Olivia, Crimson Bride
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Olivia, Crimson Bride

Legendary Creature — Vampire Noble

Flying, haste

Whenever this attacks, return target creature card from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped and attacking. It gains "When you don't control a legendary Vampire, exile this creature."

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Mardu Outrider
Cruel Cut
Bloodsoaked Reveler
Skulking Killer
Soulhunter Rakshasa
Markov Retribution

jawz on GBr Rigging Alara

3 months ago

I'm having a lot more fun with this deck than I thought I would. Super janky though. Far too helpless in the first couple turns. But if it hits on turn 4 or 5 it's got real juice.

Tinkered with it a bit. Virtue of Persistence and Toxrill, the Corrosive feel a bit disappointing when I hit them from an Etali or a Rigging. They're weak as control cards too so I felt like swapping in Chaotic Transformation that is also a weak control card but is better at using the underwhelming Insect or Blood tokens from Old Rutstein (and hitting a Portal to Phyrexia from transforming a blood token is a much better control payoff than Toxrill). I almost want two Transformations in the deck but I have a nagging feeling that Gix's Command is important and I don't want to cut one of the other permanents for it.

Liliana of the Veil feels a bit better as a control card. Usually I don't want to discard a card unless I have a Portal in play, but if I have the option of transforming Lili into a Nissa later I can stomach passing without using her abilities for a while if I don't want the discard.

I'm also testing out one Anzrag, the Quake-Mole. It also enables the Rigging trigger on cheap mana, and it's a unique angle of threat that can get bonus Rigging tokens enabled. Olivia, Crimson Bride likes Anzrag too. Atraxa loves getting extra attacks. But even with all that if it's stuck on its own it doesn't have an ability that gets you unstuck like a Sheoldred or a Bramble Familiar or even a Shakedown Heavy can. Could easily be not good enough. The caves work really well. Playing the Invasion of Alara  Flip or hard casting the Atraxa is a bit hard but still consistent if you plan out your land plays carefully. Swapped out a couple Promising Vein for the Volatile Fault as the treasures are better for the deck than the basic land, and the extra ability to kill an opponent's man land is something that the deck might as well have as an option.

But overall this deck just wants to pull off a big Rigging play and then bully the opponent from there as hard as it can. If you need more than spot control to own the combats might as well concede.

YamishiTheWickedOne on

1 year ago

A fellow fan, nice. Btw, the changes I'm recommending are based on established vampire decks that have seen some success in competitive play online, though not to the same degree as the most popular deck in the format, Rakdos midrange. Vampires used to be an alternative black midrange deck that was worse but didn't auto-lose to Burn game 1. Vampires have fallen out of popularity a bit but they still exist as a fringe tier 2 deck. They can still win locals and online competitions.

There's a Rakdos version of the deck I recommend that aims to utilize Sorin to drop Olivia, Crimson Bride and Lord Xander, the Collector who are both very strong with Sorin. I consider Orzhov to be less fun and explosive in comparison, but much more consistent overall. Although Rakdos does have access for the best vampire in recent memory, Bloodtithe Harvester. That and it can use Dreadbore.

My 2 Pioneer decks are Rakdos midrange and Orzhov vampires. Rakdos is better overall but vampires are more fun for me personally.

One last thing, there's going to be 2 new legendary vampires in the new set, and I could see Drana and Linvalda or whatever her name is making sideboard for BW. The big thing for me though is Ghalta and Mavren, which is Green/White but is still a vampire and can therefore be dropped turn 3 for no mana via Sorin. 12/12 trample Vamprie Dinosaur, whenever you attack you spawn an attacking dinosaur with p/t equal to your strongest creature's power, or alternatively creates that many 1/1 lifelink vampires. The issue is it's 100% dead in hand without Sorin but is probably the strongest Sorin drop from sheer power alone.

DaWubber on Can we play that commander? …

1 year ago

Can we have Olivia Voldaren Olivia, Mobilized for War and Olivia, Crimson Bride.

Mom: Sweety, we have all three Olivia at home.

Olivia at home: Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief Drana, Liberator of Malakir and Drana, the Last Bloodchief.

For real though, it feels like every version of a Drana we got was followed soon by a version of Olivia that does a similar thing. The first Drana and Olivia leverage excess Mana as removal that doubles as a bump in power. The second versions are aggro strategies, and the third (and currently final versions) are reanimator cards. I play the first Drana, and am kinda annoyed att how similar they always seem to me.

JoblessJester on Vampire: The Dark Ages

1 year ago

Olivia, Crimson Bride it can bring back stuff like elenda and bloodwitch if you sac them and get another use out of them

DrukenReaps on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

I only quickly perused EDHrec but pretty sure none of the following came up on the pages of the commanders I use them with. Each has done some impressive work at my table. I used sorting by Card Kingdom price on this website to find sub $2.

In Olivia, Crimson Bride I have Shifting Shadow. Since Olivia's attack reanimates Shifting Shadow ends up just giving me free creatures at effectively no cost to me. In a way it actually fuels the deck's plan.

In Ayara, First of Locthwain I have Aetherworks Marvel and Mimic Vat. This deck just loves getting more and more creatures into play. Both of the artifacts assist in doing that over and over again. Sometimes Aetherworks even drops in Plague of Vermin too, a finisher in that deck.

In Mairsil, the Pretender I have Captivating Crew, Chandra, Flamecaller, and Xathrid Gorgon. Seems to be a rare cheap commander to begin with... lol. Xathrid typically turns commanders off, highly effective card against the likes of Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and Zacama, Primal Calamity. Chandra does an amazing job of filling up my graveyard. Every turn a new hand +1. Captivating Crew lets me "borrow" some pretty sweet attackers and other effects, there are instant versions of this effect but not on a stick to my knowledge. 1 or 2 activations often opens someone up to attacks too.

Wickked on Henzie

1 year ago

Galaxstar Nice list. How often do you find you have trouble casting all your 7 drops? I see you have about 10ish ramp spells that should help get there. I've been thinking about adding more 7 drops myself but have been hesitant. My overall cmc is a bit lower then yours at 4.0 instead of 4.25 and it seems to run great. One card that has been an all star in my deck is Doom Weaver, first and foremost he's an amazing blocker with reach and 8 toughness. but he also synergizes very well with Henzie allowing you to partner any creature blitzed in and drawing cards equal to its power. As you can imagine this adds up very quickly. Another card I would highly recommend is Protean Hulk. It's a good card to get any creature that would put you in the best situation. Allot of times I grab Olivia, Crimson Bride to just snag him right back out. Hulk can be used as a value piece and doesn't have to be tied to infinite loops to be affective. I really like the deck, you should check out my deck and give me some Critiques. Thanks and have a great day

Gangsta's Paradise - Henzie "Toolbox" Torre

Commander / EDH Wickked


Wickked on Henzie "Gatling" Torre

1 year ago

coinfliplarry Nice list. Seems allot like my Henzie list. One card that I would highly recommend is Olivia, Crimson Bride. She comes out with haste can instantly get your big creatures in the graveyard back on the field swinging. Ghoulcaller Gisa is another very helpful creature who gets a ton of value off your soon to be dead blitzed creatures. Good to see people still brewing with Henzie, He's a very unique commander. Please check out my list and give me some critiques. Thanks and have a great day

Gangsta's Paradise - Henzie "Toolbox" Torre

Commander / EDH Wickked


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