Gorex, the Tombshell
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gorex, the Tombshell

Legendary Creature — Zombie Turtle

As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may exile any number of creature cards from your graveyard. This spell costs less to cast for each card exiled this way.


Whenever this attacks or dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), choose a card at random exiled with this card's first ability and put that card into its owner's hand.

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Shinen of Fear's Chill
Gloomfang Mauler
Throne of Death
Heirloom Mirror
Injector Crocodile

Boxfish on Sheoldred, Rising Dead v2

1 year ago

TheSnuggleLord Absolutely! Even when I move on to my next deck (I really need one to counter my wife's new Exile/Graveyard hate deck lmao), I'm for sure going to be constantly poking and prodding at this one and refining the side deck to have correct cards to swap in against certain strats going forward.

also, UPDATE 3: Swapped out Charcoal Diamond, Phyrexian Alter, Heirloom Mirror  Flip, Eldrazi Monument, Cremate, Eaten Alive, and Gorex, the Tombshell, To make room for the following; Unearth, Necrotic Ooze, Poison the Cup, Bolas's Citadel, Gravepurge, Swiftfoot Boots, and Arcane Signet.

Now that this deck is getting pretty well settled in (at least for its price range), I'll be clearing out the maybe board a little bit (still have lots I want to test, excited for that) in leu of putting together a sideboard with some comprehensive descriptions of my reasoning for potentially swapping them out when going against different deck types I've now encountered. Thanks for everyone pitching in with suggestions so far, it's been fun!

Ca1m_down on BlitzKrieg

2 years ago

Hey, cool list. I think there are a couple of different ways of building Henzie and I feel like you have a couple of different ideas going on here. Here are my thoughts on the different themes you can focus on that synergize with Henzie's abilities:

Cost reduction (making big impactful creature cost as little as possible to cast multiple in a turn every turn) Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma, Nylea, Keen-Eyed, Cloud Key, The Immortal Sun, Marauding Raptor, Heartless Summoning, Krosan Drover, Goblin Anarchomancer, Semblance Anvil

"Blink" (lots of undying, persist, and plenty of "Feign Death" effects to maximize etb/dies triggers and keep the creatures after blitz) Cauldron of Souls, Conjurer's Closet, Kaya's Ghostform, Supernatural Stamina, Blood for Bones, Undying Malice, Minion's Return, Demonic Gifts, Abnormal Endurance, Unholy Indenture, Return to Action, Fake Your Own Death, Flayer of the Hatebound, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Puppeteer Clique, Woodfall Primus, Murderous Redcap, Faceless Butcher

Value Town (maximize card advantage, keep the cards flowing, recursion, keep non-creature count low) Guardian Project, The Great Henge, Greater Good, Lifeblood Hydra, Demonlord Belzenlok, Gorex, the Tombshell, Deadwood Treefolk, Acolyte of Affliction, Evolutionary Leap

I think doing a combination of these three things is solid, but I'd recommend focusing on one and trying to keep the game plan somewhat focused. My brew leans towards Value Town.

Things in your current list that I'm a little skeptical of:

Sundial of the Infinite I think since Henzie is only giving us a small mana discount, this would just be used as a weird "your creatures have haste". I think you often want to take advantage of the "when this dies, draw" rather than 1+ mana cost reduction.

Deathreap Ritual This doesn't trigger if your creatures are dying in your end step to blitz, creatures need to die before the end step for the Ritual trigger to go on the stack. Even if that wasn't the case, I feel like it's better in decks where you're the one making sure it's triggering on each of your opponents turns. What Henzie is doing doesn't really help with doing that. I feel like Moldervine Reclamation would be similar in concept, but more synergistic once the deck is going (but I also don't think it's worth an inclusion).

Living Death How are you filling your yard? Henzie doesn't get cards into your yard very quickly. I think the is a card that fits better in decks that are doing plenty of looting and self milling. It's very likely the other graveyard players will benefit more than you when you cast this.

Most of your creatures that are less than 4 cmc don't seem like they do enough with Henzie to take a slot. I think you'd be better off if your CMC<4 mana stuff was non-creatures that ramp and/or setup for your game plan. I can understand the sac outlet ones if you're really taking advantage of the instant speed aspect, but most of the time you're having to sac end of turn anyway, so I think it'd be better to take advantage of the better payoff of the non-creature sac outlets (like Evo Leap, Vampiric Rites, the various Altars, Greater Good, etc.) As far as mana dorks, I feel like 2 mana ramp spells will help more in the long run. I don't think Henzie is powerful enough of a turn 2 play to risk losing mana sources to pings and/or wraths.

All that being said, it's great seeing other peoples takes on Henzie. I've certainly gained a bunch from reading your comment on my decklist and thinking critically about yours. I'll try and keep my list updated as I play it more. It's been a blast so far. If I didn't already have a black based "blink" deck I think I'd probably lean Henzie towards that strat. :)

multimedia on Undead unleashed combo upgrade

2 years ago

Hey, nice upgrades on a budget so far for the precon.

Opponent mill strategy is an interesting choice/change from the precon. Opponent mill that's not an infinite combo, but done over many turns can be risky in multiplayer Commander because graveyards are a huge resource for so many decks.

The precon has too high of a mana curve with over 20 cards that are 5 CMC or higher. You haven't really changed this, but you have reduced the number of lands to 34 from 40 in the precon. By reducing the number lands, but not reducing the mana curve you risk not being able to cast spells until much later in a game. You're right to reduce the land count and 34 lands is fine, but the rest of your deck also needs to be reduced especially since you've added Bolas's Citadel.

Upgrading to better high CMC cards which you have done with Rise of the Dark Realms and Bolas's Citadel is good, but you really should consider cutting other high CMC cards from the precon to add these such as Gorex, the Tombshell and Gravespawn Sovereign. Gravespawn is also a reanimation effect, but is worse than Rise. Tombshell can be reduced in mana cost, but that has negative interaction with wanting to reanimate Zombies.

Death Tyrant is an example of a budget high CMC card that's an upgrade for another five drop in the precon such as Eternal Skylord. Tyrant has excellent synergy with decayed Zombies because when they attack and are saced at end of combat then you create a 2/2 Zombie for each one. This interaction is also good with sac outlets such as Carrion Feeder to sac all your attacking Zombies in combat to create that many 2/2 Zombies which can then with Wilhelt, sac them to create 2/2 decayed Zombies and repeat the next turn with Tyrant.

Some budget lower CMC cards to consider adding:

Some cards to consider cutting: Gorex, the Tombshell, Switcheroo, Mass Manipulation, Aetherspouts, Eternal Skylord, Eloise, Nephalia Sleuth, Gravespawn Sovereign, Shadow Kin, Vilis, Broker of Blood, Open the Graves.

Good luck with your deck.

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