round ) you only got more fatties out of it. Feels like you have enought of those damage win cons in here already.

Conclave Guildmage This fragile setup card has no synergy rate. Token 4cmc to expensive and tapping for trample is something you will mathematically never really benefit from.

Impervious Greatwurm is strictly MORE-WIN.

Jewel Thief is pure garbage for green ramp. You play green man. USE IT BETTER

Knotvine Paladin maybe you misread this it does not get a +1/+1 counter it just gets +1/+1 until end of turn. This card has no synergy anf if you think it gets big because of all the creatures you have then its MORE-WIN

Fuzzy003 on Does Quartzwood Crasher give me …

2 years ago

If I attacked with something like Caller of the Pack with Quartzwood Crasher in play and dealt 8, 5 and 1 damage to 3 different players, would that give me a 14/14 or an 8/8, 5/5 and a 1/1?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Her Royal Fluffness: Gorestorm

3 years ago

devin444: Thanks for the comment and this flurry of suggestions. I recently added Muse. It's a great card, and with Vivien, Champion of the Wilds and Yeva, Nature's Herald, I can basically have four turns per rotation. Seems pretty powerful.

Caller of the Pack and Liege of the Tangle seem interesting, but actually don't add all that much to the deck. The rest of your suggestions sure is powerful, but those price tags don't sit right with me. Thank you very much, still. I'm always thank ful for having to consider new cards. Btw, you inspired me to consider Chatterstorm and Hunting Pack. The deck often playes like a storm deck anyways, so those two could be stellar, but maybe a little win-more.

brandonplaysmagic on Wulfgar of Icewind Dale

3 years ago

Super fun deck! I have a few suggestions that I think may be fun.

I think one of the more fun mechanics to play with having Wulfgar out is myriad. For instance Caller of the Pack or Warchief Giant or Blade of Selves.

Any cards with Lure effects like Shinen of Life's Roar or Roar of Challenge are fun ways to get extra damage through.

I would also consider some recursion since the deck runs so aggro, like Bala Ged Recovery  Flip or Regrowth to get some of those heavy hitters back.

Super fun deck! Looks like a lot of fun!

monkeyofficeboy on Ezuri, Claw in Progress

3 years ago


So a first pass at changing this deck just from things I had on hand. The following cards were removed:

Wistful Selkie

Thelonite Hermit

Experiment One

Patagia Viper

Elvish Visionary

Great Oak Guardian

Arbor Colossus

Loaming Shaman

Noble Quarry

Broodbirth Viper

Illusory Ambusher

Caller of the Claw

Kaseto, Orochi Archmage

All of these creatures were dropped to help reinforce the +1/+1 theme that the deck has. All of these creatures tend to lean more toward a Token theme, which might have helped with powering Ezuri up, but that's about it.

Scytheclaw Not enough effect and doesnt reinforce the Counters theme.

Orochi Hatchery Has counters, but leans into the Tokens subtheme the orginal deck had, so off it goes.

Caller of the Pack It's a big beater. Doesnt help Ezuri build Counters, and again leans into the Tokens subtheme.

Snakeform Too little effect and is token based again.

Sword of Vengeance A cool bit of kit, and will be going into something else, but doesn't help the theme here.

Vivid Grove Too little effect for its slot. Replaced with a dual land.

Vivid Creek Same as above.

rawrtortle on Please suggest new cards havent played in 4 yrs

3 years ago

Thanks for the advice. I took your suggestions into consideration and although I did already have Eternal Witness in the list I added the others. As well as Ashnod's Altar and Nim Deathmantle. I removed Viridian Zealot for Caustic Caterpillar, Caller of the Pack for Sakura-Tribe Elder, Raving Dead for Plaguecrafter, and honestly can't remember what for Viscera Seer lol. Geth, Lord of the Vault's utility at getting opponents artifacts and creature made him hard to part with and Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief being able to kill indestructible but I'm always open to more suggestions and thank you for taking your time to help.

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