Debt to the Deathless

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Debt to the Deathless


Each opponent loses two times X life. You gain life equal to the life lost this way.

DiscoPanda1803 on I... Cry... When Angels Deserve to DIEEEEEEE!!!!

10 months ago

Thanks DemonDragonJ, they are my favorite as well, it's always great meet another angel enthusiast.

Regarding your considerations:

For Deathbringer Liege, he is in a very crowded slot, the five mana spot have a lot sweet angels, if you put him next to Baneslayer Angel, he is strickly a better creature, but again... ANGELS. Also still hurts me take Witch of the Moors out, if a could fit her back in, i probaly will. But is something to consider, the removal built in is very intresting.

As for Thought Vessel and Reliquary Tower, i din't feel the need for expand my hand size, never really bothered me. Aside from the moment that i put in Necropotence for a little while, than i needed those cards kkk, but i moved to another deck.

As for Greed, i whanted to put it, in a early version of the deck, but i alredy own Arguel's Blood Fastfoil  Flip, so used insted, and it put a lot of work, that i decide to stick with it. When Black Market Connections realease, i make the change for that. I personaly believe that you can't have such think as "too much draw", so i don't know what i take it out for put Greed in, but i not shure if is that much better than Arguel's Blood Fastfoil  Flip.

As for Debt to the Deathless, i don't think is that much efficient, the way i see it, you have to sink in a lot mana to make count, the only way my deck can make that much mana is with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx, so i don't know if is a good idea dedicated a slot for that card, with a small chance to make a splash.

As for your question regarding Fellwar Stone it never was a problem to me, it fix my mana somethimes, but most of the times i alredy have the lands to do that, it is in there mostly because of the limited amount of mana rocks that exists for only 2 mana, but if i feel the need, Thought Vessel is a solid replacement, as you suggested.

Sorry for the long ass response. Again, i appreciate the love for the deck, feel free to give more suggestions, flavor choices are welcome too.

DemonDragonJ on I... Cry... When Angels Deserve to DIEEEEEEE!!!!

10 months ago

This deck deserves an upvote for the name alone!

Beyond that, angels are my favorite creatures in the game, and Liesa is one of my favorite angels in the game, so I like this deck, very much.

Would you consider putting Deathbringer Liege, Thought Vessel, Reliquary Tower, Greed, or Debt to the Deathless in this deck, or do they not fit its theme? Also, since this deck has only two colors, do you believe that Fellwar Stone is a reliable source of mana to have in it?

seizan8 on Who needs life anyway

10 months ago

Beacon of Immortality und Sun Droplet ?

Exsanguinate, Debt to the Deathless und Gary find i scho chli scammy. Hatred wer funny. Bond of Agony shiint mer au meh flavorful. Für alternate win cons wür i eher Triskaidekaphobia, Near-Death Experience, Angel's Grace und Wall of Blood spiele. isch chli interessanter als 1 charte wo eifach all gegner killt...

legendofa on Can you eat gold

10 months ago

Everything seems to fit thematically and mechanically, so which cards are pulling a little less weight or have enough redundancy? My thoughts are Regal Bloodlord (lots of token producers, and this looks like the most restrictive trigger, 5-mana 2/4 isn't great), Black Sun's Twilight (good 2-for-1, but less impactful at lower costs and you have several other recursion and reanimator cards), Utter End (versatile but mana-heavy), maybe Black Market (do you need piles of during your main phase?), maybe Debt to the Deathless (how big does it get?), and something else that just does a little bit less than everything else. Those are my picks for cuts, but live testing is the best way to know for sure.

PrismMTG on Sorin’s family

11 months ago

First of all, I just want to start off with saying that as your first build, this is insanely impressive. Regardless of what I might advise that you change, this is a super great first deck.

So, touching on what I think you can improve on the most. The small swings of life won't matter as much as you think they will. Cards like Angel's Feather, Ajani's Mantra, and Ephara's Radiance with the small incremental life gain is not particularly good in a format where you start at 40 life. Cards like Debt to the Deathless are better because later in the game you can pump as much mana as you want into them. I would suggest replacing the above mentioned cards with more creatures with lifelink. You're running a mostly Vampire typal deck with some angels, both of those are great at using lifelink. That will help with the life gain aspect you like while making your deck more effective, both by putting more creatures on the board, and by gaining life in a more proactive way. Overall, I think you definitely need more creatures, Vampires and Angels like to have lots of bodies on the board and 23 is a bit low for that.

Next, I'm looking at your removal and I've got some suggestions there as well. Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are some of the best pieces of removal in the game and I would highly suggest them. Harsh Sustenance is particularly not great because of you don't have any creatures of board, it's pretty useless. While sacrifice effects can be good, letting out opponents choose what to lose is not as good as getting to destroy something yourself. Granted, I don't know your playgroup, maybe there is a lot of hexproof, or a Voltron deck or something. Regardless, I would drop the sacrifice effects for more targeted removal. Last thoughts on the removal part of the deck, hand destruction effects aren't as great on EDH because you still have 2 other opponents that will have all the cards in their hands. Tbf, there are definitely worse effects, so if you like it, then absolutely, plsu it.

Overall your ramp package is really good, the only thing I would add is Arcane Signet and Talisman of Hierarchy for 2 more 2 mana mana rocks. The 1 damage from Talisman of Hierarchy isn't really going to matter and any deck that is 2 or more colors should be running Arcane Signet imo.

Alright, final thoughts. This is a fantastic first deck and importantly, these are just suggestions that I think would work based on my experience playing and building decks. If you like something and think it's fun, play it, no matter what anyone says.

So, suggestions

Cards I think you should cut Angel's Feather Ajani's Mantra Blood Reckoning Claim of Erebos Ephara's Radiance Harsh Sustenance

Cards I think you should consider adding Path to Exile Swords to Plowshares Arcane Signet Talisman of Hierarchy

Last thing, EDHREC is a fanTASTIC resource when building your decks, I suggest looking at the Vampire or Angel page for suggestions because I think you need more creatures, just pick whatever you like, I would be looks at somehow closer to 30 creatures.

And here is the Drana and Linvala page with a life gain focus because that seems to be up your alley.

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Now that all cards in this set have been revealed, most are quite excellent, but there are still many cards that I would like to see reprinted that were not, such as Martyr's Cause, Overabundance, or Debt to the Deathless; however, I am still glad to see that many excellent cards were reprinted, so I do plan to purchase at least several singles from this set.

RufusTheGrufus on adriyee

1 year ago

Consider Debt to the Deathless for Bilbo

asdm on Edgars Vampire Masquerade

1 year ago

lukas96 SO SOme very interesting suggestions. This Dekc has a lifegain Sub-theme, theres actually as many cards that gain me life as ones that buff my creatures. so it actually is a life gain deck because You knwo Vampires, Even when I initially played it I used life gain which let me survive larger games of my pod making me harder to kill/wear down. Ironically I find Dark Impostor is the more 'overpriced' effect as 6 mana to delete a single creature is harldy worth the potential ability steal. with some perusing I found a replacement with Sanguine Bond swapping it out for Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose those abilities lets a decent sized army close out a game. I will likely replace the imposter with the Aristocrat given I can easily sacrifce Tokens that block or become blocked to buff my board. Honestly Looking at this deck I feel like Licia Wants her own deck that Is a lifegain focused Deck, Mathas May seem weaker then most but he's honestly just fun to play with, a pet card, that unlike Licia doesnt warrant his own deck. The problem with Boros CHarm ts while thats a great autoinclude I wouldnt compare it to the PERMANENTLY indestrucbile granted by kindred boon. Crackling doom may require more thought but remeber 1-1 removal is weaker in commander DOom actually lets me gets a 2-for-1 or even 4-for1. I have replaced fell the mighty for Settle the Wreckage It came with the Pre-con and I was hoping to use it as a 1 sided board wipe like In Garruk's Wake I think you missed I already Have Merciless eviction as a Hard delete, but I do sometimes blow out some of my own stuff. Now lets talk on the Big Lifedrain. Now if I happemn to have Vito/bond in Play these are just gonan Off someone, heck with Debt to the Deathless there's a Good chance I might end the whole game. But even without that combo, The point of a lifedrain is to either drop an opponat to 0 or put them so far down (and you so far up) they presumably wont be able to survive.

Overall appreciate your feedback but I suspect we have radically different Pods

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