Wildheart Invoker

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wildheart Invoker

Creature — Elf Shaman

: Target creature gets +5/+5 and gains trample until end of turn. (It can deal excess combat damage to the player, planeswalker or battle it is attacking if lethal combat damage would be dealt to all blocking creatures.)

bamichinees on The old ways

4 years ago
  1. Staples:
  2. Maybe:
    • Protection:
      • Sylvan Safekeeper : Creature protection.
      • Veil of Summer : Counterspell protection. Protection against blue and black removal. Most common cards with removal (although meta dependent).
  3. Cut:

Staple cards are cards I recommend obtaining and using, since they are almost always good cards to have in any green deck. The rest is up to preference and should be taken with a grain of salt. I hope I could be of some use to you.

griffstick on All muscles

4 years ago

What do you guys think about adding in Wildheart Invoker.

Alkadron on Ramp IS Voltron

4 years ago

It kinda looks like your deck just loses unconditionally to pacifism.

The amount of ramp you have is tremendous, but you have exactly one payoff for it. Your curve ends at five..... and it's a ramp spell.

Also, a lot of your "ramp" is... kinda bad. Cards that put lands into your hand (e.g., Civic Wayfinder and Borderland Ranger) don't really ramp you, and cards that put lands into play from your hand (e.g., Arboreal Grazer and Walking Atlas) just run you out of cards-in-hand quickly and then do nothing. Combining them is only OK.

I would cut both of those kinds of cards and add a lot more control, interaction, and big-mana payoffs.

Consider the utility of:

(These are just examples from each category, there are plenty more of each kind if you want them. You'll have to playtest to get the balance right.)

Alkadron on PDH(UG) - Harold they're lesbians

5 years ago

This deck can go infinte with basically any card with the word "untap" in the text.

So: Freed from the Real , Vigean Graftmage , Galvanic Alchemist , Pestermite , and Peregrine Drake would all have to go. Without Pestermite and Drake, Ghostly Flicker and Displace are only OK cards, so you could drop them as well if you like.

Drift of Phantasms , Muddle the Mixture , Vedalken AEthermage , Expedition Map , and Merchant Scroll are the tutors you'd be dropping.

As for what to add... Whatever you want, my dude.

This deck generates the mana to go very very big. Ulamog's Crusher , Hand of Emrakul , Eldrazi Devastator are good face-beaters for big-mana decks. Oakgnarl Warrior and Krosan Tusker are pretty solid choices too. Wildheart Invoker is a good mana-sink. Rush of Knowledge is important for the go-big plan.

This deck also has the resources to go wide, if you like - you could fill the deck with small-mana value spells (evasive creatures, equipment, auras, counterspells, control), and pour your enormous piles of mana into Lore Weaver to draw into all of it.

Sky's the limit, my friend.

Cloudius on Lock and Load!

6 years ago

Mj3913 Thanks for the suggestion!

Coincidentally, my friend also suggested Wildheart Invoker to me as a Mana Sink and potential alternate wincon. I'm keeping both cards in mind as I tweak the deck!

I'm also looking at Hoof Skulkin and Shell Skulkin as well.

Myna on

6 years ago

B/G Elf tribal deck that for modern with new cards from the Dominaria in mind.Collected Company and Thoughtseize will be swapped in later over Duress and Lead the Stampede because of current budget restraints.

Deck not entirely set in stone however, could use help deciding if Abrupt Decay would be worth including at all with Fatal Push in play, and unsure if Reclamation Sage should be mainboarded. Wildheart Invoker is also under consideration, as is usage of Rancor

Advice appreciated!

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