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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield.

Goldberserkerdragon on Should Muldrotha Eldrazi be Sac …

2 months ago

I would suggest mill personally as there are myriad sacrifice themes. And usually you dont want to be sacrificing your drazi if going that route. I built a sultai Sidisi mill reanimator deck once and it was quite fun. Doing this will eldrazi--sweew--hella good time. Any of the permanent reanimator spells are golden here. Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead, etc. Personal favs (while mostly not perms) are Exhumefoil, Restart Sequence, Zombify, Aftermath Analyst, and last but not least Rise of the Dark Realms. Also note, turning almost all your cards into permanents really boost Muldrotha's synergy and theme.

I would also add that these archetypes aren't terrific at going against higher power as they invoke a high random chance in mill synergies, etc. Eldrazi based high power--hmmm--I would say something Kinnan-y. Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator is a personal fav reanimator if you do want to keep it somewhat mid.

Hope this helps, Cheers!

legendofa on Is WotC Hindering the Strategy …

10 months ago

I doubt it's going to apply to all reanimation effects. There's a good chunk of black and white 4+ mana cards that rely on long-term reanimation. My current guess is, there's going to be something like Zombify + finality for or or something in the near future. Can't Stay Away is right there already.

Quickspell on Legend rule and stacking effects

1 year ago

In my Hidetsugu and Kairi combo deck that uses sac-outlets and reanimation spells like Zombify to create a finite but hopefully fatal loop, I want to use Renegade Doppelganger as sort of blue sac-outlet.

Can somebody please confirm if this works:

  1. Renegade Doppelganger is on the battlefield.
  2. Hidetsugu and Kairi enters the battlefield.
  3. The legend rules applies before H&K‘s ETB goes on the stack. I chose to send the original H&K to the graveyard. This triggers it’s dying-ability.
  4. Since now the stack is open and the ETB has not yet been placed, I can choose to put the death trigger first and the ETB on top. This would allow me to brainstorm for recursion spells and reanimate H&K, going back to step 1.

Stardragon on Got a bone to pick?

2 years ago


Ok let's unpack your thoughts

Glad you like the less rare equipments. As for whip there is no real reason for it to have flash it could be cut. As for hammer yes it itself has regenerate in case someone tries to Shatter it, and it make opponents discard 2 cards.

As for bone plate it was meant to be skeleton equipment will fix that, and yeah it does do a lot but I wanted to a great almost finisher equipment to justify its mythic rare status.

As for your comment on have an Undying army if you have all of them on the field that's the point but the only way your going to be able do that is to run a 5 color deck

For Smoldering bone the pay 3 life is intended as part of the regenerate cost

For Calc yeah Mtg.design crop the pic will find another. His stats can change to make him more balance will probably go for a 2/3

For Lord I can change the hybrid mana to white mana and switch his P/T around but also his second effect doesn't hit him only other skeletons will make it non-token. The reason his regen cost is higher to balance him as he is a almost a combination of Atheros and Smothering Tithe

For Agamemnon thxs for noticing the zombie problem will fix that. For the spirits I'll make them a 1/1 for and keep the discard effect and lose the pay 1. As for giving creatures Undying, I wanted to have Unearth, Undying and Persist have more cards so this way skeletons have all the reanimated abilities without actually using reanimate cards

The whole Undying and Persist syergy was on purpose. And the whole keeping the counters was ripped whole from SkullBriar which existed before alchemy was even a thought.

As for his last effect hmm as it stands now with no tinkering Blood for Bones would trigger twice as would as would Zombify, and yes I fully expected it Flicker a bunch if the brewer so chooses.

As for his mana cost I could make higher or different will think on that

As for live test not at the moment need to balance them before it happens and you pointed out many things for me to fix so I'm glad I didn't print them yet

legendofa on Got a bone to pick?

2 years ago

For the equipment, Bone Greatsword and Femur Machete are pretty well balanced commons, and Jawbone Hooks is a reasonable uncommon.

Spinal Whip has a lot going on. That's one that I'd like to see in action to really get a feel for, but it looks pretty good on the surface. What's the intent behind having flash?

For Skull Hammer, is it supposed to have regenerate itself, or does it grant regenerate? If it has regenerate itself, that could probably be changed to ": The next time Skull Hammer would be destroyed, instead it isn't." Or more likely, ": Skull Hammer gains indestructible until end of turn." I assume it's supposed to interact with the "Whenever a Skeleton regenerates" mechanics, but the only card that could care about a non-creature Skeleton regenerating also grants regeneration to all Skeletons. Also, for clarity, does it make opponent's discard one card or two cards?

Bone Plate has a bit too much going on. I'd almost split this into two cards, one that grants evasion and attacking benefits, and one that grants hexproof and recursion. It's a little bit "does everything" right now.

Also, technically, all of the equipment should have Tribal to get the Skeleton creature type, but that's a detail.

On to the creatures! First thought is that if you get all of them out at the same time, you get an army that's basically impossible to get rid of in about one turn. Lots of synergy between them.

I already gave my thoughts on King of Marrow. Still beautiful.

Smoldering Bones is Ball Lightning XXL. The regeneration ability could use a little cleaning--is the Pay 3 life part of the cost to regenerate, or is it part of the token creation triggered ability?

Calc is cute. Between good stats, wither, ward, and regenerate, this one's going to be very hard to kill. Honestly, it could just about be a 1/1 and still survive anything. I'd consider dropping the stats to maybe 3/3 for a touch more balance. Also, it looks like the top of his head got cropped off in the art. Nitpicky, but this guy needs to be seen in full glory.

Lord of Hallowed Graves could probably turn that in the mana cost to straight . It wouldn't affect color identity, and it would make the card a touch more balanced. This is one that's going to dominate every combat step. I'm going to suggest making it a 2/4 instead of a 4/2. This slightly reduces the value of the lifelink and regenerate, but holding back is a pretty high cost anyway. This guy just has a lot of self-synergy, and I'm wondering if it's too much.

Agamemnon looks like a lot of fun. It's close to being my new favorite, but I'm still going to poke at it. The Zombie token ability needs the word nontoken. Without it, it goes infinite with basically every sacrifice outlet, and that's just the start. The Spirit ability is too restrictive; it shouldn't need a mana payment plus discard on every spell cast to avoid the token. Either the opponent chooses which payment to make, make the token a more basic 1/1 flier, or have it trigger only on certain spells e.g. artifacts and enchantments. The Skeleton one is generally fine, but is maybe too good with also granting all your creatures undying. This is another ability I'd like to see in action.

Avatar of Living Death is almost there. The casting cost might be too flexible. Alongside Agamemnon, it gives your creatures persist and undying, making them virtually unkillable. The +1/+1 counter would be better for digital, since it would be hard to track in paper. I think Arena uses "perpetually" to track this kind of effect, and this would be a good place for it. The last ability is good in intent, but the wording has some vagueness. How many times would Blood for Bones trigger it? Would Zombify trigger it twice, once for leaving graveyard and once for returning to the battlefield? Is it supposed to interact with Cloudshift and other blink effects?

I like where you're going with these, and they have some great ideas. Have you used any of them in live play?

Zarthalius on mono black vampires

2 years ago

Really cool deck! I've always liked lifegain and deathtouch. So, here's what I can offer:

You’ll want to lower your mana curve. You have a lot of 5 drops; without ramp, the deck seems too slow. The game, if uninterrupted, should end within 6 turns.

I'd drop Anowon, the Ruin Sage. Being a 5 drop, an "easily" removable creature, and a "beginning of your upkeep" trigger, he is too slow. You could maybe keep 1 if you only had 2 Bloodlord of Vaasgoth.

I like Bloodlord of Vaasgoth with all the lifelink. He’ll make early drop creatures more relevant later game. I’d only include 2 of him if you’d like to go a more aggro route; maybe include 4 of him if you’d rather delay the early game with removal and play the later game.

With Captivating Vampire, “tap five” feels really expensive without some vampire token generator. However, I guess each time you steal a creature, that creature could be tapped too (kind of) costing you 1 less each time. The “lords” +1/+1 for 3 mana is always good in tribal decks. I’d probably only include 2 Captivating Vampire and then find 2 lifelink vampires for 2 or 3 mana. Maybe Vampire of the Dire Moon for the early game meat shield. She really can slow down the early game.

I'd replace Child of Night with Gifted Aetherborn. With deathtouch, you can move into a “bad touch” (deathtouch + trample) strategies or a “ping” strategies like deathtouch + Viridian Longbow. That bow will also allow you to ping the player enabling Bloodthirsty 3. That blow has a high equip cost but could be versatile for you.

I see what you’re trying to do with Skeletal Grimace. This is mono black, you could also consider the reanimation strategy; a couple Unearths for the lower costing creatures, maybe 1 Zombify for the 5 drops.

You should have 4 Dismembers. With all your lifegain, that removal card is really good. It’ll even remove indestructible creatures. You probably want 2 or more Feed the Swarm in the main deck instead of any Doom Blade. It’s more versatile and you have the life gain to compensate for its drawback. I’d probably go with 4 Feast of Blood if you add more 1 and 2 drop vampires. All this removal may be good enough to delay the early game then setup with big vampires later.

Your going to want card draw. May I suggest replacing Demon's Horn with something like Read the Bones.

Rhadamanthus on Will Dovescape counter all permanents …

2 years ago

Enchanted Evening doesn't add anything to Dovescape's "countered list". The only way the two cards interact at all is that the tokens created by Dovescape will also be enchantments in addition to being creatures.

For any quality, an object is either "[quality]" or "non-[quality]". A creature can never be a "non-creature" unless an effect specifically removes the creature type from it. Dovescape won't counter spells like Courser of Kruphix or Walking Ballista because they're creatures, even though they have other types.

Only spells on the stack can be countered. Something that enters the battlefield without being cast as a spell can't be countered itself, but the spell/ability causing it to happen (Zombify, Flash, etc.) can be countered.

HappyTuna on Learn Magic: Black

2 years ago

I dont think this is actually good at showcasing what black is about, I think I just got distracted by malefic scythe and tried to cram it in here.

A better combo might be something like Hidden Horror and Zombify, returning something like Black Dragon, Pestilence Demon, or Gloom Sower

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