Enthusiastic Mechanaut

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Enthusiastic Mechanaut

Artifact Creature — Goblin Artificer


Artifact spells you cast cost less to cast.

pinecone2k3 on Big Ol’ Juggs

3 months ago

Enthusiastic Mechanaut is another option for reducing the cost of your Juggernauts.

pinecone2k3 on The Artificer’s Prodigal Combo Deck

5 months ago

Just a couple of suggestions. Enthusiastic Mechanaut may not hit as hard as Foundry Inspector when it attacks, but it costs less to cast, allowing you to get it into play sooner, and has Flying. Also, Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain has the same converted mana cost as Vedalken Archmage, but has more options to trigger her card draw ability. Not to mention being a 3/3 as opposed to a 0/2. Just some food for thought.

Poly_raptor on Mishra, Eminent One | Artifact nonsense

1 year ago


Good question lol.

I did forget about Top, but I’m not someone that ever really plays top, but it could be a good addition.

Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge - I’m not running a heavy amount of creatures and planeswalkers, so giving them affinity seems like it’s a bit so so, because there’s a lot of ramp anyway, the expensive cards are also some of the non-creature artifacts. His abilities are good but he is quite a lot of mana.

Jhoira's Familiar is 4 mana, Etherium Sculptor, Enthusiastic Mechanaut and Cloud Key are cheaper.

In one of the first drafts I was running Contraband Kingpin which is similar to artificers assistant but I cut it because i often found id rather cast other things in hand in the play tests.

Mystic Forge always struck me as a combo card but could be useful I suppose.

Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain is similar to the answer I gave for the Koi, Skyswimmer Koi draws off etb not cast so draws from Mishra’s tokens entering. The other 2 don’t really fit the deck I don’t think?

What would you cut for any of the suggestions?

Ace_Of_Spades on Over-Jhoi'd

1 year ago

Edits: Out- Foundry Inspector In- Enthusiastic Mechanaut

(3 mana tends to be higher in the curve than I want this effect to be (Cloud Key withstanding), Enthusiastic Mechanaut just fits my optimal curve better)

Out- Mirran Spy , Nettle Drone , Retraction Helix , Banishing Knack In- 2x islands 2x mountains

(needed a slightly larger mana base, and these combos are nice but with summoning sickness, 2 turns takes too long to be efficient

SweetDreamsies on Jhoira

1 year ago

Enthusiastic Mechanaut and Jhoira's Familiar for more reducing

multimedia on

2 years ago

Hey, nice version of Breya with Shorikai and Greasefang.

The artifact creatures who reduce the mana cost of artifacts especially Enthusiastic Mechanaut, but also Etherium Sculptor seem good here since they add more ramp and can crew. Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh is the new Tezz, it's excellent with Breya and has synergy with Vehicles.

Smuggler's Copter is among the best Vehicles. Smuggler's Buggy is a new Vehicle and hideaway is powerful. Master Transmuter can cheat Vehicles onto the battlefield including Buggy for more hideaway and is excellent with Mycosynth Lattice and Darksteel Forge. With Breya Transmuter can create more Thopters by bouncing and putting Breya right back onto the battlefield.

Spire of Industry and Path of Ancestry are two other budget rainbow lands. Fellwar Stone is another budget rainbow mana rock.

Good luck with your deck.

Have (1) JordanSanFran
Want (1) ArtistaFeo