Massacre Girl
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Massacre Girl

Legendary Creature — Human Assassin


When Massacre Girl enters the battlefield, each other creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn. Whenever a creature is put into the graveyard from the battlefield this turn, each creature other than Massacre Girl gets -1/-1 until end of turn.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Whipstitched Zombie
Kiss of Death
Glistening Deluge
Death's-Head Buzzard
Vogar, Necropolis Tyrant
Zombie Scavengers

Phoenix-22 on Minthara Sacrifice Machine

1 day ago

It feels like the deck is trying to do too many things at once. Your average CMC also tends to be higher than is really necessary. Minthara wants to be an aristocrat, so I suggest going all in on the sacrifice theme while cutting down your higher CMC pump spells. Your curve is closer to 4 CMC. Try to get it as close to 2 as you can.

To that end, look at deck lists of the traditional Orzhov Aristrocrats. Any variant of Teysa, Elenda, the Dusk Rose, Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim and the new Kambal, Profiteering Mayor. Also examine builds around Massacre Girl. They tend to be brutally elegant in how they exploit her forced sacrifice mechanic. I wouldn't recommend Massacre Girl for your build, though. She is hard to control in the 99.

With each card in your deck, ask a simple question: Does it take advantage of sacrificing my creatures either through mana, recursion or cards? If the answer is no, it's a safe cut.

Here are a few suggested additions: Slaughter Specialist. Bartolome del Presidio. Reassembling Skeleton. Rise of the Dread Marn. Yahenni, Undying Partisan. Bloodcrazed Paladin. Indebted Spirit. Bastion of Remembrance.

luizfpa on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

6 months ago

Massacre Girl's playing dead

Commander / EDH luizfpa


Hey y'all! I'm trying to make a janky Massacre girl kill'em'all EDH deck happen for a while. Could you please comment on it? I'm trying to keep it budget-ish, except for the cards that are included in the theme (both Massacre Girl and Massacre Girl, Known Killer, and also The Meathook Massacre are quite expensive nowadays.) Other than that, I hope you enjoy it!

@Entari0, your deck is wild! I don't even know how to improve it to be fair, however... have you seen the new card Undergrowth Recon to be released in MKM? I think it could be a really strong addition for recursion and redundancy.

I'll coment it in the deck page as well.

NV_1980 on Poisson Distribution

11 months ago

I should point out that cards like Massacre Girl and Tragic Slip will not activate Hapatra, as these cards do not put -1/-1 counters on anything. As a side note, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed combines very well with a Hapatra deck.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Commanders that can take advanmtage …

1 year ago

You could go massacre tribal with Massacre Girl at the helm and Massacre Wurm in the 99. Play Blade of the Bloodchief, even though that doesn't work with Meathook, it works great with MG. Revel in Riches is insane ramp with a wincon stapled on. Cauldron of Souls even reanimates your creatures.

marco-online on The Black Rose Grand Theft

1 year ago

Reee Strangelove. I took the deck for some spins today and I must say the general increase of creatures was a nice suggestion!

I could not see all new cards but some of them.

What I got out of my games today:

Imperial Recruiter is better then most of the random draw engines with e.g. Baleful Strix. Recruiter can look for Yawgmoth, Thran Physician

I won with Massacre Girl. She did her thing as opressive engine very very well!

Thran Vigil is a card that should be in any Marchesa deck now. It shines!

I stole another commander with Mark of Mutiny and converted it to my board with Marchesa's delayed effect. I know you don't like the target theft ones but I is really helping me out all the time!

I made some tiny swap's here and there. Cant wait to check out more of the new options the deck got.

Niko9 on Beatng a wild +1/+1 Player?

1 year ago

Something like Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite can check small creatures before they get counters, or there are also boardwipes that scale with the table like Massacre Girl

You also could go for defensive measures, something like Ensnaring Bridge

LandoLRodriguez on From Dusk Till Dawn

1 year ago

I have an Elenda deck as well! I would highly recommend Massacre Girl. As long as Elenda has at least 1 counter on her already, and assuming there's other small creatures out, Massacre Girl will kill everything but Elenda and herself, and Elenda will witness every death and love every second of it. Personally, I found the creatures that did single target damage on creature death (Blood Artist and Falkenrath Noble, namely) to be expendable. Looks like you've got almost all the important hitters that ding everyone else when your creatures die (Zulaport Cutthroat, Cruel Celebrant, and Bastion of Remembrance) and that is usually enough. Although you are missing Vindictive Vampire. I'd also recommend Grim Haruspex for card draw, although tokens dying don't trigger it. Feel free to check out my list here! Dusk Rose Parade

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