The Phasing of Zhalfir

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

The Phasing of Zhalfir

Enchantment — Saga

Read ahead (As this Saga enters the battlefield, choose a chapter and start with that many lore counters. Add one after your draw step. Activate and/or enable the ability of tied to the required number of counters. Sacrifice it after you put a third lore counter on it.)

/ — Another target permanent phases out. It can't phase in for as long as you control The Phasing of Zhalfir. (Treat them and anything attached to them as though they don't exist.)

— Destroy all creatures. For each creature destroyed this way, its controller creatures a 2/2 black Phyrexian creature token.

Gidgetimer on Does Tom Bombadil see the …

1 week ago

Abilities that trigger when something resolves trigger after the spell/ability is done resolving. So Tom Bombadil will not trigger off of The Phasing of Zhalfir, but will trigger off of an Elspeth Conquers Death that returns Tom as its third chapter ability.

608.2n Once all possible steps described in 608.2c–m are completed, any abilities that trigger when that spell or ability resolves trigger.

JoMu87 on Does Tom Bombadil see the …

2 weeks ago

For example: Tom Bombadil is on the battlefield and the third chapter of The Phasing of Zhalfir triggers and resolves, does Tom Bombadil see the ability resolve or not? i.e does his ability trigger?

jawz on UBg You Lose Combo

3 months ago

It doesn't count as a sweeper, so you have it right, but it's basically taking up the sweeper slot. She does set up a repeatable removal like I need from a sweeper, but in the most janky way to think about it.

I need a sweeper that is one-sided so that I don't lose my key disguised creatures, since the critical core of the deck is hinged on the action of flipping the disguise creatures at the right time. Something straightforward like Deadly Cover-Up or Path of Peril that could be in that slot is just killing my own stuff and making it much harder to win even if I get to stall the opponent. My deck doesn't rebuild very well after sweeping my own stuff.

I don't see anything in Standard in Sultai colors that can really play that role the way I need. So I gotta try something jank. March of Swirling Mist maybe. The Phasing of Zhalfir maybe can preserve one of my key creatures from the jank sweep. But Massacre Girl, Known Killer does work with what this deck is doing. This deck gets an extra few creatures on the board on average than the opponent, and each of those creatures are Wither blockers where the opponent's creatures take on accumulating damage over time. The opponent's creatures don't get swept immediately, but eventually they get picked off by the plentiful 2/2s I can afford to chump with, and when they do I get to draw bonus cards.

It doesn't seem great at all, but then again I get to play with Massacre Girl, Known Killer which by itself is fun anyway.

Necrosis24 on What's your dream play?

1 year ago

I think the most recent one I'd like to make happen would be Crafty Cutpurse + Mystic Reflection + The Phasing of Zhalfir.

DaringApprentice on Every Rose Has Its Thorns V2

1 year ago

Here are some suggestions:

Utility Lands: Bojuka Bog, Hagra Mauling  Flip

Ramp: Arcane Signet, Sword of the Animist, Burnished Hart, Canoptek Wraith, Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion, Sifter of Skulls, Solemn Simulacrum

Card Draw: Laelia, the Blade Reforged, Morbid Opportunist, Keep Watch, Breya's Apprentice, Moonveil Regent, Smothering Abomination, Reconnaissance Mission, Necrologia, Future Sight, Kothophed, Soul Hoarder, Will Kenrith, Harvester of Souls, Ruin Grinder, Deepfathom Skulker, Sandstone Oracle

Targeted Removal: Rapid Hybridization, Wild Magic Surge, Terminate, Resculpt, Reality Shift, Forbid, Daring Apprentice, Transmogrifying Wand, Ravenous Chupacabra, Chaos Defiler, Glorybringer, Mystic Confluence, Necron Deathmark, Reaper from the Abyss, Rowan Kenrith, Curtains' Call, Duplicant, Meteor Golem

Board Wipes: Nevinyrral's Disk, The Phasing of Zhalfir, Whelming Wave, Ixidron, Blood on the Snow, Deathbringer Regent, Necromantic Selection

Synergy: Ghoulish Procession, Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia, Drana, Liberator of Malakir, Blight Mound, Braids, Arisen Nightmare, Fleshbag Marauder, Gravelighter, Irenicus's Vile Duplication, Magus of the Abyss, Anowon, the Ruin Sage, Ruthless Winnower, Ogre Slumlord

Threats: Quietus Spike, Elturel Survivors, Relentless Assault, Gratuitous Violence, Sarkhan the Masterless, Westgate Regent, Precursor Golem, Necropolis Regent, Walk the Aeons, Combustible Gearhulk, Embercleave, Sharding Sphinx, Angrath's Marauders

DawnsRayofLight on Muldrotha reanimator 2.0

1 year ago

It's expensive, but Jeweled Lotus is amazing in Muldrotha. You can fetch it with Urza's Saga and recur it.

Speaking of Sagas, they're amazing in muldrotha, I run The Cruelty of Gix, Binding the Old Gods, The Phasing of Zhalfir, Phyrexian Scriptures, and I am testing out The War in Heaven. Those probably would work better than Oblivion Stone.

38 lands is a bit high, you can probably get away with 34-35, even 33 if you're willing to invest in Mana Crypt and Mana Vault.

In my hands, Muldrotha has been running better as a combo cEDH list. I have tried to build it other ways and it was honestly either too slow or too samey to my Zegana and Miirym lists. I think combo would work better, Muldrotha loves self mill and that can act as a sort of turbo way to draw through your deck.

If you're wanting to stick to ramp, you're going to need to speed it up

A good ramp package I use in U/G and U/G/X lists, tweaked for Muldrotha:

1 drop: 1-3

Sol Ring

sometimes Birds of Paradise and other related mana guys

for Muldrotha: Expedition Map and Wayfarer's Bauble will do wonders

2 drop: ~6

Arcane Signet

Bloom Tender: I play this in almost every 3+ color list


Three Visits

Nature's Lore

Muldrotha Specific: Sakura-Tribe Elder, Skull Prophet, Rootcoil Creeper

3 drop: 1-2

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath: hilarious to recur every turn

Cultivate, Harrow, Springbloom Druid are all good too

You will also want some more heavier hitters up top, generally, in ramp heavy decks I will run anywhere from 8 to 15 (depending on how well I ramp). I want to be able to have a big finisher and keep them going in Ramp lists (you can see these 2 to see what I mean: Nature's Revenge (not recognized by brackets for some reason) and Baby Dwagon Ehhhhhh?, both are very powerful and keep the pressure up, I rarely have an issue with either too many big guys and not enough ramp.

Sire of Stagnation

Toxrill, the Corrosive

Koma, Cosmos Serpent

I've been loving the ancient dragons

The other Jin-Gitaxias is also pretty potent

Here is my list if it helps give any ideas to help yours: The Circle of Life


Massacre Girl= Primaris Eliminator

Noxious Gearhulk= Necron Deathmark

The Eldest Reborn = The War in Heaven

I don't think I have put the combos down in the description yet but I can explain them if you want to know. Hope this helps!

wheels47 on Power Sagas

1 year ago

TheoryCrafter Good suggestions, thank you. I've tried both Era of Enlightenment  Flip and Medomai's Prophecy and liked them both. I am committed to Reason / Believe though, most wins go through its third ability.

I've recently been testing dropping black and replacing Binding the Old Gods with The Phasing of Zhalfir. I'm liking that a lot, along with Love Song of Night and Day.

onua1 on Sagas and Shrines and Gates, Oh My!

1 year ago

New cards to consider: Historian's Boon, seems really good with saga manipulation and the sheer number of enchantments. The Phasing of Zhalfir, would require me to lose Jegantha, the Wellspring as companion, but is such a strong piece of removal with saga manipulation that it could be worth it.

Urza's Saga could be cut for either of the previous cards or potentially a card that helps my mana, like Courser of Kruphix, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Oracle of Mul Daya, Pir's Whim, Tempt with Discovery, etc.

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