Blood Baron of Vizkopa

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Blood Baron of Vizkopa

Creature — Vampire

Lifelink, protection from white and from black

As long as you have 30 or more life and an opponent has 10 or less life, Blood Baron of Vizkopa gets +6/+6 and has flying.

wallisface on Esper Midrange

9 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • you’re running a LOT of cards as only 1-ofs or 2-ofs. Typically to keep a deck consistent you want most cards in a deck to be playsets - by having soo many different cards it’s going to be hard to present a coherent strategy.

  • your mana curve is very high, and I would suggest finding ways to lower it.

  • I am not sure what both Blood Baron of Vizkopa and Kaldra Compleat are doing here - both are super slow and clumsy, and you don’t have any cards to support them.

idfkgabe on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

Understood wallisface, I did take out Vizkopa Guildmage because I do believe that it does have good abilities I wouldn't be able to use them because of how much mana I need to have to use them. I believe that Blood Baron of Vizkopa does need to be removed. I'm trying to find out what cards can replace Blood Baron of Vizkopa, any suggestions?

wallisface on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Your mana curve is excessively high, which will lead to some really slow/clumsy turns. Modern decks typically can't justify running more than 4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this cost. You've got a whopping 16 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is far too high (in particular you have no chance of ever casting those 8-mana cards). Added to this, you have almost nothing to do turn-1, meaning you'll often be starting a full turn behind your opponent.

  • Your land base is far too low. 20 land decks typically expect to be stuck on 1-or-2 lands for a decent chunk of the early-game. Even after lowering your curve, you'll likely still need at least 23-24 lands to be able to reliably cast any of your spells.

  • Some of your spells seem really suboptimal. You generally don't want to be paying more than 2 mana for a removal spell, so stuff like Vraska's Contempt and Oblivion Ring seem super sub-optimal. Go Blank, Heartless Pillage and Mind Rot are all pretty weak in Modern, especially as the opponent is very likely to already be empty-handed by the time you're able to cast any of them (in any case 8 cards with this effect is excessive). Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Sangromancer, and Vizkopa Guildmage all don't really do much.

amarthaler on EDH Vampiric Bloodlust (C17 Precon Upgrade)

2 years ago


Out: 1. Akoum Refuge 2. Bloodfell Caves 3. Boros Garrison 4. Kabira Crossroads 5. Orzhov Basilica 6. Rakdos Carnarium 7. Scoured Barrens 8. Wind-Scarred Crag 9. Opal Palace 10. Path of Ancestry 11. Well of Lost Dreams 12. Merciless Eviction 13. Fell the Mighty 14. Blood Baron of Vizkopa

In: 1. Plains x4 2. Mountain x4 3. Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire 4. Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 5. Farewell 6. Toxic Deluge 7. Welcoming Vampire 8. Flawless Maneuver

The land base needed to be refined a bit, so I got rid of anything that comes in tapped and replaced them with basic lands. I also added two legendary lands from Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty.

The board wipes, although decent, were replaced with two that have more flexibility in them - Farewell and Toxic Deluge.

Flawless Maneuver is something I'd like to play test in this deck, so it replaced Well of Lost Dreams since we don't really have a heavy lifegain strategy in this deck (and Necropotence is already in the deck).

Lastly, Blood Baron Vizkopa was replaced with Welcoming Vampire to benefit more off our token strategy with Eminence.

YamishiTheWickedOne on What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse

2 years ago

Ok so something I completely overlooked is that Bloodtithe Harvester is like... REALLY good. Space is tight, otherwise he'd probably be my other 4-of 2-drop. He also synergizes very, very nicely with Olivia, Crimson Bride, who is actually kinda nuts with a discard outlet like blood tokens and Sorin, especially if you're running Champion of Dusk.

I've been considering a minor white splash for a 1-of Edgar, Charmed Groom  Flip just because he's hard to kill for non-white matchups. The other half of my reasoning being white has access to some seriously fantastic sideboard options such as but not limited to Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Stony Silence and Rest in Peace.

YamishiTheWickedOne on

2 years ago

This looks good for an early draft of a Mardu vamps build. My Only real changes would be more Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord, more fetch lands and more Fatal Push.

Blasting Zone and Dragonskull Summit imho could go for more fetches, you could also look at the removal options red gives you such as Lightning Bolt and Terminate. Dreadbore is a sorcery which is usually bad for removal but planeswalker hate is at a premium in the current meta.

You could also add your choice of Thoughtseize or Inquisition of Kozilek to get rid of opposing creature hate.

My main recommendations for other vampires you could add would be Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet and Knight of the Ebon Legion. Both are extremely powerful. I'd recommend Olivia Voldaren if your deck weren't obviously meant to be an aggressive build. Maybe Edgar, Charmed Groom  Flip on the same note. If you can squeeze in more Sorins you could consider Champion of Dusk, Lord Xander, the Collector, or sideboard Blood Baron of Vizkopa.

Adanto Vanguard is a fantastic white vamp btw.

Personally, I'd drop the Martyrs of Dusk for Bloodghast as well. You could cut 1 cordial and 2-3 Indulgent Aristocrat for more support.

It looks strong for a somewhat rough draft, a little finetuning and you might have something good here.

YamishiTheWickedOne on What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse

2 years ago

So, if anyone is curious to hear my thoughts on the new vampires:

Evelyn, the Covetous is interesting. Little gimmicky but has potential.

Lord Xander, the Collector is the one I really want to talk about. I'm not sure if the second effect to mill is that useful, given flashback and other such mechanics are still a thing. However, his ETB effect and his effect upon death are ludicrously good. I'm legit looking at Xander as a possible 4-of. And I wouldn't need to go Grixis as I have Cavern and Sorin. Probably would be aiming to play him off Sorin's ult. I don't think I've seen a more perfect Imperious Sorin target besides maybe Champion of Dusk.

Ob Nixilis, the Adversary is probably good enough to be a 1-of here. With Sorin and Xander he can ult on turn 4 for a cheap shot potential win.

I have opinions on Crimson vow if anyone's still unsure regarding the vamps in that set (few good rakdos 2 mana vamps, also Edgar is actually quite good, so is the newest Sorin)

I've been putting together a list of usable white vampires as well. The quick list: Adanto Vanguard, Edgar, Charmed Groom  Flip, Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Legion Lieutenant, Welcoming Vampire.

I'll look at updating side soon, I need to find a new casual Modern group but things have been dangerous here with a certain virus going around.

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