Greater Auramancy

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Greater Auramancy


Other enchantments you control have shroud. (A permanent with shroud can't be the target of spells or abilities.)

Enchanted creatures you control have shroud.

Necramus on Enchantress Lockdown

6 hours ago

Mirri's Guile - great card selection at the cheap rate we want to keep churning through the deck with the engine in the CZ.

Swift Reconfiguration - instant speed enchantment removal that also removes from combat.

All That Glitters - wins games.

Blind Obedience - plays to the game plan and offers an alternate win condition.

Kenrith's Transformation - Similar to making it a bug, we can turn our friends' commanders into something useless, and it gets us an extra draw.

Hallowed Haunting - a better win condition than Approach of the Second Sun for an enchantress deck, imo.

Privileged Position - pair with Greater Auramancy for some fun.

Sigil of the Empty Throne - also a better win con than Approach, imo.

Sythis was the very first deck I ever built in Selesnya and I absolutely love her! She's one of my favorite decks. Feel free to check mine out, if you'd like- Hand of Sythis

mirror_to70 on Sythis enchanting all

1 month ago

Hey fluffyeel and thanks for your detailed comment!

Argothian Enchantress: Yeah, i thought about to put it in. Shroud is a very nice keyword. Only negative side, that it could not be a target from my own aura. But this constellation is probably rare...

The "protective" enchantments like for example Greater Auramancy: Hmm, maybe i put one ore two in...

The Earthcraft/Squirrel Nest combo: I know this one. But ask me why, i don´t like it. (Didn´t play it in my squirrel EDH-deck either).

Another tutor: Yes, good idea!

Eternal Witness: Only card to get things back is Hall of Heliod's Generosity (and here only enchantments..). Eternal Witness (or Regrowth) could get back a fetch land or anything else. Worth the consideration!

fluffyeel on Sythis enchanting all

1 month ago

Enchantress decks are always worthwhile. Looking at yours, here are some thoughts:

  • My favorite enchantress is Argothian Enchantress: it's as fast as Sythis, plus the counterplay against a permanent with shroud is difficult for very many decks (I've noticed).
  • In terms of fun enchantments, Greater Auramancy and Privileged Position are each an extra layer of protection for your board. Other enchantments of varying degrees of enchanted-ness are Abundance (makes a great combo with Sylvan Library); Smothering Tithe (given); Land Tax (you have the basic lands to support it, not to mention you also have land acceleration!); and Sphere of Safety (if you are in a combat-heavy playgroup). There, of course, is the classic Earthcraft/Squirrel Nest combo, but it's quite pricey (money-wise)...
  • Enlightened Tutor is highly recommended for getting the important enchantments (and given you have lots of creatures that are enchantments, too...), maybe also with Worldly Tutor as more ways to get the key creatures you want/need/desire. You could also consider things like Eternal Witness and Regrowth for getting back things and stuff.

jon_hill987 on Jenara - Asura of Enchantments

5 months ago

So I realize that Greater Auramancy is not as useful as I thought. Making me unable to stack auras on my creatures as intended. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good replacement?

indieinside on Auras and Shroud

6 months ago

I was told if I have Greater Auramancy on the battlefield that I wouldn't be able to cast auras to my creatures. Is this the case?

BarfQuackers on Uril, the Aura Menace

6 months ago

indieinside I would skip out on Greater Auramancy, it would give Uril shroud after the first aura you attach meaning you couldn't attach more auras to it, unless I'm missing something that's a huge nonbo.

Azoth2099 on Uril, the Aura Menace

6 months ago

Umbra Mystic, Greater Auramancy, Destiny Spinner & Moon-Blessed Cleric could be worth considering! Other stuff like Druid's Call & Mark of Sakiko as well.

NV_1980 on Go-Shintai Shrines and Enchantments

8 months ago

In a deck featuring this many enchantments, I'd definitely recommend adding Sphere of Safety to protect yourself from attacks. Daxos the Returned could also prove fun in this deck, seeing as you're focussing on enchantments and getting tokens from them. So far, your deck seems to be relatively budget-oriented but in case that ever changes options like Replenish, Academy Rector and Greater Auramancy would all fit wonderfully in here. Have fun with the build.

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