Beacon of Immortality

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Beacon of Immortality


Double target player's life total. Shuffle Beacon of Immortality into its owner's library.

KBK7101 on Thought I Was Dead? [Primer]

2 months ago

Yeah, I'm leaning more towards Elenda because, while I have a lifegain/angels deck (Serra the Benevolent), I love the idea of a hybrid lifegain/voltron/aggro deck. Buff Elenda, gain massive life in a turn and then synergize with cards like Nykthos Paragon. Further bolster your life total with stuff like Celestial Mantle and Beacon of Immortality before Aetherflux Reservoir finishes whoever is left.

But with my wedding coming up, and me moving in with my fiance around that time if not sooner... will it get built? Who knows! lol

sergiodelrio on Has anyone here been featured …

8 months ago

Far away from having been featured, but there used to be a mtg-judge channel where one of my questions got answered in a mailbag video. This was many, many years ago and I could not find the original vid, but someone seems to have reuploaded it - first question with Rain of Gore+Beacon of Immortality is mine... Tainted Remedy had not been printed at the time of recording:

Link to YouTube vid

seizan8 on Who needs life anyway

9 months ago

Beacon of Immortality und Sun Droplet ?

Exsanguinate, Debt to the Deathless und Gary find i scho chli scammy. Hatred wer funny. Bond of Agony shiint mer au meh flavorful. Für alternate win cons wür i eher Triskaidekaphobia, Near-Death Experience, Angel's Grace und Wall of Blood spiele. isch chli interessanter als 1 charte wo eifach all gegner killt...

MTGBurgeoning on Linvala, Giada, & Akroma

1 year ago

So sorry that I missed the comment from 9/4/23! As much as I love Celestial Mantle, six mana for an aura with the fear of getting two-for-oned is enough to prevent me from playing it. Beacon of Immortality would be my choice.

MTGBurgeoning on ThassaUpYo@ssa

1 year ago

So sorry that I missed this comment! As much as I love Celestial Mantle, six mana for an aura with the fear of getting two-for-oned is enough to prevent me from playing it. Beacon of Immortality would be my choice.

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Linvala, Giada, & Akroma

1 year ago

Love the list, MTGBurgeoning! Have you considered Celestial Mantle and/or Beacon of Immortality to further enhance your life-gaining capability?

carpecanum on bilbo

1 year ago

Celestial Mantle, Beacon of Immortality. Any "ETB gain one life" card can go infinite if you want to include Presence of Gond and either Lurking Roper or Famished Paladin.

Quartzrockz on

1 year ago

Hey RCD2023,

I see you have a similar one XD those pesky lifegain/counters decks. Your deck looks like a very optimized version of mine.

Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn doesn't have the same target drawback that Treebeard does, but does have the drawback of happening at the end of turn instead of instant counters like Treebeard's.

Most of your cards are better upgrads too. Old One Eye and Crested Sunmare being great generators. And your stompy creatures, like all of the hydras, would grow into a big threat pretty quickly.

How is your draw like? And do you find your deck relies on your commander a bit? I haven't yet playtested mine (too much work).

I can't I forgot Beacon of Immortality. And I might smuggle in Champion of Lambholt.

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