Harmless Offering

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Harmless Offering


Target opponent gains control of target permanent you control.

TheoryCrafter on Archetype Name and Card Recommendations

1 week ago

A card with a similar effect to Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor is Combat Calligrapher. Though you can balance the drawback a bit by adding Blood Seeker to your deck.

Other cards I think may work the way yer looking for are Bloodvial Purveyor and Jolene, the Plunder Queen.

There's also the "Vow of..." cycle. The ones relevant to your deck are:: Vow of Duty, Vow of Lightning, Vow of Malice, Vow of Torment, and Vow of Wildness. Another Aura that works like that is Spectral Grasp.

Also, if you really wanna have some fun, there's also Jinxed Choker, Jinxed Idol, Jinxed Ring and Sleeper Agent. And don't forget the Demonic Pact+Harmless Offering combo!

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading me out. Happy Hunting!

Be_Jamin on If I give control of …

1 month ago

I'm building a Lynde, Cheerful Tormentor deck and I see that cards like Harmless Offering and Donate are usually paired with this commander. With her first ability and attaching the curse to myself, I'm looking for more ways to give others the curses other than multiple upkeeps. What I don't want is to change control of a curse to an opponent and then they turn it around and curse me. If that is the case, could I get an explanation on why such cards would be used in curse decks?

WilldelaRoche on Sharing is caring

6 months ago

This deck only have Delaying Shield, Illusions of Grandeur, Nine Lives and Statecraft that need to be donated to work, so I think that both Donate and Harmless Offering are too expensive to have in the deck for only those cases.

To donate those and other permanents I already have Coveted Falcon, Bazaar Trader + Starfield of Nyx (so the goblin can also donate enchantments), Puca's Mischieffoil and Shifting Grift.

Exoflo on SIX

6 months ago

Avarice Totem is a bad card

Soulless Jailer and Chef's Kiss are too specific cards that are not synergistic

Negate can be replace by a general counter spell

Brand is useless imo

Contested Game Ball just ask people to attack you

Harmless Offering and Wrong Turn are useless if zedruu stick on the field

Scrambleverse is pure chaos. It throws game and does not make it fun anymore, neither for u or your friends

Jinxed Idol is anti-synergistic cause you give creature

You have to many creature-focussed removal and not true "remove all" (like Witness Protection or Path to Exile. Keep enchantment, they are synergistic with Zedruu)

You have to many wincon, choose how you want to win and remove the other (keep them appart and modify you deck if you want to try new thing)

Remove more that 18 cards and add some lands

Consider adding some protection for Zedruu

After that, remove some bad gift and some "givers"

I don't like giving creature to opponent cause they can just sac it, or kill it during combat. That's just my opinion.

I don't like bad gift zedruu, again that's my opinion

Very good choice of commander

More important : play the card you like the most

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

7 months ago

Put that in a Mardu deck with Harmless Offering and gift it to an opponent who plays a lot of spells. I'm sure it'll turn out fiiiine...


Legendary Creature - Dog


At the beginning of your upkeep or whenever you draw your third card each turn, create a Clue token.

Sacrifice three Clue tokens, : Search your library for a card, reveal it and put it into your hand. Shuffle your library.


Make another wholesome card for a children's television show or learning book!

(Blue is canonically 2 years old, hence the 2/2 for 2)

Rhadamanthus on If a Enchantment with counters …

8 months ago

danielgonmar: You need to use double square brackets around the card's name to make the link work - Nine Lives, Resourceful Defense

To answer your question, since Resourceful Defense only moves counters between things you control, the same player has to control both Nine Lives and the Defense in order to use the Defense to move counters off of Nine Lives. If they're controlled by different players, which might be the situation in the original question where things are being moved around with Harmless Offering, then it won't work.

Also, it's much better to post a new question as its own topic rather than respond to a very old one. With the way this site works, adding a new post to a Rules Q&A discussion doesn't move the topic to the top of the list. This topic is about 4 years old, so the only reason I was aware of your comment is because the site auto-subscribed me for notifications on this topic after I originally posted in it. If you had happened to post in a topic where the only people involved in the discussion were no longer active users then no one would have seen your question.

TheoryCrafter on Never-Ending Sands

2 years ago

Have you considered Gauntlets of Chaos and/or Harmless Offering? Both of these can allow you to take advantage of Hozezon's Desertwalk ability. Happy Hunting!

TheoryCrafter on So Dominaria

2 years ago

For Hazezon, Must includes for me would be Gauntlets of Chaos and Harmless Offering So I could take advantage of the Desertwalk ability.

For Jeron Carthalion, Door to Nothingness due to Jeron making the ability easier to activate and Seraph Sanctuary for the lifegain would be my must includes.

For Shanna, I'd be looking to weaponize the second ability through cards including, but not limited to, Chasm Skulker and Psychosis Crawler. This card could make Bant mill formidable. Elementalist's Palette and Unbound Flourishing would be must includes.

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