Imprisoned in the Moon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Imprisoned in the Moon

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature, land or planeswalker

Enchanted permanent is a colourless land with ": Add ." and loses all other card types and abilities.

Necramus on Ruhan Voltron

2 weeks ago

Two-Handed Axe is super cool! I like some of the red additions. After looking at your equipment, I see why you said we have similar lists! Lol. Fireshrieker is intriguing to me. I run Grappling Hook, but this may be more desirable in my Sram list. Another consideration you've given me. So, here are a couple for you:

Dispatch has been one of my more recent additions that has really paid off in spades.

Imprisoned in the Moon and Darksteel Mutation have become some of my favorite Commander removal tools, if you ever find yourself looking for some more interaction.

Thanks again for the love on my Sram deck! I appreciate you! Feel free to check out any of my other decks and send me a friend request, if you feel like we've got some similar build styles! :)

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Be'Elz A'Boot

2 months ago


I used to run Warstorm Surge but really don't like the fact it costs 6 mana to cast. I know it combos well with Be'Lakor, the Dark Master, but it's too expensive and I'd much rather have the 3-drop Imprisoned in the Moon to completely shut down someone else's commander (until they can remove the enchantment). I love Wound Reflection also but, exactly like with Wound Reflection, the 6 mana needed to double up on damage/life loss is why I don't have it in the deck, either.

Thank you for the suggestion, and just know it's not missed on me, I've just played quite a few games where I had Wound Reflection in my hand and found it more of hindrance as opposed to an asset given every one in my pod plays 8+ power level decks.

DarkKiridon on Help Me With Kefnet

4 months ago

I'm not good with mono blue but what comes to mind is:

Baral, Chief of Compliance

Faerie Mastermind

Snapcaster Mage




Echoing Truth can remove creature tokens

Misleading Signpost

Imprisoned in the Moon

Eaten by Piranhas

Cards like Ever-Watching Threshold and Propaganda could help.

Reins of Power

Hope this helps a little.

Profet93 on Doomsday Clock | Budget No Combo Urza [PRIMER]

6 months ago

Icaruskid +1

I see you have the cloudkey/foundry inspector + top + mystic forge combo. Moreover, you have the voltaic key + rings + everflowing chalice (4 counters) combo, nice!

Is treasure mage useful given you only have 2 targets for it?

Miscast doesn't seem too impactful, how has it been playing for you? Potential swaps/considerations include.... Remand, Memory Lapse and Misdirection . Misdirection is my favorite, it's kind of like a budget force of will, better in some ways, worse in others. It can redirect targeted removal, draw, extra turns and can "counter" counterspells, all while allowing you to bluff with no mana open. With all the draw in the deck, it doesn't seem hard to be able to pull off.

While not necessary, Imprisoned in the Moon is decent removal (especially on commanders, particularly red and black ones without enchantment removal). Clever Impersonator is just general good stuff to copy something like a zendikar resurgent or what have you.

Darsul on Cultivating Enchantments

9 months ago

I don't/wouldn't use Heliod's Pilgrim to tutor your win par-say but, more like Fertile Ground is what I was thinking but, then I noticed the lack of Imprisoned in the Moon, Song of the Dryads and/or Darksteel Mutation so you can deal with threats. How do you deal with threats?

SaberTech on Zurtron

9 months ago

If you are going for a Voltron style of Zur there are a few auras that are often seen in those sorts of lists:

Darksteel Mutation and Oubliette complement Imprisoned in the Moon as ways that neutralize commanders. They make it difficult for your opponents to immediately get their commanders back to recast if they don't have enchantment removal. Darksteel Mutation is much better than Kasmina's Transmutation because the indestructible that the Mutation gives means that the enchanted commander will live through a board wipe and not go back to its owner's command zone. Oubliette could replace Pendrell Flux.

There's a bit of a call to make between Flaming Fist and Battle Mastery. Flaming Fist won't trigger the turn Zur puts it into play because Zur will have already been declared as attacking at that point. However, Flaming Fist does stick around if Zur happens to die since it's not an aura. Battle Mastery will let Zur hit with double strike the turn it enters but dies with Zur. It's a call to make depending on how aggressive you want to be. Duelist's Heritage is also generally better than Flaming Fist but not if Zur has shroud from a card like Diplomatic Immunity, so that depends on what auras you choose to run in the end.

If you aren't running Stony Silence as a silver bullet to shut down opponents' artifacts then it could be worth considering Nettlecyst as another creature/pump effect in the deck, even if Zur can't tutor it up. It could potentially replace Gray Merchant of Asphodel since the current list doesn't look that geared to reliably get a big hit off the Merchant's ability.

One of Zur's biggest strengths though is that he can tutor up Necropotence, so that's a card you should aim to add as soon as you can get your hands on one.

Rest in Peace is a strong card for messing with decks that utilize the graveyard.

Back to Basics can punish decks with greedy mana bases.

Stroke of Midnight is better than Expose to Daylight.

Seal of Cleansing or Aura of Silence are targets for Zur to tutor up to get rid of enchantments and artifacts.

Sevinne's Reclamation and/or Sun Titan could be worth considering for getting key permanent cards back from your graveyard.

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

11 months ago

That's a fair point about meta, that explains our different stance on the card. I don't usuaully play against players who are full blue. My opponnents usually splash it.

I haven't noticed the loss of Imprisoned in the Moon, because Gilded Drake feels so much better. I think an argument can be made to put both in the deck. I am theoretically playing around with the Unsummon slot right now, I haven't been able to physically test it out much in my games.

I appreciate you noticing that detail about Universal Automaton, I will have to make it more clear. Universal Automaton dosn't trigger Cloudstone Curio, but it can be targeted by it. That means when Universal Automaton and Cloudstone is on the field while you cast non-artifact Sphinxs, you can double your Unesh triggers and storm count for free.

Have you ever tried playing MTG on 'Tabletop Simulator' from Steam? You can pull a deck list from tappedout or moxfield and play it virtually at no expense for testing, it's quite easy and convenient.

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