
Pillowfort with an absurd number of alternate wincons. Would this deck be better to focus on one or two? Almost certainly. Am I going to remove any of them? No.

Win Conditions

Counters - Azor's Elocutors

This strategy is probably the worst/least supported. Since we're gonna be building a pillow fort and making our opponents pay for it we should probably be safe to prevent opponents from removing filibuster counters. If I went harder on this strat I would add Darksteel Reactor and some proliferate effects, but it really doesn't fit into the gameplan well enough and waiting for 20 upkeeps is madness. I'd love to slot it in for the memes, but I'd like this deck to still have a chance of actually winning with one of these and proliferate doesn't fit into the deck at all outside of this.

Self Mill - Jace, Wielder of Mysteries/Thassa's Oracle

The classic alternate win condition. I'm intentionally not including cards like Leveler or Paradigm Shift in as I don't want the deck to devolve into "I play these 2 cards and win without any interaction", particularly since this can happen at sorcery speed instead of at the beginning of your upkeep. Is this somewhat hypocritical given the amount of "you win the game" effects I'm running? Probably, but it's just not the gameplay experience I'm looking for based on my playgroup. Support from this primarily comes from Zedruu's heal/draw ability, though there are other draw spells in the deck. Also Lab Maniac isn't included since I didn't feel like I needed 3 cards that did the same thing if it isn't my main/only wincon.

Treasures - Mechanized Production/Hellkite Tyrant

Yep, I'm trying to win through Revel in Riches without black. Mechanized Production is a good enough value spell to make copies of some important artifacts, and if nothing else Hellkite Tyrant is a decent threat to steal some artifacts from your opponents, if you haven't exchanged for them already. The realistic way that this is going to go off is to get a ton of treasures off of Smothering Tithe or Dockside Extortionist and just sit on them.

Health - Felidar Sovereign/Test of Endurance

These are pretty straightforward, pillowfort cards help you avoid losing HP and Zedruu should keep you topped up to ensure you can actually win.

Approach of the Second Sun

Again, fairly straightforward. You'll draw a lot off of Zedruu so you can probably get this back in your hand quickly, or just cast it and wait around for it since you should be at high health and hard to attack anyway.

Happily Ever After

This card was what made me decide to build the deck this way, I really wanted to put it into a deck that wasn't 5 colors. The main goal is to swap/steal permanents with opponents who have the colors you need, but there are some other helpers as well. Scrapbasket and Transguild Courier handle all colors for you, and Sisay's Ingenuity and Dream Coat allow you to change the color of a permanent. The latter two are included since you can donate them with Zedruu without changing their target, so you add one to Zedruu's X count without actually giving your opponents anything of value. Sisay's Ingenuity also replaces itself, and they both proc enchantress effects.

Wincon Exclusions

Darksteel Reactor - Really requires proliferate to have any chance at doing anything, doesn't fit into the deck enough to justify it IMO since those cards are basically dead otherwise, and you aren't going to be tutoring this up or anything.

Chance Encounter - Similar to Darksteel Reactor, this requires building in a bunch of coinflip cards which don't really fit the deck enough the way I've built it.

Barren Glory - As much as I want this card to work, it's sort of a full build around so it's not gonna happen.

Celestial Convergence - Probably the one I'd consider adding. It's really just a worse Felidar Sovereign/Test of Endurance since you have to wait 7 turns and if somebody else plays lifegain or the table teams up on you since they know you need to have your health knocked down you just lose.

Laboratory Maniac - Already have 2 self-mill win condition cards, so a third is unnecessary and just takes up an extra slot in the deck. Thassa's Oracle can't be stopped by creature removal in response to your draw spell, and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries is a Planeswalker for Happily Ever After. Also both of the other self-mill cards provide value when you play them without winning, which you can reasonably do since you have so many other win conditions.

Near-Death Experience - Lifegain deck...

What to Donate

Enchantment-based removal - Cards like Imprisoned in the Moon and Oblivion Ring don't care about who controls them, so you can safely donate them with no real worries.

Auras - Again, cards like Paradox Haze and Sisay's Ingenuity can be donated without changing their effects.

Lands - Using exchange control cards to swap lands with somebody is practically guaranteed draw from Zedruu unless people run land destruction. This can also help you deal with scary utility lands or just color fix/hurt your opponents color fixing if you're mean. Also if you're ahead on lands enough (e.g., you've gotten land tax off a few times) you can just donate a land to the player that's mana screwed for card draw/political gain.

"Gifts" - Cards like Illusions of Grandeur or Primordial Ooze are cards that give negative effects to the players you give them to. You could definitely be a lot meaner with the cards you give (a decent list of potential cards are in the maybeboard), but that isn't really the goal of this deck so I've kept it to a minimum.

Tokens - You can always donate away any tokens you generate (creatures from Castle Ardenvale, Treasure tokens), but make sure you make political deals around them, as if you give somebody something they can easily chump block with or treasures they can sacrifice you probably won't draw with it by the time you get to your upkeep. Another way around this is to just donate it with Zedruu on the end step of the player before you, but you'd still like to get some further turns out of it if you can.

ETB Cards - Cards like Auramancer are entirely about their ETB effect, so you can pass them over to somebody else to draw off of Zedruu. Again, it helps to make deals so that they don't swing into blockers/chump block with it so you can get more draws.

Notable Exclusions

Counterspells - This deck would certainly be better with more counterspells, and I've of course included some but I've limited it based on the play experience people in my group want to have.

Rhystic Study/Mystic Remora - Great cards, should probably be in here but I'm excluding them on principle b/c they aren't worth the salt that they generate since this is supposed to be a fun deck. Should both 100% be in here.

Stax - A lot of Stax cards would be good in this deck, particularly if they're completely symmetric since you can donate them with Zedruu. Again, I've excluded them due to the desired play experience of my playgroup.


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98% Casual


Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

43 - 0 Rares

22 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.17
Tokens Copy Clone, Gold, Ogre 3/3 R, Soldier 1/1 W, Treasure
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