Conqueror's Flail

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Conqueror's Flail

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature gets +1/+1 for each colour among permanents you control.

As long as Conqueror's Flail is attached to a creature, your opponents can't cast spells during your turn.

Equip (: Attach this to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This enters the battlefield unattached and stays on the battlefield if the creature this card is attached to leaves the battlefield.)

SufferFromEDHD on Kaalia of the vast

1 month ago

Kaalia will always be one of my favorite commanders. That first batch of commander decks were special.

This is a really neat shell. I like your use of niche white control spells like Abeyance and Orim's Chant. Would something like Conqueror's Flail be useful here?

I really like your use of Necrodominance and Necropotence. Is this speeding up your wins?

A playset of cards from my list that I think would be excellent here:

Eiganjo Castle kaalia protection

Arena of Glory best haste enabler

Chance for Glory wins games

Cataclysm the math is on your side

Sneak Attack kaalia #2

Cut all the creatures that don't fit the tribes. Keep Mother of Runes. The rest are just good stuff.

Mortlocke on A Pimp Named Sliver Overlord

10 months ago

Yes, I'm aware that Zur the Enchanter gets around counter magic through his ability, but in my opinion that seems like an unnecessarily convoluted way to try and solve a problem. Slivers have access to all colors - why not just run your own counter magic? Or control/stax pieces like Conqueror's Flail?

I'm not trying to be a contrarion here but this - "In turn 3 u cast vampiric tutor searching for enchanment, turn 4 cast Zur, turn 5 attack zur and draw second enchanment to loop combo." Doesn't make alotta sense. On turn 4 you'd have the enchantment you intend to put into play in hand. Zur won't be able to target said Enchantment when he eventually attacks on turn 5. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here without you at least naming all the cards you intend to use for the implied combo.

So your analysis of 4 CMC slivers boils down to "their power / toughness is low, so therefore they are bad". Sure, if they were vanilla creatures sure I'd agree with you. BUT - reading the card explains the card. Say you have Magma Sliver and 3 other smaller slivers in play. With one attack you could deal 15 damage to a player. If another one of those slivers was Shifting Sliver, then that damage is unblockable. So you say that slivers are likely to be targeted for removal? Well if your opponents aren't brain dead then they absolutely should be targeting any of the previously mentioned. But again Slivers are in all 5 colors, so say it with me now: Run. Interaction. It stops your mass removal, or if you really wanna flex, run a commander staple like Teferi's Protection.

"Next things is what u do if some one play "Ghostly prison", "Moat" or "The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale" + "Winter Orb" or "Winter Orb" + "Static Orb" ?"

Harmonic Sliver. As for The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale - Beast Within. Ill repeat myself just the once - Interaction. As for my face, well...if you want we can play some games on Spelltable. Doubt you'd show. Also doubt you own any of the expensive cards you like to try to flex with.

But I digress, DoctorMunchiesPHD tell me more about your Intruder Alarm + Telekinetic Sliver combo. This is your page after all.

Profet93 on Uncle Istvan and the Shadow Crew

10 months ago


Rise of the Dark Realms - Alt wincon, expensive but powerful.

All is Dust - Board wipe that hits enchantments (and some artifacts).

Neither of the above 2 are needed. While the deck is low to the ground, my fear is that in the mid-late game, after one wipe, it is hard to rebuild. That's where rise comes in handy for mass recursion and all is dust when someone either tries to pillowfort their way to safety or just outvalue you. Thoughts on that?

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse - Deathtouch + Useful with all the drawing. Speaking of drawing, Peer into the Abyss might be useful given you can't always get combat damage. Not to mention since your deck is low to the ground, you should be able to cast a lot of your hand and with reliquary tower + spellbook, not discard it. Lastly, both of them combo with each other for an alt wincon.

Speaking of alt wincon, have you thought of adding Rings of Brighthearth + some more fetches? Rings + fetches = ramp. More fetches = Use bojuka bog at instant speed. Moreover, you can "save" fetches with urborg out. Lastly, Rings + Coffers + Lots of swamps (Urborg makes it less) = . Rings also simply double's your commander's ability.

Bubbling Muck - Symmetrical with urborg but extremely powerful.

I can attempt to provide other suggestions + cuts should you wish. Looking forward to your response.

SufferFromEDHD Disdain for cabalstronghold is the exact word I would use. A lot of people try to add it in their decks thinking it's ramps but the amount of basic swamps needed to make it into a ramp piece simply made it unviable for most decks. The only decks it should have a place in are budget mono black decks that don't run coffers and use mostly basic swamps with little non-basic lands.

I love corpse dance, best with a sac outlet which I don't see in this deck. Hatred is amazing (my Sidisi deck used to be Xiahou dun, I run corspe dance still, but not hatred). Hatred is a difficult card to use because 1) You hold up 5 mana 2) Life is additional cost to cast - so counterspells are your worst enemy. I wouldn't run it without some form of counterspell protection such as Conqueror's Flail. Very solid suggestions though, as always.

Profet93 on Kosei Canseco, Modified, Allegedly (MonoG Voltron)

11 months ago


Skyshroud Claim > ranger path - Upgrade

Return of the Wildspeaker > Soul's Might - Too expensive for what it does

Eldrazi Conscription - Death to enemies

Conqueror's Flail - Anti-interaction as they can kill your commander in response to enchant/equip/counter

Heroic Intervention > Fog - Protection

Yavimaya Hollow > Forest - Protection

Profet93 on "Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

11 months ago

Last_Laugh +1

Crystal Chimes - Recursion

Replenish - Recursion (I have a regular and several foil ones for sale/trade, lol)

Grand Abolisher - Prevent interaction/response to aura cast. Also see Conqueror's Flail.

Flickering Ward - Trigger enchantment cast triggers and for protection

Spectra Ward - Protection

Hall of the Bandit Lord - Unsure about this one given lifeloss but you do have some lifegain to mitigate this.

Bravado - You don't go wide enough

Born to Drive - See above

Angelic Gift - Nice cantrip with evasion but not impactful enough IMO to warrant an inclusion

Squire's Devotion - Not impactful enough IMO

Regarding king-saproling's comment, Gift of immortality is amazing, highly recommended.

Enchantments are not in my wheelhouse, but I've always wanted to make an enchantment deck. Interesting boros enchantments definitely piques my curiosity. What do you feel your deck is lacking at the moment? From my limited perspective, you don't have much draw unless you have a bunch of enchantments on board to trigger one of your burst draw effects. A risky but effective strategy given you are in boros. I hope these comments helped. Let me know what you think, looking forward to your response.

darkemoji on Titans, The Clean-Up Crew

1 year ago


A) Just another mana rock with sub-utility, acting as an equipment mid-to-late game.

B) Considered in the original decklist, however I've been favoring non-basic lands that offer side tech for the deck.

C) Not sure about this one. Nonbo with Abstruse Archaic and our own commander Kozilek, the Great Distortion.

D, E, F, G) Appreciate the thorough evaluation here of Chimil, the Inner Sun. Will play around your other suggestions against counterspells/interaction with Defense Grid and/or Cavern of Souls. For sure, I would consider these cards over Conqueror's Flail.

H) Noted! Might switch The Immortal Sun for Blinkmoth Urn.

I) Metalworker Very good card that ramps hard and can combo off with certain pieces in play. Current decklist runs pretty well without it due to the amount of fast mana, mana rocks, and cost reducers that are already in the deck.

Profet93 on Titans, The Clean-Up Crew

1 year ago


  1. Got you, wasn't sure of intended power level but I saw some combos and thought you might want more. I will say, most people who do play against stax would prefer for that user to have combos to end the game rather than suffer. Nevertheless, noted.
  2. As above
  3. Expedition map could find you blinkmoth well which is nice.
  4. Great
  5. The combo is fun but yes, niche. But Karn himself is great. In EDH, people are bound to have lots of mana rocks. But if it isn't for you, I understand.
  6. Perfect swap

A) What is the purpose of The Irencrag?

B) Darksteel Citadel - Artifact count increase

C) Cursed Totem - Only anti-synergy with one card in your deck and can stop mana dorks and other pesky abilities. Pairs well with torpor orb.

D) Regarding your question if Chimil, the Inner Sun, I suppose it would depend on your meta's amount of blue players. My issue with it is that it, itself can be countered. My other issue is that sometimes there is a card thats 6cmc+ and you lose it because of it. It can produce some value for sure. If you're really worried about blue, then perhaps add some of the following....

E) Cavern of Souls - Easiest solution

F) Conqueror's Flail - Might not be the best but forces interaction pre-combat. Not just anti-blue either.

G) Defense Grid - The least impactful but easiest to use. You only have one instant and you don't need to equip anything.

Do be aware that they can still activate abilities, just not cast spells. Cursed totem could fix that of course, just worth mentioning. I love your numbering system, great job.

Other cards in your maybeboard worth including are....

H) Blinkmoth Urn - Synergy with blinkmoth well and will always put you ahead of everyone else.

I) Metalworker - Assuming this is due to $ or power limiting reasons?

Valengeta on This is the Rhythm of the Knight

1 year ago

Profet93 thanks!

Steel of the Godhead not only provides a good +2/+2 buff to Sidar, it makes him always connect, which will return a Knight from the graveyard, on top of providing increasing amounts of Life back when other power-ups stack up. It has, of course, the potential to attract removal, but the risk is usually worth it. I do like Conqueror's Flail, but it doest not provide the same benefit I'm after. I would include it too, but the deck is really short on potential swaps, and I'm already looking to add a couple more Draw spells

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