Sentinel Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sentinel Sliver

Creature — Sliver

Sliver creatures you control have vigilance. (Attacking doesn't cause them to tap.)

Snap157 on What are some affordable improvements …

2 years ago

for a sliver build I tend to focus on Venom Sliver plus Striking Sliver, with Sinew Sliver and Predatory Sliver being the core of the deck. Also worth considering a full playset of Manaweft Sliver since it goes so well with your Sentinel Sliver. Also looks like you could totally get away with going naya instead of WUBRG, as it'll smooth out your mana base.

BossUltinuc on What are some affordable improvements …

2 years ago

So I built this Sliver focused deck, but I really don't have the budget to be spending $20 AUD per card so that I can build the sickest deck ever. Therefore, I'm wondering what some improvements I can make to this deck are to make it more capable, even if it isn't going to be winning any tournaments

Creatures x4 Cloudshredder Sliver x4 Diffusion Sliver x3 Galerider Sliver x2 Megantic Sliver x2 Venom Sliver x3 Manaweft Sliver x2 Tempered Sliver x2 Sentinel Sliver x3 Leeching Sliver

Instant x3 Shock x2 Giant Growth

Sorcery x4 Channel the Suns

Lands x3 Evolving Wilds x3 Transguild Promenade x4 Plains x4 Swamp x4 Island x4 Mountain x4 Forest

legendofa on Slivers Deck Help (Modern)

2 years ago

I'm not a Sliver expert, so get your grain of salt ready, but here are my thoughts.

First thing is mana fixing. I see three Manaweft Sliver. If you want to go five colors, I would add at least 2-3 mana slivers, either Manaweft or Gemhide Sliver. Depending on your land base, a playset of each might work. They're still very helpful at 2-4 colors.

Galerider Sliver and Diffusion Sliver are both very good effects, and you almost have a full playset of both, so those can make a good core. You don't need to have more than one Galerider in play, but you definitely want that one available with others on standby in your hand, and Diffusion stacks with itself to make spot removal near useless.

The and options seem underwhelming, although Cloudshredder Sliver is a decent backup to Galerider. Most of the red ones being singletons also makes them easier to set aside.

I don't see any special combos outside of the usual Sliver synergy, so a straightforward approach of "lay down Slivers and attack" is probably the way to go.

Looking at this collection (and again, not being a Sliver expert), I would suggest making a core and stocking up on mana Slivers to get access to the Cloudshredders and Striking Slivers, keeping the mana costs low for a fast, aggressive deck.

Possible template:

4 Manaweft Sliver

2 Gemhide Sliver

4 Galerider Sliver

4 Diffusion Sliver

3 Cloudshredder Sliver

4 Sentinel Sliver

2 Striking Sliver

3 Tempered Sliver

2 Bonescythe Sliver

4 Predatory Sliver

2 Distant Melody

2 Wrap in Vigor

24 lands

BossUltinuc on Slivers Deck Help (Modern)

2 years ago

Okay so, a while back I wanted to put together a Slivers deck just for some fun casual play with friends, because I like the concept and playstyle they have.

I bought a relatively cheap pre-built deck online, and a friend recommended some other cards I should find to use in the deck. Unfortunately, that was a while ago, and I'm not in contact with that friend anymore so I'm pretty much back at square one.

The creatures listed below are what I already have, so based on this, what might be a fun + effective deck that I could build? I'm willing to buy singles as long as the individual cards aren't too costly (ideally no more than about $5-7 total for every copy I'd need of a card, but I'm open to spending a little bit more)

Creatures: Cleaving Sliver x1 Spiteful Sliver x1 Bladeback Sliver x1 Blur Sliver x2 Hollowhead Sliver x2 Striking Sliver x2

Lavabelly Sliver x1 Cloudshredder Sliver x2 Bonescythe Sliver x1 Enduring Sliver x1 Constricting Sliver x1 Sentinel Sliver x2 Sidewinder Sliver x2

Scuttling Sliver x3 Diffusion Sliver x4 Galerider Sliver x3

Megantic Sliver x2 Groundshaker Sliver x2 Venom Sliver x2 Manaweft Sliver x3 Predatory Sliver x2 Tempered Sliver x2

Darkheart Sliver x3 Dregscape Sliver x3 Leeching Sliver x3

Thank you in advance for the help!

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

2 years ago

Hey abierto,

It’s been awhile since you commented, glad to hear from you. Thanks for bringing these cards onto my radar. I've got some mixed opinions about each card, so let's discuss - Survival of the Fittest seems only viable when looking for the aforementioned Sliver Queen + Lavabelly Sliver + Basal Sliver combo. Otherwise, i'd just be populating my graveyard for a mass reanimation play that could either make or break my next turn and probably the rest of the game for me. Seems a little too high risk, high reward.

Survival of the Fittest only makes me miss Paradox Engine that much more. I guess I just need to see how it's viable outside of just tutoring for the previously mentioned. Separately, I saw a Sliver themed alter of this card that is really awesome:

Intuition in a good card, but i'm not sure it'll be good in this deck. It would be a great tutor for decks that have reanimation as a primary theme.

Dregscape Sliver on the other hand I’m seriously considering - i'd cut Patriarch's Bidding, as the benefit of only targeting my stuff outweighs the exile at the end of turn. I tend to face a lot of tribal decks in my meta(s), so not bringing back everyone else's graveyard to seal the deal on a combo seems like an easy decision.

Hi Sneuxfox,

Welcome to my deck page, thank you for posting. I've always held Magma Sliver in high regard, but the issue i've had with it is that for it to be a viable card on the board I would need to reach a "critical mass" of Slivers on board. By itself, it's ability is so-so. But I now realize when accompanied by Sentinel Sliver and/or Bonescythe Sliver this creature can make a somewhat threatening board get really out of hand.

To be honest, it's been a long time since i've taken another look at this card. The last time I considered it's inclusion was before M14 at least. Now, after Modern Horizons there are a bunch of more interesting combinations we could use. You've convinced me - i'll be cutting Heart Sliver (as Cloudshredder Sliver makes it obsolete) for Magma.

The only problem I have to worry about now is if Crystalline Sliver is on board. Also, what the heck is happening with Magma Sliver? It just had a serious price spike! You know something I don't?

Thanks again for all of your awesome suggestions and discussion. You help keep this deck list evolving.

Mortlocke on The Queen's Egg

2 years ago

Hey abierto,

Indeed it’s been awhile since you commented, glad to hear from you. Thank you for bringing these cards onto my radar, let’s discuss them - I can easily tell that Survival of the Fittest would dramatically change the way the deck plays – with Survival of the Fittest + Dregscape Sliver on the board, access to at least 3 mana, 1 creature in hand, and at least an additional I can combo out and win the game on that turn. The only drawbacks I can see here are the mana requirements coupled with the more than likely opponent interaction that would be coming my way. Given that Dregscape Sliver’s ability is only sorcery speed – that only solidifies my concern as A simple Bojuka Bog could wreck me If I do not populate my graveyard with care and proper timing. This makes me wish that Paradox Engine wasn’t banned – I really miss that card. The verdict is out on Survival of the Fittest, I want to like to this card but I can’t help but feel hesitant in including it (let alone the investment). I think I’ll maybe proxy it in and see where that takes me. Speaking which, check out this really awesome alter:

Survival of the Fittest Sliver Alter Show

Dregscape Sliver on the other hand I’m considering including. Maybe cutting Patriarch's Bidding, as I do not like the mana investment and the potential added bonus of assisting opponents. In the metas I play in there are a lot of tribal decks – I’m sitting across from at least one or two other tribal decks every game. I’m ordering a copy today, so thank you for mentioning that card again.

Hi Sneuxfox (death by Snu snu?),

Welcome to my deck page! Thank you for posting. I’ve always wanted to work Magma Sliver into this decklist, but I don’t think it would be a good fit – Magma lends itself toward a Sliver deck that compliments a more Aggro strategy where the goal is to hit a “critical mass” of creatures and abuse enough evasion keywords to get a single creature to knock an opponent out. First Sliver's Chosen would be an absolute must include alongside Magma Sliver, as it would solidify a Voltron strategy by stacking Exalted triggers alongside Magma’s ability. I definitely agree that the aforementioned can get out hand when you have just one Sliver be the target of multiple triggers.

I agree that it's criminal that Magma doesn't make it's way into alot of lists, maybe it's due to most decks wanting to lean into the Mid-range Sliver tool box? Or maybe it's because the deck would need to be more Voltron centric? I decided to throw together a quick decklist as an example of what I think the average deck running Magma Sliver would look like:

Budget Aggro Sliver Decklist Show

What're your thoughts on the list, Sneuxfox ?

multimedia on Sliver Overlord, Cascading to Victory

2 years ago

Hey, well done so far, nice Queen. The manabase is underwhelming for five colors and you forgot Command Tower.

31 lands is a low amount to have enough color fixing when five colors are essential to cast Overlord as well as needing many different color combinations in the early turns of the game to cast Slivers. Compared to the rest of your deck, other than five lands (Forbidden, Exotic, Crypt, Tree, Zagoth), the rest of the manabase has been neglected. What is the Snow theme for? Playing Snow for Into the North doesn't seem worth it since all the Snow duals always ETB tapped.

Consider adding 3-5 more lands and some more 2 CMC ramp that can make any color?

Some Sliver upgrades to consider:

Basal Sliver combos with Sliver Queen to make infinite 1/1 Slivers which Lavabelly Sliver is a win condition. Amoeboid Changeling is a Changeling which are all creature types. It's a Sliver while in your hand, library, graveyard and because it's a Sliver in your library you can tutor for it with Overlord. Overlord and Amoeboid have repeatable interaction to turn an opponent's creature into a Silver and then gain control of it.

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on No don’t kill my Slivers.

2 years ago

Hey, well done on a budget while having Overlord, First, Legion and Hivelord. The area of your deck that needs the most improvements is the manabase and lands are my first budget suggestions to consider.

Exotic Orchard, Unclaimed Territory and Path of Ancestry are three more Rainbow lands. The five Battle lands have good interaction with lots of basic lands: Canopy Vista, Cinder Glade, Sunken Hollow, Prairie Stream and Smoldering Marsh. You're better off playing more Tri lands than the Thriving lands: Jungle Shrine, Savage Lands, Seaside Citadel, Crumbling Necropolis, Opulent Palace, etc.

A Tri land gives you three choices of colors, not two, which is better when playing five colors. Being able to choose the second color with a Thriving land is nice, but with five colors not as good as having three choices. If you have the Pathways then that's good, but if not they're too expensive price for lands for five colors since you can only choose one color of mana with them. The Battle lands could replace them.

Cloudshredder Sliver is a two drop Sliver that gives flying and haste, it's one of the best Slivers. Shifting Sliver makes all Sliver unblockable unless an opponent controls some Slivers. Quick Sliver lets you cast Slivers at instant speed during your opponents turns or at any point of the game. Flash is excellent with The First Sliver getting to cascade at instant speed is powerful because the card you cast from cascade doesn't have timing restrictions meaning you can cast any card.

Crypt Sliver can protect Slivers from most board wipes, from removal that destroys, from dying in combat from damage and interacts well with vigilance from Sentinel Sliver. Hibernation Sliver can protect from all board wipes, other removal most importantly exile for the cost of 2 life each Sliver.

Hibernation interacts well with The First Sliver by bouncing it as well as other Slivers to cast again and cascade again. Dormant Sliver has nice interaction with Hibernation because Dormant can draw a ton of cards and when you want to attack with Slivers bounce Dormant with Hibernation.

Diffusion Sliver helps to protect Slivers from targeted removal, making an opponent have to pay two more mana to target a Sliver. Striking Sliver is another one drop Sliver and first strike is nice to have when attacking.

Amoeboid Changeling is a Sliver because Changelings are all creature types even when in your hand, library or graveyard. Amoebiod has really good interaction with Sliver Overlord because Overlord can gain control of a Sliver. Amoeboid can make any opponent's creature who you can target a Sliver and then Overlord can gain control of that creature permanently. This is especially powerful to gain control of opponents Commanders. These two combine to gain control of all your opponents creatures over a course of many turns. Because Amoeboid is a Silver while in your library then Overlord can tutor for it.

If interested I offer more advice including cuts to consider. Good luck with your deck.

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