Darksteel Juggernaut

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Darksteel Juggernaut

Artifact Creature — Juggernaut


Darksteel Juggernaut's power and toughness are each equal to the number of artifacts you control.

Darksteel Juggernaut attacks each combat if able.

SirFowler on Need help with Samwise Gamgee

10 months ago

@GodzSoldier I checked out your list and there were a few cards in there that I might be interested in adding, but overall it just seemed alright. Idk if that's quite the direction I'm looking for. I tried a more historic focused build early on, but it just felt not as synergistic to me as I would have liked. Granted, I mostly just threw left over historic cards that I had laying around in the deck just to test it out, but still. Plus, I'm not really trying to make this super competitive, but just well enough that it feels consistent and is fun to play.

@Flagellum I'm hoping to get a Krark-Clan Ironworks for this deck, but it is pretty expensive at this point of time, even if you get the championship version. I do already have a cheerios style deck with Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle as the commander. It has a bunch of different loops and is mostly an artifact based deck that works pretty well. I just fear that if I steer this deck in that direction, it would basically just be the same deck, but with green and is a little less inconsistent. I wish Darksteel Juggernaut had trample or some sort of evasion to help it punch through. Plus, the fact that it has to attack means it can't block unless you can untap it or give it vigilance. Mirrorworks might be fun, copying something like a Panharmonicon for extra value. Thanks for the suggestion.

Flagellum on Need help with Samwise Gamgee

10 months ago

Could possibly run a cheerios-esque style deck. Sprinkle a few artifact cost reducers in there like Foundry Inspector to reduce 1 or 2 drop artifact creatures to 0. Being budget though you lose out on Doubling Season and Anointed Procession which you could utilize with Ashnod's AltarPhyrexian Altar/Krark-Clan Ironworks to net mana while sacrificing the tokens and or nontoken creatures. But I'm not sure how effective it would be without these. Blasting Station or Grinding Station (works well with your Altar of the Brood) could finish out games.

Though you could potentially make a large Darksteel Juggernaut with a large amount of food tokens and cheap 0-1-2 drop artifact creatures (whose cost could be further reduced) which would be budget. Easily tutorable in Green/White and throw a Mirrorworks or something in there to copy it. Sculpting Steel it too just to have 2-3 big bois roaming around would be comical. Anthems and trample enablers (instants/sorceries/enchantments/equipment) are plenty in these colors too. This would be on the more casual side.

multimedia on Urza's Legacy

1 year ago

Hey, some interesting card choices for upgrades to the precon. I can tell your deck is based on the precon because I see Darksteel Juggernaut.

A kink here to work on is the avg. CMC. The mana curve is very high at 4.3 not including Organic Extinction and Mycosynth Golem. The precon mana curve is already high at 3.5 not including Thought Monitor. A higher mana curve would be fine if supported with lots more low mana cost ramp, but you cut most of the low mana cost ramp (Signets, Liquimetal, Vessel) from the precon. There's only 6 ramp sources here 3 CMC or less which is low.

You could have a difficult time casting Urza using artifact creature affinity with only 7 artifact creatures 3 CMC or less. You really can't count on Urza's artifact affinity to first cast him and having not many ramp sources, ramp can't be counted on either. Master Transmuter is a great upgrade, she helps a lot when playing a lower amount of ramp. To improve the mana curve which will help gameplay consider choosing a few of the better high mana cost cards and cutting the others? Most 4 drops here are much better than the 5-7+ drops and that's good for the mana curve.

Research Thief, The Mightstone and Weakstone  Meld, Blightsteel Colossus, Mycosynth Golem, Thopter Assembly, Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, Organic Extinction, Darksteel Forge, Mycosynth Lattice, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Cyberdrive Awakener these are the better 5-7 CMC cards here. The others could be cut to lower the mana curve because they're simply not as good as these.

  • Thief, it's repeatable draw effect is good when you want to be attacking with Constructs.
  • Weakstone because you have Urza, Lord Protector  Meld.
  • Blightsteel, best secondary attacker and because you have Master Transmuter.
  • Golem because Urza is a consistent way to create artifacts.
  • Assembly because you have Time Sieve.
  • Tezzeret because of Constructs.
  • Extinction because of Constructs.
  • Forge, best protection for all artifacts and because you have Lattice, Transmuter and Padeem.
  • Awakener flying for Constructs.

Some upgrades at your price point to consider:

Good luck with your deck.

SilencedDax on Phylactery lich: a Rule 0 …

1 year ago

Hi DreadKhan!

Than you for the ideas! I really like the ones you mentioned, seems great Vorthos targets for the Lich, a so much valuable object like the Crown it's perfect target haha Following the "empire" cycle you mentioned: Hand of Vecna, Eye of Vecna and The Book of Vile Darkness seem great and flavour objectives.

I like all the indestructible artifacts: Stuffy Doll, Creepy Doll, Darksteel Axe, Darksteel Citadel, Darksteel Forge, Darksteel Ingot, Darksteel Juggernaut, Darksteel Pendant, Darksteel Plate, Colossus of Akros, Darksteel Colossus, Darksteel Myr, Darksteel Relic, Kaldra Compleat, Shield of Kaldra, Necron Monolith, That Which Was Taken. I do not note the worse indestructible cards

The arficat lands as you say it would be great, at least I can be use the mono-black artifact lands (maybe there's only one).

If it was dimir or golgari I could use more liches but I can't, it's a pitty

Thank you for the ideas!

multimedia on Urza Artifacts

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon so far.

To help with Blightsteel, other high mana cost artifacts, how about adding Master Transmuter replacing Filigree Attendant? Transmuter can cheat Colossus onto the battlefield during an opponent's turn, pseudo flash. Transmuter doesn't target that way you can put the same artifact you bounced right back onto the battlefield, interact with any artifact that has ETB ability such as Mightstone.

Because you have Blightsteel you could cut Darksteel since it's much worse, not really needed, for Spellskite to protect? Especially to protect Urza + Mightstone to meld and Spellskite becomes much better when playing Teshar. Counterspell is more prevention of opponent artifact board wipe, it can do more here than Wreck Hunter who doesn't trigger for any token that dies because a token is not considered a card.

Research Thief can provide a lot more support, repeatable draw with Constructs, much more then Darksteel Juggernaut. Phyrexian Metamorph and Sculpting Steel are powerful artifacts in multiplayer Commander because they can become something an opponent controls or something you control. They are also excellent with Transmuter to change what they are. This artifact versitialy is better than Etched Champion and Chief of the Foundry.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on The Best Urza

1 year ago

Hey, well done work in progress for your first Commander deck on a budget. Good card sense upgrading the precon.

For the manabase consider upgrades of the Pain lands?

The Pain lands have been reprinted in the last two Standard sets, making them the least expensive right now. Now is the best time to get them since they will only increase in price as time goes on. Tyrite Sanctum is a nice budget utility land especially with The Flesh is Weak.

I'm playing Urza on a low budget and these are some cards, most less than $2, that I've found to be helpful.

  • Ornithopter of Paradise: artifact creature for ramp.
  • The Flesh is Weak: make Urza and all other creatures you control at the time an artifact. -1/-1 can wreck opponent's nonThopter token strategies who can be blockers against Constructs. Tyrite Sanctum makes it so you don't have to control nonartifact legendary creatures including Urza when you play Weak since it can put a +1/+1 counter on any legendary creature you control turns after to make it an artifact.
  • Liquimetal Torque: mana rock for ramp or make Urza or any other nonland permanent an artifact. Pair with Master Transmuter to bounce any nonland permanent.
  • Soundwave, Sonic Spy  Flip: new Transformers card that's good in multiplayer Commander, no mana cost to cast your choice of opponent's instant or sorcery. Constructs make it consistent to trigger with a high mana value and Soundwave, Superior Captain can be a repeatable source of artifacts.
  • Sculpting Steel: good in multiplayer Commander because it can be any artifact on the battlefield and it can change with Master Transmuter bounce.
  • Armix, Filigree Thrasher: because of menace it can be repeatable opponent creature removal, Losheel, Clockwork Scholar helps a lot too.

Being able to make Urza an artifact can make Urza a threat with menace to do Commander damage especially with Cranial Plating. Urza surviving nonartifact creature board wipes can give you a huge advantage. Making other nonartifact creatures an artifact is good too especially Padeem, Consul of Innovation for much more protection.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Filigree Attendant, Darksteel Juggernaut, Etched Champion are just beaters, they don't do anything else. You don't really need them since you'll have plenty of better beaters, Constructs, who don't cost mana. Burnished Hart is slow for ramp. Chief of the Foundry is subpar for an anthem effect, it's a lesser Master of Etherium.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades so far to the precon especially the manabase, you've really improved it.

These are the first cards here to consider cutting? Darksteel Juggernaut, Filigree Attendant, Etched Champion are just beaters, they don't do anything else, that's not good enough. You really don't need 4 drop beaters, you'll get plenty of better mana efficient beaters, Constructs.

Chief of the Foundry, Master of Etherium are fine, but are budget creature options, filler if you don't have anything else. +1/+1 anthem effect is small and really not needed when Constructs grow themselves with any artifact. Bronze Guardian is also just a beater and as a 5 drop it's subpar. Ward 2 is nice, but you can get actual hexproof for artifacts from better cards here, Padeem, Consul of Innovation.

More cards to consider cutting? Access Denied costs too much mana for a counterspell when you have Mana Drain or just play Counterspell? Wreck Hunter doesn't trigger for any token that was removed because it says for each card and tokens are not considered cards. Not triggering for tokens is bad when you're going to have Constructs. Kayla's Music Box is pseudo draw over turns, but you can get actual draw from better cards.

Good luck with your deck.

Housegheist on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

1 year ago


First off: thank you for your upvote and in depth analysis. It really helped to trim some cards

I agree, that the cmc has to be a lil bit lower. My thought was, if I reanimate them I do not have to pay the cost. But sure, 3.5 is a bit high.

I cuttet Phyrexian Triniform as I think, once in a million I can trigger it’s encore. Triplicate Titan on the other hand fits the whole strategy, provides enormous evasion and evasive artifact creatures if it dies. I will give it a try, Hexmark Destroyer connects hard or creates room for other creatures… and is a necron… it’s sooo hard… but doesn’t fit that well.

But I admit that Darksteel Juggernaut is just a resilient but not always big threat… like a “win more” option. Hasn’t made the cut, as well as Diamond Mare, Phyrexian Fleshgorger and Technomancer. The last one was hard, but I do not think that I can abuse it’s ETB often enough. You where also right with Szarekh and Scarecrone, they are new to the list. I like Ugin and thought 1/3 of my spells would be enough, maybe he doesn’t make it… otherwise he provides support in pseudo-card-draw, removal and cost reduction,… have to think about it. Unfortunately Tortured Existence is not in my collection, therefore I didn’t choose it. I made also room for War Room and Phyrexia's Core (and Darksteel Citadel as well… what was I thinking :D

Mind’s Eye should provide a lot of (needed) continuous card-draw. Sculpting Steel was already in the list… but I have to ask… you would cut Mirrorworks? It is an Bramble Sovereign for ANY artifact… creatures as usual artifacts as well… it’s a bomb! :O

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