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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Arena | Legal |
Block Constructed | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Gladiator | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Historic | Legal |
Historic Brawl | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Modern | Legal |
Modern Beyond Horizons | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pioneer | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Chief of the Scale
Creature — Human Warrior
Other Warrior creatures you control get +0/+1

mrweaselman on
War Champs
3 years ago
Take out Garna, the Bloodflame, Gatekeeper of Malakir, Rushblade Commander, and Intimidation Bolt and this deck is pioneer legal. Some of them aren't all that good here anyways and they're not worth being in a much higher power format.
Cards that are also not very good: Chief of the Scale, Goma Fada Vanguard, and Pacifism. Cut Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants if you have trouble finding space for other cards.
Your best creatures would probably be Blood-Chin Rager and Chief of the Edge, so run 4 each.
Since you have Herald of Dromoka, you can do some pretty cool things with exert creatures. Brave the Sands also has this effect. Ahn-Crop Crasher, Combat Celebrant, Devoted Crop-Mate, and Glory-Bound Initiate are all really good warriors when paired with vigilance. Resolute Survivors too if you want to commit this route, although Brutal Hordechief is probably better. Path of Mettle Flip is an interesting one too for grindy matches, maybe more of a sideboard card.
If you want more wide aggro, run Bloodsoaked Champion and either Gutterbones or Zurgo Bellstriker, take out vigilance or toughness effects, and work to increase power. You can win with a couple Arashin Foremost, Brutal Hordechief, and more Secure the Wastes.
Fatal Push is probably the best pioneer removal spell, but if you find larger CMC creatures in your meta Cast Down or Heartless Act will hit almost anything.
For mana base, Battlefield Forge and Caves of Koilos are better budget dual options than anything that comes in tapped. Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory are almost auto includes for tribal.
jamochawoke on
4 years ago
I like how the guy above this comment just casually strolls in and tells you to put in a bunch of moxen...
That said, warriors is one of my favorite tribes and I've made a ton of decks with them! Plus Najeela is such a badass commander! These are my suggestions that you haven't included and could serve as some better synergy with your deck than your non-warriors:
- Winota, Joiner of Forces for deck filtering, extra combat step power, and a tutor for your human warriors.
- Samut, Voice of Dissent to give all your creatures haste and she's incredibly powerful in and of herself, can give pseudo vigilance or enable tap/untap shenanigans with her second ability, and she has Flash.
- Garna, the Bloodflame gives your creatures haste and has Flash like Samut. She also helps you instantly recover from board wipes (in my meta boardwipes are so rampant my playgroup has started to implement restrictions on how many can be put into decks, yours may be different).
- Tahngarth, First Mate is a great way to engage politically with the board.
- Harald, King of Skemfar tutors the top 5 of your deck for warriors.
- Varolz, the Scar-Striped also helps you recover from wipes or having your big creatures removed with his scavenge ability.
- Maja, Bretagard Protector she can net you a lot of warrior tokens, especially if you have ways to bounce lands or play extra lands.
- Rhys the Redeemed gets you a lot of warrior elf tokens over the course of a game if you can get him out early.
- Kresh the Bloodbraided helps you recover from removal (but not wipes) in a better way than Varolz.
- Surrak Dragonclaw makes all your warriors uncounterable.
- Zurgo Helmsmasher one of the biggest warrior beat-sticks available to you, and he has haste. His cheap cmc also makes him a huge target while his indestructible clause lets you build other threats on your board while they figure out how to deal with him.
- Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel one of the most perfect ways to recover from a board wipe by putting a massive amount of tokens on the field once he dies (can also use blink or graveyard recursion on him to make more).
- Anthousa, Setessan Hero makes your lands warriors. Works really well with Maja.
- Jedit Ojanen of Efrava makes tons of cat warrior tokens.
- Sosuke, Son of Seshiro gives all your warriors pseudo-deathtouch.
- Yasova Dragonclaw steals their creatures.
- Alesha, Who Smiles at Death gives you graveyard recursion for your low CMC warriors and works really well with ones with ETB's.
- Chief of the Edge should be an auto-include. Chief of the Scale is ok if you are running toughness or need the toughness for certain spells or something, but yeah Chief of the Edge is absolutely where it's at.
- Honored Crop-Captain like Chief of the Edge but only works while attacking.
- Resolute Survivors keeps you in long games
- Brawl-Bash Ogre is a good sac outlet for tokens you aren't using/don't need.
- Proud Wildbonder works REALLY well with Bramblewood Paragon's effect. Also works with Khenra Charioteer
- Rubblebelt Raiders can get absolutely huge with tokens on the board.
- Scuzzback Marauders isn't just a good beatstick, with Persist it can combo off with any of your sac outlets and Bramblewood Paragon.
- Moriok Replica works really good with Alesha for continuous card draw.
- Avenging Huntbonder keeps dishing out the double strike onto your other creatures every turn.
- Blaring Recruiter make warrior tokens.
- Hidden Dragonslayer morph ability takes out your opponents biggest threats.
- Den Protector is great graveyard recursion.
- Nacatl Hunt-Pride lets you control the combat step to your liking.
- Paired Tactician just some nice synergy.
- Mardu Woe-Reaper graveyard removal with every warrior ETB. More important than you think!
- Seasoned Hallowblade just a really strong and low CMC card that will stay on the battlefield throughout an entire game more often than not.
- Steward of Solidarity free vigi warrior token generation every 2 turns or a lot every turn with untap shenanigans.
- Usher of the Fallen the cheapest warrior token creation you can find.
- Battle Brawler with just a single red or white permanent on the battlefield becomes super strong. With Chief of the Edge he becomes a 4 power first strike for 2 mana... not bad.
- Blaring Captain partners with Blaring Recruiter and has Honored Crop-Captain's effect.
- Blood-Chin Fanatic a MUST in any warrior tribal that includes black and makes tokens or pumps a single warrior's power to an absurd level. This card can single handedly win you a game.
- Blood-Chin Rager gives all your warriors menace.
- Champion of Stray Souls expensive, but can recover your entire board very quickly.
- Exquisite Huntmaster an extremely underrated card that can net you a ton of elf warrior tokens in a multiplayer match while also being a beater.
- Mardu Strike Leader using its dash ability can keep it safe from removal. Also makes a 2/1 warrior token every turn.
- Mindblade Render keeps the card draw going off of warrior damage.
- Nadier's Nightblade combos EXTREMELY well with Blood-Chin Fanatic and also with any other sac outlet.
- Sickle Dancer a 4/3 flier when attacking isn't bad for cmc 3.
- Thrasher Brute forms a combo with Scuzzback Marauders and any of the sac outlet warriors.
- Titan Hunter gives combo and solitaire players a clock while also giving you a convenient sac outlet with lifegain.
- Vampire Warlord sac outlet with regenerate.
- Herald of Secret Streams combos really well with Bramblewood Paragon to give your warriors unblockable.
- Nimbus Champion can keep the board clear of annoying blockers.
- Whirlpool Warrior wheel effect on a stick.
- Ahn-Crop Invader another beater sac outlet.
- Archetype of Aggression combos with Proud Wildbonder and keeps your opponents from gaining trample.
- Ash Zealot punish those blue and black decks that like to keep casting their spells over and over from the graveyard!
- Boldwyr Heavyweights tutor for your game ending creature and put it into play for free. Sure your opponents get a tutor too... but it's your turn, and your combat, and you have Najeela...
- Combat Celebrant those additonal combat steps are... chef's kiss
- Frenzied Saddlebrute ridiculously fun political ability.
- Goblin Bushwhacker can end a game if you just laid out a bunch of tokens that turn.
- Goblin Cratermaker get rid of annoying artifacts or spot removal... likes to work with Alesha.
- Goma Fada Vanguard choose a creature to not block each turn based on warriors.
- Kruin Striker strong and cheap card that gets out of hand with sac combos or mass token generation.
- Shatterskull Charger pseudo dash effect with a bunch of other strong abilities.
- Rustrazor Butcher extremely underrated card. First strike and wither for 2 CMC! Can buff it a number of ways to surprise an enemy in combat too.
- Vengeful Firebrand basically a fireball on a stick as long as you have a warrior in the yard.
- Viashino Sandsprinter pseudo dash effect with trample. Has cycling if you need something else.
- Champion of Rhonas cheat whatever creature you want from hand onto the battlefield with no downside.
- Civic Wayfinder helps you get the right colors you need.
- Duskwatch Recruiter Flip dig through your library for more warriors.
- Golgari Raiders green haste that gets huge if you just suffered a boardwipe.
- Heir of the Wilds just a very strong presence for 2 CMC.
- Imperious Perfect elf warrior token generation.
- Horizon Seeker repeatable color fixing.
- Icehide Troll very, very strong and hard to remove creature. Needs snow lands though.
- Maulfist Revolutionary better version of proliferate.
- Matsu-Tribe Sniper keeps your enemies' dragons, demons, angels, and emrakuls from flying over your field.
- Petrified Wood-Kin expensive, but this guy can't be countered and is extremely difficult to remove and can ETB with insane P/T if you swung in hard on someone that turn.
- Stonehoof Chieftain a game ender if you've pumped your creatures at all.
- Thorn Lieutenant high value low CMC card with a mana dump if you need it (I like the combos for mana dumps better though).
- Unstoppable Ash come out of every combat pretty much unscathed. Only creature better for it is Stonehoof Chieftan.
Wolfir Avenger flash in for a block and a regenerate ability.
God-Eternal Oketra make huge 4/4 zombie warrior tokens on every warrior cast.

TheVectornaut on
Mike's Goblinoid Attack Deck
4 years ago
Normally in a goblin deck, I'd just suggest running my lords like Goblin King , Goblin Chieftain , etc., and adding more copies of goodstuff like Goblin Grenade and Goblin Chainwhirler . However, to preserve the multiple tribe theme, I think focusing on warrior synergy would be the best idea. A good percentage of your creatures are already warriors and Blood-Chin Fanatic looks like one of the stronger cards in the deck.
Base Camp , Blood-Chin Rager , Kargan Intimidator , Boldwyr Intimidator , Lovisa Coldeyes , Obsidian Battle-Axe , and Raiders' Spoils are some warrior tribal cards in Rakdos, and Chief of the Edge , Chief of the Scale , Arashin Foremost , Herald of Dromoka , Kargan Warleader , and Mardu Woe-Reaper also apply when dipping into Mardu. I know most of these cards are just humans though, so here are some good warriors that fall under the goblinoid umbrella: Bloodmark Mentor , Goblin Bushwhacker , Goblin Cratermaker , Goblin Piledriver , Goblin Rabblemaster , Goblin Trashmaster , Krenko, Mob Boss , Pashalik Mons , Reckless Bushwhacker , Battle Brawler , Brutal Hordechief , Zurgo Bellstriker , Kazuul's Toll Collector , Ogre Battledriver , and Furystoke Giant . Which of these cards is best definitely depends on what your primary strategy is.
Anyway, good luck with your deck!
Haruudry on
Najeela Warrior Tribal EDH
4 years ago
Oh, and Vanquisher's Banner is to expansive, exchange that for Samut, Voice of Dissent in my opinion you want more Haste enablers. Exchange Chief of the Scale for Rushblade Commander. Personally I was never sold on Jazal Goldmane, his activation is to expansive. I'd prefer Lovisa Coldeyes, also Bramblewood Paragon is really strong. Probably better than Mardu Strike Leader. Another fun extra/infinite Combat Card is Breath of Fury but it is a litte more hit or miss. Oh yea, and ignore my Champion of Lambholt comment, I didn't see it... Overall I think you need more Carddraw. All effects like Raiders' Wake and Bident of Thassa are quite strong in this deck. In the end its your choice and which Cards you already have or are prepared to pay for. Hope I could help.
Rorolith on
Budget Warriors
5 years ago
is this better?
2x Arashin Foremost 4x Battle Brawler 3x Blood-Chin Rager 4x Chief of the Edge 3x Chief of the Scale 4x Bump in the Night 4x Mardu Woe-Reaper 4x Orzhov Charm 4x Changeling Outcast 4x Zealous Persecution 8x Swamp 8x Plains 4x Concealed Courtyard
SakuraStorm on
5 years ago
Nice deck!
I'm currently brewing Najeela Warriors for 1vs1, have you considered Thorn Lieutenant , Bloodbraid Elf , Adaptive Automaton or Metallic Mimic ?
These are more aggressiv cardchoices than, let's say Herald of Dromoka or Chief of the Scale ,which i'd cut for them.
mzswizzle on
Zurgo YeetSmasher
5 years ago
Check, but I think I don't actually have Talisman of Hierarchy
Replace: read the bones -> Mind Stone
[Worldslayer] -> Arcbond
gorilla war cry -> Worn Powerstone
murderous spoils -> Murder
gilt leaf winnower -> Ravenous Chupacabra
Brutal Hordechief -> Tajic, Blade of the Legion
Inquisitor's Flail -> Martial Law
Retribution of the Ancients - > Emeria Angel
Frenzied Rage -> Single Combat
Necropolis Regent -> Cinder Barrens
Maybe archetype of courage -> Chief of the Scale
Kill: (need to kill 5, at 105 right now)
CaptSillva on
Blossom War [ Najeela Control cEDH ]
6 years ago
Here are some other options you could consider Bloodsoaked Champion, Goblin Bushwhacker, Pelt Collector, Rhys the Redeemed, Chief of the Edge, Chief of the Scale, Decorated Champion, Den Protector, Duskwatch Recruiter Flip, Hidden Dragonslayer, Rushblade Commander, Thorn Lieutenant, Voltaic Brawler, and Blood-Chin Fanatic.
Also a quick note about the mana base. Having so few basics in the deck could be quite dangerous. Certainly there is always the possibility of not hitting the correct colors, but having more basics lets you use more flexible ramp and as is, a Blood Moon or Ruination would be crushing.
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