Duskmantle Guildmage

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Duskmantle Guildmage

Creature — Human Wizard

: Whenever a card is put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere this turn, that player loses 1 life. : Target player puts the top two cards of his or her library into his or her graveyard.

legendofa on Seeking Advice for Lazav., Dimrir …

4 months ago

Welcome to the club, Danutercisd!

For being a first deck, I'm impressed to see the Mana Crypt, Cyclonic Rift, Fierce Guardianship, The Meathook Massacre, Underground Sea... I'm going to guess that budget isn't a major constraint here.

One of my pet cards for this sort of thing is Geth, Lord of the Vault. It offers milling, reanimation theft for creatures and artifacts, and a pretty big evasive body.

If you like instant-win combos, both Bloodchief Ascension and Duskmantle Guildmage set up full-deck milling and lots of damage with the Mindcrank in the deck.

Another suggestion is to diversify your copy/theft effects. There's a lot of ways to copy opponents' creatures, but you can take them directly with Control Magic, Beguiler of Wills, and similar effects, steal and copy spells with Talent of the Telepath or Twincast, or yank something from their deck with Praetor's Grasp. You opponents are probably going to be doing things beside throwing creatures around, and being able to react to different threats and take advantage of different opportunities is always good.

legendofa on Anowon ***Need feedback please!***

4 months ago

Welcome to the club, DadCommander!

I'm neither a mill expert nor a Commander expert, but let's see what kind of advice I can offer. I think Traumatize is the most useful sideboard card here. It's a huge chunk of milling, and commbined with Bruvac the Grandiloquent it can take a player out of the game on the spot. For a suggestion that's not in the sideboard, either Duskmantle Guildmage or Bloodchief Ascension can mill all opponents out and win the game with Mindcrank.

But right now, you're three cards over the maximum. The deck also has a pretty heavy mana curve, so I recommend putting in a few more lands. My first thoughts for cuts are Scourge of Fleets (reliant on islands, lots of cards with similar effects, high mana cost), Spinal Embrace (good combat trick, but clashes with all the bounce and destroy effects, high mana cost), Latchkey Faerie (doesn't do enough for its cost, in my opinion), In Garruk's Wake (very high mana cost, and has several redundancies), and Marsh Flitter (four mana for a 1/1 flier is very expensive, you can pump it four times max, and the two Goblins in the deck are more useful for their abilities than as sacrifice fodder). That's five cut cards, bringing you down to 98. Add two lands, one of them can be the sideboard Tainted Isle, and this will be smoother and more reliable.

There are a few different themes here. There's mill, Rogues, bounce, and reanimator theft. Most of your higher-cost cards look like they're there to take opponents' graveyard cards, which is good support for mill, but you can probably trim down the number you have here. Geth, Lord of the Vault will also help combine the mill and reanimator--I would replace Fated Return with Geth.

Dimir_Unseen on "Library.exe has stopped working" | Phenax Primer

7 months ago

im going to make a deck like this, with more infinite mill combos Mindcrank + Duskmantle Guildmage etc

CopperheadCA on Therapy failed because I kept putting up Walls

1 year ago

Kyyoo, I'd suggest removing any sorceries/enchantments that that focus on milling a player, such as Mind Funeral and Psychic Corrosion and Mind Grind. While your goal is a mill victory, these cards are acting separately from your commander. I'd go hard into being able to tap your creatures to mill, as they are a reusable action as well as.. well defenders. At the very least, the balance should always be tipped towards getting your commander out and tapping creatures, and these effects should be secondary (less of them in your deck).

Duskmantle Guildmage is a bit expensive to mill two cards for 4.

ClockworkSwordfish on Sphinx Zombie Mill

1 year ago

Undead Alchemist is a very fun card - I've tried building around it myself in the past! If you lean a little more in the zombie tribal side of things, one card I've found works beautifully with him is Lich Lord of Unx: he mills your opponent for each zombie you have, which means even more zombies from the Alchemist for the next activation! The Lichlord also plays nicely with Mindcrank, which basically makes him get milled for twice as many cards.

Duskmantle Guildmage isn't a zombie but provides a great backup way to kill a foe off with all the milling going on and is an instant win with the Mindcrank. It's definitely a pricier card, but if you can find room for Bloodchief Ascension, it's a very deadly card when you're mixing mill and life loss like this!

Flarhoon13 on Lazav and Gyruda (Companion): Doom Mind

1 year ago

Ill-Gotten Gains to enable Animate Dead on It That Betrays enabled this deck to win its first game. March 26th memorably saw Lazav, Dimir Mastermind become a Priest of Titania, tapping for 11 and utilizing a Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy twice (borrowed thanks to our Roil Elemental) to cheat out a Vilis, Broker of Blood and a Geth, Lord of the Vault, only to enable the Duskmantle Guildmage and Mindcrank combo victory.

wallisface on Blue/black mill

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • It looks like you're currently trying to do 3 different things here: mill your opponent out, combo-off, and deal them 20 damage. This is just going to weaken your overall gameplan because whichever way to try to win, only half of the cards you draw are going to help with that. I would suggest you reorganize the deck to be entirely-focused on the mill plan, entirely focused on the Duskmantle Guildmage combo, or entirely focused on the beatdown plan.

If you're wanting to build a Mill Deck:

  • There are no creatures at all worth running except for Hedron Crab and Ruin Crab. Nothing else is even remotely worth the effort of running, because nothing else really helps with the goal of milling your opponent.

  • Also something to be aware of, is that you need any card that is milling to get at least 8 cards from your opponents deck (try to compare mill spells as burn spell, except you need to do 53 damage instead of 20 - so the same way that burn can never justify running Shock, mill can never justify running Tome Scour). Any less than this, and you just end up empty-handed with your opponent still alive. So I would suggest ditching Mind Grind, Tome Scour, Traumatize, both the planeswalkers, and your artifacts. I would also say to get rid of Fraying Sanity because that card is just bad. Instead look to add things like Fractured Sanity, Maddening Cacophony and Archive Trap.

  • You'll want a decent amount of interaction in the form of Surgical Extraction and Fatal Push, as well as Drown in the Loch. Crypt Incursion is also great to keep yourself alive longer

  • An example deck of how this looks here

If you're wanting to build a Combo Deck:

  • you'll want to up your copies of Mindcrank to a full playset. You also want ways to fetch both your combo pieces in the way of cards like Dimir Infiltrator and Muddle the Mixture, as well as draw spells like Consider or Serum Visions.

  • Duskmantle Guildmage is the only real creature you need to run, though its worth also considering Spellskite as a way to protect your combo pieces, and Vendilion Clique as either a way to fix your own hand, or mess with your opponents.

  • Your other cards should mainly be focused on ensuring your opponent can't disrupt what you're doing. Spell Pierce and Counterspell will be great here, as well as proactive cards like Inquisition of Kozilek. Because you only really want to slow your opponent down, stuff like Vapor Snag can be decent too (note this card can also start the combo triggering once you have the pieces in play).

  • A budget dechtech example with description, list & video this deck here

If you're wanting to build a Creature-beatdown Deck:

  • You probably don't want to be doing much milling at all, or at least you don't want to be running any cards that only mill. The most practical route to go down is probably using Rogues, with cards like Thieves' Guild Enforcer and Soaring Thought-Thief.

  • A budget dechtech example with description, list & video this deck here

Syndras on "Library.exe has stopped working" | Phenax Primer

1 year ago

I've got a Phenax deck since 3 years now (mostly thanks to this primer) and I've got one recommandation and question : How do you manage to resolve the Bloodchief Ascension as we are usually not attacking, ok there is Syr Konrad, the Grim or Duskmantle Guildmage to trigger it but I feel like it's heavily reliant on your opponents. It probably works in your playgroup but whenever I play it, I become the archenemy (even if it's turn 1) because they know that when it's going to be online, it will be really difficult for them to kill me and prevent me from killing them. An alternative/recommandation at the same cost may be Ruin Crab. P.S. I love the legacy combo <3

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