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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Rally of Wings
Untap all creatures you control. Creatures you control with flying get +2/+2 until end of turn.
TheVectornaut on Rise of the Griffins
2 months ago
While I like the idea of the current enchantment combo, I don't know that it's really necessary. Privileged Position already protects your stuff without the need to get out 2 cards. Further, turning all of your lands into enchantments opens you up to instantly losing the game to something like Spring Cleaning, although players are more likely to play mass wipes that will also destroy or exile their permanents due to Enchanted Evening's symmetry. Speaking of, you can try to take advanatge of that symmetry in other ways like playing Azorius First-Wing as an unblockable griffin, assuming you don't mind going into blue. Otherwise, I'd still try to upgrade the griffins here to be a little faster and more impactful. Diving Griffin and Resplendent Griffin have the potential to be better than Sunspire Griffin, depending on the final build. Fearless Fledgling and Griffin Rider are both aggressive options to shore up the 2 slot in a way I think would be more impactful than Crashing Drawbridge or the currently underwhelming Pearl Medallion. Finally, Wanted Griffin may be better than Senate Griffin at 4, again depending on what your game plan ends up being. Mutavault and Metallic Mimic are some less budget friendly options that could help the tribe's limited card pool.
As for anthems, I usually prefer the 2 cost options to the 3, although I do like Always Watching. Honor of the Pure is the vanilla option while Rally the Ranks or even Obelisk of Urd could fit in a tribal shell. One thing I thought of while looking at the high number of white pips making the Medallion worse was that you could lean into that and go for a mono-white devotion build. Some anthems like Flowering of the White Tree and Benalish Marshal already fit well in such a deck. You'd definitely want a playset of Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and some sort of payoff for the extra mana like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Walking Ballista, or whatever other bomb you prefer. You'd also want something to play on 1 for that strategy. War Falcon has some synergy with Griffin Rider, Esper Sentinel is a generically powerful draw engine, and Weathered Wayfarer is a classic way to find Nykthos. War Falcon also brings to mind the idea of leaning more into broad flying support like Sephara, Sky's Blade and Rally of Wings, although I acknowledge going down that path could severely dilute the tribal identity of the deck. One final approach I can think of is pivoting to focus on lifegain to use the Griffin Aerie in your maybeboard. You'd definitely need cheaper ways to gain life than True Conviction, especially since I think it's already one of the weaker cards in the deck. The reality is that you'd probably be nudged towards splitting the griffins with angels to take advanatge of Angelic Accord, Bishop of Wings, Speaker of the Heavens, and even Archangel of Thune. Outside of that, the options are more limited. Maybe mass lifelink could be made cheaper with Metallic Mimic plus Envoy of the Ancestors or Abzan Battle Priest. This is the only route where I actually see Path of Bravery being worth it.
Breakaway on Mono White Vigilance
1 year ago
Thanks for the recommendations, BioProfDude. I tried to keep it Human-centric to maximize the number of instant speed payoffs, one of which was Sanctuary Lockdown. I especially like the recommendation of Reidane, God of the Worthy Flip and Cave of the Frost Dragon. They make me want to build around a flying theme to take advantage of Miner's Guidewing, Segovian Angel (in Modern) and Swooping Lookout. Another payoff would be Rally of Wings which would allow you to pump and "ramp" on turn 3: untap with 3 1-drops and 2 open mana, Convoke a Cut Short on a tapped creature, cast Rally of Wings to double pump the team, swing for 9 and untap leaving up Ephemeral Shields for protection or Cut Short / Devouring Light as removal. not the most busted thing, but a fun budget deck that can cheat a bit.
Bobs_Army on Stardew_Vale's Guide to "Sky Emperor Ojutai" - EDH
1 year ago
I have a deck rather similar to this. My favorite card in my deck is Rally of Wings. Rally of wings is incredibly powerful because it allows you to have a fake version of vigilance. It also gives all creatures with flying +2/+2 which can be really important when it comes to keeping creatures alive or maybe killing an opponent in a single turn. Attack and then play it before damage to untap your creatures and deal extra damage.
But dang I love the deck.
mlequesne on Birds with Counters
1 year ago
Hi friend, I love your deck :)
I've actually loved birds tribal since odyssey, and actually I've been lately thinking to build a Derevi bird deck. I have some non-bird suggestions:
See you friend :)
KBK7101 on Heavenly Saint
2 years ago
I know that this is a WIP, but there are a few issues. Archangel Avacyn Flip technically has a color identity and isn't legal in this deck. Same problem with Sigarda, Bruna, Razia and a handful of others. There are also some cards that are included twice.
If you want this deck to be playable, Giada, Font of Hope is probably your best bet for the commander. Sephara, Sky's Blade is another option. Morophon, the Boundless is a five color option, though that means the manabase will get pretty expensive. If you don't care about this deck being terribly competitive, and your playgroup is cool with it, then you could change the format of this deck to Commander: Rule 0 and run Serra the Benevolent anyway. If anyone isn't okay with that, then just swap her for Giada or Avacyn or someone. Easy. Just be sure to ask beforehand. The only issue with Serra as commander is her ultimate ability being immune to interaction. Promise not to use it and most people should be fine with it.
You'll probably want to look at cards like War Room, Bonders' Enclave and Vanquisher's Banner as sources of card draw, as well. Other cards that work really well with the angels tribal theme are Bishop of Wings, Rally of Wings, Resplendent Angel if you focus on a lifegain theme, and Harsh Mercy as a "board wipe but not for me".
Art wise, Angel of Flight Alabaster, Linvala, Keeper of Silence and Lyra Dawnbringer (who's getting a new full art treatment in Dominaria Remastered!) are some of my favorites.
JANKYARD_DOG on Eye In The Sky
3 years ago
Isperia triggers each time she deals combat damage, so yes, double strike is your friend. Cards that help with that are True Conviction, Duelist's Heritage, and Fireshrieker. Some others I just found are Paladin Class which doubles as an Anthem and stax effect as well. Also Akroma's Will, while being a one shot effect it has other applications. Another interesting one is Avenging Huntbonder. While it doesn't fly it spreads nicely with each subsequent attack. Sigarda's Vanguard is better if you have ways to blink/flicker it.
If you want to go full on anthems it may be beneficial to consider a 'go wide' strategy as well.Favorable Winds, Empyrean Eagle, Sprite Noble, Serra the Benevolent, Thunderclap Wyvern (personal favorite), Inniaz, the Gale Force, Steel-Plume Marshal, Windstorm Drake, Kangee's Lieutenant, Gravitational Shift (I feel this is meta dependent), Kangee, Sky Warden. Rally of Wings is one time effect, but possibly relevant.
Aside from blue's signature Counterspell's for saving your board, there are a few options. Depending on your budget Teferi's Protection is an option as well as Flawless Maneuver. Sephara, Sky's Blade is specific to flyers. Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Eldrazi Monument are pricey but are an option. Bounce spells are versatile here because they can remove a blocker which also nets you handle knowledge, or save a permanent from destruction. Scapegoat at least let's you read them, minus 1. Single target spells like Blink of an Eye can save you racking up commander tax. For commander protection, you got the usual Boots/Grieves but Neurok Stealthsuit and Whispersilk Cloak offer more, the former can be uses as a counterspell of sorts for single target effects.
Hopefully that isn't too much info for ya. Not saying include them all, but whatever you feel works for you. Oh, almost forgot... looking at the Sphinx options only a few really stuck out. The first of which is Medomai the Ageless works with the double strike as well, however cannot attack during any extra turns. That said, you just switch you equipment or target over on the extra turns. Alhammarret, High Arbiter Can view a hand and lock a card in it. If you bounce a commander prior you can name the commander. Jelenn Sphinx while small in the front still offers an anthem on the attack. Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign, is iffy. I like the cost reduction but am not a fan of cards going to the yard up to you though. Atemsis, All-Seeing was something else I've been considering as an additional wincon. You can use Isperia to fetch cards of costs you're missing.
Ok, now I'm done for now.
Hawzy97 on God-Eternal Oketra
3 years ago
Okay, I have available the following:
Revitalize , Soul Warden , Mentor of the Meek , Oketra's Last Mercy , Bygone Bishop , Aviary Mechanic , Mardu Woe-Reaper , Make a Stand , Thraben Inspector , Bond of Discipline , Marble Diamond , War Screecher , Binding Mummy , Rally of Wings , Battlefield Promotion , Gideon's Sacrifice , In Oketra's Name , Whitemane Lion ,
TheVectornaut on
3 years ago
Unless you're playing with some funky homebrew rules, your commander does have to be a legendary creature. For bird tribal, Kangee, Aerie Keeper or Kangee, Sky Warden would be the most obvious choices. Also, Screaming Seahawk does not get around the singleton restriction in the same way something like Relentless Rats does. Even if it did, I still don't think it would be worth running over the much faster Squadron Hawk . More relevant inclusions might be Watcher of the Spheres , Warden of Evos Isle , Soulcatchers' Aerie , Migratory Route , Wingmate Roc , Aven Mimeomancer , Emeria Angel , Favorable Winds , Kangee's Lieutenant , Judge's Familiar , Steel-Plume Marshal , Battle Screech , Skycat Sovereign , Pride of the Clouds , Sephara, Sky's Blade , Jotun Owl Keeper , Windreader Sphinx , Aven Gagglemaster , Thunderclap Wyvern , Jubilant Skybonder , Rally of Wings , Eyes in the Skies , Alrund's Epiphany , Aerial Assault , Rise of Eagles , Door of Destinies , Herald's Horn , Dovescape , Gravitational Shift , Kindred Discovery , Call to the Kindred , Serra the Benevolent , or Seaside Haven .
Looks like my comment is now a little redundant here, but hope the seconded advice still helps. Good luck!
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