Perplexing Chimera

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Perplexing Chimera

Enchantment Creature — Chimera

Whenever an opponent casts a spell, you may exchange control of Perplexing Chimera and that spell. If you do, you may choose new targets for the spell. (If the spell becomes a permanent, you control that permanent.)

ASalesman on Unesh, Ultimate Guide (Tribal)

10 months ago


I will post this comment then make the changes as specified in the list.

I have been studying a lot of cEDH meta, and found a lot of cards that I haven’t been using that are really great in Unesh. After a lot of consideration I have decided to pull the trigger on this revision.

  • Replace Mystic Sanctuary with Otawara, Soaring City. Mystic Sanctuary is used to retrieve interaction and put it on the top of your deck. This is anti-deck thinning which feels really bad in this deck. Instead, lets have the interaction printed on the land itself. What is great about Otawara is that this interaction is an ability, not a spell. So it can be used even while cards like Grand Abolisher are on the field. You can remove the abolisher and then interact with your opponent.
  • Replace Extraplanar Lens with Urza's Saga. The lens feels clunky. Sure it combos with Palinchron, but this combo requires lands to be on the field. Sacrificing a land has anti synergy with this. If the lens gets removed, you are out the double mana AND a land. It feels bad too often which is why it is getting cut. There are still 5 other combo pieces in the deck that you WILL see. You can even tutor for High Tide if you have to. Urza’s Saga is one of the best lands in the format and it isn’t hard to see why. More deck thinning. If its in your opening hand you guarantee Unesh by turn 3. Moonsilver Key seems to perform really well, so keeping this in as redundancy for this effect will turn out well I think.
  • Replace 2 Islands with Mox Opal and Mox Amber. This deck has a lot of lands in it for cEDH. Although Unesh doesn’t mind being mana flooded usually, the count is still a bit high especially after adding Urza’s Saga. Fast mana in these spots feels nice. They aren’t necessarily going to get Unesh on the table faster, BUT they can effectively make your Thassa's Oracle win con cheaper. While you are rolling through your deck after Rite of Replication resolves, you can pick up these pieces to gain mana to cast Thassa’s Oracle.
  • Replace Island with Gemstone Caverns. I goldfished this change a lot and found that Unesh will almost always prefer this in your opening hand over an Island. It makes early Unesh more likely, which is the primary goal of this deck.
  • Replaced Trickbind with Mental Misstep. Mental Misstep is too good in the format. There are a lot of awesome 1 cmc cards. Sol ring, carpet of flowers, swords to plowshares, mental misstep, other 1 cmc counters, mystic remora, and more. Trickbind is a great card against the right opponent(ie Kinnan), so for me this goes in the sideboard.

Sideboard revision 0

This is my first stab at a sideboard. So constructive criticism is very welcomed. The main goals of the sideboard is to change out the interaction package to fit the pod better, and to shift to more of a midrange strat than turbo if necessary.

  • Trickbind. Great interaction with other ability centered decks.
  • Grafdigger's Cage. Unesh can play this card without consequence pretty much, and it is an effective stax piece in the meta. This card might even weasel its way in to the main board.
  • Tormod's Crypt. More graveyard hate, nothing else to explain here.
  • Flusterstorm for a spell heavy pod.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse also for a spell heavy pod.
  • Pongify for a more creature heavy pod.
  • Lotus Petal for better odds to cast Unesh first, making the deck more turbo. I think this card is possibly better than 1 or more of the mox’s, but I will leave it in sideboard for now.
  • Perplexing Chimera. If you need to grind in the midrange more this guy can be a great option. Combining him with Homeward Path can be a good combo to soft lock your opponents in the mid game while you get to the bottom of your deck.
  • Homeward Path for the above card.
  • Ledger Shredder for making the deck more midrange with another card draw engine, allowing you to more likely get the interaction you need.

xstaticx on Lover of Shiny Things [A Primer]

2 years ago

Played a game at an LGS on Sunday. First time playing the deck. Only 4 players there and one had to leave early. Can't say the game was high quality. Faced a Yurlok and a Niv Mizzet. Niv player was new to EDH and pretty much net-decked and and then had a lot of difficulty tracking his triggers with Veyran, Voice of Duality and Harmonic Prodigy on the field. The deck had insane ways to control the board if I wanted to, but didn't want to ruin his experience as he's new. Still, was able to make some observations.

I knew the land count was low so I bumped that up to a more reasonable 36. Will have to observe how well that works since we have such high average CMC. Spawnbroker was a a dud. I have low power creatures in this list and couldn't swap for anything useful. Moderation seemed decent, but once you're over that hurdle of the first few turns, you really start to feel sluggish with its limitations. Planar Guide costs too much and is telegraphed. Ebony Owl Netsuke was cute against the Niv player and knocked him out, but was pretty lackluster. Iron Maiden fills this slot nicely.

Perplexing Chimera was game-warping. This card singlehandedly caused mayhem until people coordinated to get rid of it. Great card.

Additions: A land Djinn of Infinite Deceits Juxtapose Phantom Steed Order of Succession

Cuts: - Archaeomancer - Ebony Owl Netsuke - Paradoxical Outcome - Planar Guide - Spawnbroker

Kavle on Wierd Interaction

2 years ago

Wow, completely overlooked the damage part of this. Will give it a go in the first build and see how it goes.

Mystic Reflection, Perplexing Chimera, and Reality Shift are some cards I'm also going to try.

Lanzo493 on Paths of Pain Commander

2 years ago

When I think of Nagato, the card that comes to mind is K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth since he uses his life as a means for power. Reminds me of Nagato and how messed up his body ends up being. But being mono black wouldn't let you represent his other abilities effectively. I would use Jodah, Archmage Eternal since he has that "I can do anything" feel that Nagato has with all of his insane abilities.

As far as the attractive and repulsive forcers are concerned, I think of Kira, Great Glass-Spinner, Erayo, Soratami Ascendant  Flip Mass Manipulation, Perplexing Chimera, etc.

The summoning Pain can be represented by Tooth and Nail, Genesis Wave, and the like.

Absorbing chakra sounds like Mana Drain, Draining Whelk, Plasm Capture, and Spell Swindle.

Mind's Dilation could work for reading a person's mind. There's also Sen Triplets.

Living Death, Necromantic Selection, Ruinous Ultimatum, Eerie Ultimatum, and many other cards can represent his control over life and death.

Ender666666 on Best Rule 0 Commander

2 years ago

For me, my rule 0 commander would either be Genju of the Realm or Chromanticore or maybe Perplexing Chimera when I feel spicy.

wereotter on My Zedruu deck

2 years ago

For my own Zedruu deck, I found more so than giving away nasty bombs, I did better to draw into more answer and bigger threats by giving away garbage. Things that are neither a benefit to the person I give them to nor are they explicitly going to hurt them. They're just kind of there drawing me extra cards.

If you're interested, some cards that went this route include: Darksteel Relic, Sphere of the Suns, Transmogrifying Wand, Pentad Prism, Weapon Rack, Marit Lage's Slumber (at least if you're in a group with people not running snow lands), Absolute Grace. Also you could run a few other effects that give themselves away like Humble Defector, Perplexing Chimera, Shuriken, and Chromeshell Crab. Also another newer meaner card to give away to maybe consider is Fires of Invention since it will limit when and how many spells an opponent can play.

Exoflo on Zedruu budget

3 years ago

Hi HandsomeCowboy !

This is one of the most qualitative budget Zedruu deck I ever see. Many cards are good, even excellent. I think Shifting Loyalties are really too expensive, and maybe Switcheroo too.

Good budget cards I can recommend you are :

And for 2$ more:

Wild Research is my favorite card, it just allow you to access to 1/3 of your deck So, whatever your deck is just very effective for a budget deck, I am really impressed

Best of luck to you and spray joy with our MotherGoat

Strangelove on OrVideoAssistantReferee

3 years ago

Hey, +1!

I built an Orvar deck (Orvar the Rainbow) that I tried to make weaker by focused on bouncing and freezing... but it was too good for my group! I've been tuning it down since. Atm I'm going for a copycat build.

Definitely play 10-12 ramp that cost 2 or less... Ramping to 5 mana, playing Orvar and cloning lands is mvp.

In the end, I found cloning merfolk to be mostly useless. Scion of Oona seemed to me the best version of them all (it protects orvar/ is an early body to dump your hand into).

I play every 1CMC Twiddle that targets any permanent, which lets me clone lots of lands and then start drawing with Sphinxes, etc.

I really like Artisan of Forms because it can clone orvar if he gets targeted. Bouncers like AEthersnipe can also act as protection.

I was also thinking that Perplexing Chimera would be oppressive... or Knowledge Pool ... or Decree of Silence ... the ceiling seems pretty high with Orvar.

Cheers and good luck!

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