Urabrask the Hidden
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Urabrask the Hidden

Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Praetor

Creatures you control have haste.

Creatures your opponents control enter the battlefield tapped.

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Kiln Walker
Flameborn Viron
Hulking Cyclops
Sawtooth Ogre
Viashino Runner
Rage Extractor

Made_Compleat on Pia Nalaar

6 months ago

Wow, I love this deck! It looks like a fairly powerful take on Pia. I notice you included Urabrask the Hidden. I think that if you're going to include a version of Urabrask, you might want Urabrask, Heretic Praetor who directly synergizes with your deck. If you include it, you might also want to run Drannith Magistrate to lock your opponents out of drawing cards.

lhetrick13 on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

7 months ago

Spell_Slam - Thanks for the upvote and the comment/suggestions!

I had never consider Rampage of the Clans before as an offensive weapon but that has potential. This deck can generate an astonishing amount of treasure tokens in a single turn depending on the board state and that could be a finishing blow. I was considering adding in Displaced Dinosaurs for a similar effect. Mixed with Bootleggers' Stash I was thinking that could be pretty interesting!

Rhythm of the Wild is good, no doubt about it. A little more options that Fervor but no potential suicide drawbacks like Mass Hysteria. I do like Urabrask the Hidden, only drawback is the 5 CMC vs 2 or 3 for the two walls I am running. Dowsing Device  Flip I am not crazy about due to limiting its effectiveness to only a single creature. It can pump but pump is not generally what this deck needs with the amount of big dragons. Song of Totentanz is very interesting...had never thought of thought particular card. Other similar cards I considered but not that one..I will likely experiment with that!

For the mana ramp, I had considered less ramp spells for more creatures but in my experience, the only way to slow this deck down is by an early board wipe. Thus, I am willing to reduce the effectiveness of the deck with Ognis for more consistency. Ognis was more of a convenient commander that gave me access to the colors I wanted that had some synergy with the deck concept rather than being the central, pivotal piece the deck revolves around.

I had considered Xorn and Jolene, the Plunder Queen but could never find a slot for them in the deck. The abilities they provide are good but what to cut?!? Similar cards like Professional Face-Breaker and Grim Hireling not only produce treasure but also give me utility via card draw potential or removal at the expense of treasures. But you are correct, so many options!

For indirect damage, I did originally have cards like Reckless Fireweaver and Nadier's Nightblade present but again cut them to fit in other cards. I have a few copies of Mirkwood Bats and I like how it triggers on entry and leaving for both lifegain and drain...Maybe I will try to add in that for some flair!

Thank you again for taking the time to comment! Greatly appreciate the thoughts and gives me something to think about! The deck is already pretty hard to deal with and has a pretty good track record but it has been a while since I have tinkered with it :)

Spell_Slam on Ognis, the Hasty Collector

7 months ago

Rampage of the Clans is a personal favourite of mine for any deck that creates a lot of artifacts and plays Green. Slap this down at your opponent's end step before your turn and turn all your treasures into 3/3s. That will usually end the game.

In terms of haste enablers, I think Rhythm of the Wild is among the better ones. Urabrask the Hidden and Dowsing Device  Flip are excellent. Song of Totentanz is pretty great at giving you a lot of treasures or enabling hasty dragons for cheap. Any of these would be better than Crashing Drawbridge and Tuk Tuk Rubblefort, and maybe Anger as well.

Beastcaller Savant is a mana dork with haste, so it seems like a great choice here. Probably better than Rampant Growth, despite only being for creatures. Ruby, Daring Tracker is also another good option. Maybe better than Nature's Lore.

There are so many artifact/treasure/token doublers out there to choose from that could make the deck. Xorn, Wulfgar of Icewind Dale, Jolene, the Plunder Queen... I'm for sure missing some.

In terms of outlets, Marionette Master, Mirkwood Bats, Reckless Fireweaver, Mayhem Devil... again there are lots that could make the deck very deadly.

Last_Laugh on Naya's Art of War

11 months ago

Nice deck. I do have some suggestions for you though.

Loyal Apprentice's hastey flying tokens are great for goading.

Luminous Broodmoth puts in some work here and addresses the decks lack of flyers and being a removal magnet.

Dhalsim, Pliable Pacifist is a weaker Toski variant, but still draws plenty of cards.

Skyhunter Strike Force is a cheap way to get a +3+3 boost for all your attackers on an evasive creature.

Kusari-Gama dares your opponents to block. Pair it with Soltari Guerrillas for extra hilarity.

Urabrask the Hidden provides haste while shutting off your opponent's hasty boys (that always get sent Marisi's direction).

I've also had great results out of effects that need to connect with an opponent like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, Scepter of Celebration, and The Reaver Cleaver.

Feel free to check out my list for more ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

pyyraus on Magar of the Magic String Cheese

1 year ago


-More mana ramp

-For an instant/sorcery deck, there are too many cards that synergize with creatures

-Getting this deck to a really good point is going to take a lot of testing and thinking to figure out the balance of several details; off the top of my head, effects that make your tokens attack better (deal damage, stay alive, gain double strike, etc.), effects that put such cards into your graveyard, mana ramp to activate Magar's ability consistently, protection for Magar, and actual 'payoff' cards

Cards I would immediately drop:

-Professor Onyx- has decent synergy with her static ability and +1 but apart from that doesn't do much; it's also 6 mana in a list that already needs a lower curve

-Waste Not: an awesome card in general but you play almost no effects that make your opponents discard cards

-Footfall Crater: synergies pretty much only with Anje Falkenrath and just has very bad rates

-Lightning Bolt: iconic Magic card but I am on the side that believes it is straight up not good in Commander

-Temple of the False God: I don't play this card anymore; it's a dead draw until usually turn five or six and at that point, it does so little especially in a deck like this where you don't desperately need a mana source producing two colorless

-Ignite the Future: a decent card in a deck where you cast it from the graveyard but you will rarely do that here; Magar's ability does not make you cast it from your yard and it just does not have a good rate

-Bone Shards: I see why you're playing it here (its extra cost can easily be paid with a face-down instant/sorcery you're done with) but in this deck you do NOT want your face-down instants/sorceries dying because you can repeatedly cast them when they deal damage; there are so many better removal spells in red and black that do not require such an akward cost

Cards that Can be Replaced with Better Ones:

-Chainer, Nightmare Adept: the free, instant-speed discard ability is amazing, don't get me wrong, but the ability its activating does almost nothing for your deck; there are better (sometimes cheaper) free, instant-spped discard abilities like Zombie Infestation or Skirge Familiar

-Dark Ritual: I personally don't like Dark Ritual except in mono-black decks that really need it and here; it's an amazing card turns one through maybe four but after that, it is probably going to be a dead draw; a mana rock would be much better in its place

-Seething Song: same argument as Dark Ritual but this spell is best on a different range of turns

-Blood Money: this is a pretty cool card to get for free from Magar but I am not too sure how much benefit the tapped treasure give you; I am mainly saying this because I would run Blasphemous Act first but this is all pretty subjective

-Tuktuk Rubblefort/Fervor: these are two of your current three cards that give all your creatures haste; I think three may be a bit much and Urabrask the Hidden is definitely the best of them

Crow_Umbra on Captivating Crew or Commissar Severina …

1 year ago

I think Commissar Severina Raine would be the move to make. She can sac all the stolen creatures from Tariel for draw. She can also act as more of a finisher than Captivating Crew.

I took a quick look at your deck, and a few more things I'd suggest:

Crow_Umbra on I’m Isshin For a Fight

1 year ago

Overall I think your deck is off to a solid start. I'm not sure if you've had a chance to play this deck irl yet, but I do have some suggestions for you:

  • Idk what your meta at your LGSs or with friends is like, but I think your mana curve is pretty high, especially for the amount of ramp you're running. I'd recommend cutting a few of your higher end creatures and adding a couple more rocks like Arcane Signet and some of the on-color cycle like Talisman of Conviction.

  • Bloodvial Purveyor seems kinda clunky as an aggro threat. I'd recommend checking out Leonin Warleader as a potential alternative. Professional Face-Breaker is another solid option that rewards you for going wide and aggro.

  • Ogre Battledriver and Urabrask the Hidden are both additional haste anthems that could be helpful, especially if you decide to keep some of your higher cmc creatures. Those beefy dudes could benefit from haste to help them swing as soon as possible.

  • Paladin Class is a card I cut from my Isshin deck fairly early on. It's a lot of mana investment for the 3rd level attack trigger. If you have the budget for it, I'd recommend either Authority of the Consuls or Reconnaissance. If you're unfamiliar with Reconnaissance, here is a helpful article explaining its utility. It basically acts as a Pseudo-Vigilance anthem, and can also protect your creatures. It's easily one of the best cards for any Isshin builds, and one of my favorites in mine.

  • I'd recommend swapping in either Boros Charm, Clever Concealment, or Dolmen Gate over Treasury Thrull, as more proactive and instant speed board protection go a long way compared to graveyard recursion that goes to your hand instead. Scapegoat is another solid board protection option for those times you do need to return stuff to hand.

  • Speaking of instant speed, Generous Gift could be a swap for Vindicate. Yes, your opponent gets a 3/3 Elephant, but in the grand scheme of an EDH game those tokens don't live long or do much.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Best of luck brewing and playing Isshin, he's a lot of fun. Also, kudos to you for being the 2nd or 3rd Isshin deck that I've seen running Life of the Party , it seems like a fun include.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Heavens as One

1 year ago

Solid looking deck! Have you had a chance to play it irl yet? In looking at your deck, I have a few suggestions:

  • Thundering Raiju might not be the best fit, mostly since you don't have many other means of making your creatures Modified with either +1/+1 counters or equipment. I'd suggest checking out Tectonic Giant as a potential swap. It's a little slower since it lacks Haste, but has some useful modes, one of which deals damage to each opponents.

  • Speaking of Haste, I'd suggest getting in some more Haste anthems, especially you have some higher CMC creatures which would otherwise be sitting ducks. I'm currently running Fervor, Ogre Battledriver, and Urabrask the Hidden in my Isshin deck. I like that Battledriver and Urabrask have some additional bonuses.

  • If you need more draw, I think Breena, the Demagogue could do a lot of work, and could be a potentially better fit than Phyrexian Dragon Engine  Meld. I know Dragon Engine has the cool factor of melding with Mishra, but Breena can draw a ton of cards, especially since opponents are less likely to remove it due to benefitting from it. It definitely makes games more dynamic with the added political layer. She can also be a source of counters if you decide to keep Thundering Raiju.

  • Plumb the Forbidden is another great draw spell, especially if you make creature tokens or want to have gas in response to a board wipe. Painful Truths is another solid option, and Gruesome Realization has some decent modal options.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Best of luck with Isshin, I hope you have fun piloting him! He's my favorite commander of the past year, hands down.

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