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Note: this version was abandoned 11/2023. My waifu version just wins more often due to its ability to leverage interaction and this deck's fragility. Please see the interaction heavy variant instead Sisay Waifu deck Waifu supremacy.

As of 2024 4, This is now a silly rare only Sisay Jegantha pile.

Sisay, Weatherlight Captain is a five color commander that leverages her as a value engine. Combos are inherently slow, non-interactive, or fragile, so decks must leverage one or two of the above.

Sisay/ Jegantha aims for speed and protection, as they form a unique 0 card combo in the command zone. The combo only requires a minimum of 11 mana total and the ability to tap Jegantha for mana to win. In many ways, it is a more reliable and interactive version of Godo, which also needs 11 mana.

This is a silly variant that uses only rare cards. There is no other purpose other than to proxy bourgeois rare cards after a silly idea in my head.

(Eventually, you will be able to generate infinite flicker or mana or damage. You can use Mount Doom or Orcish Bowmasters to close the game)

_Planeswalker Lines

This started the whole deck. I felt very proud of myself for finding an infinite combo that uses planeswalkers from my experience playing modern. When I saw Jegantha makes Sisay and I can search a 3, everything clicked.

-Jegantha Tutor Tyvar, Untap Jegan Sisay Tutor Aminatou, Flick Tyvar. Sisay Tutor Oath of Teferi. Tyvar Untap, Tutor Teferi Hero of Dom.
Aminatou flick Tyvar, -3 Teferi Ami, Tutor Ami and flicker inf, banking one per flick.

I eventually cut it from the deck as it wasn't very efficient; Of the cards in the combo, only Tyvar naturally synergizes with the deck. Aminatou, Teferi Hero of Dominari, and Oath of Teferi really don't do much.

Planeswalkers are also not great for the deck as they will likely get punched out of loyalty counters, weakening Sisay. _

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A combo deck is about 4-6 haste enablers without diminishing returns. Legendary Haste Enablers are Olivia, Mobilized for War and Goro-Goro and Satoru Swiftfoot Boots okay, but really good if it actually enables a wincondition. Crop Rotation searches for Hall of the Bandit Lord, No more than one of the following For consideration: Invigorating Hot Springs Ashling's Prejoragative Mass Hysteria

Waifu variations as of 12/23: Arlinn Kord  , Trailblazer Historian, Bloodthorn Taunter

Typically, you can go straight for Treasonous Ogre and win the game after paying 30 life. (3 to put Jegantha in hand, 5 for Jegantha, and around 2 for a haste enabler)

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Najeela// Derevi // Samut

This is the tried-and-true line for Jegantha Sisay. This has been online for a few years now. I think Rebell.son on Moxfield has a list that is kept relatively up to date for this list.

The lines goes that if Jegantha does not have summoning sickness, you can tap to search for a 3 drop Derevi. Derevi Untaps Jegantha to search for 5 drop Samut. Samut Untaps Jegantha to search for Najeela. Move to combat and hope to string combat damage to untap Jegatha infinitely.

With this alone, you are hoping that a 6/6 Sisay and a 2/3 flyer can string together combat damage. It's not unlikely that you that these will string together combat damage and win, but it's not guarenteed.

Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler is included for another free search to find anything you'd like.

Best case scenario is that there is a haste enabler on field so you can cast Jegantha for game. Cards like Goro-Goro and Satoru might work. Otherwise, during combat the Exalted Hierarchs will do the trick by making Derevi swole.

Treasonous Ogre

The only uncommon in the deck, this serves an amazing role in generating tons of mana.

If you tutor for a creature, tutor for this one.

Haste ENABLERS - 2 cards in the combo already give haste, but a few more are welcome as buildup. - Goro goro - Olivia, Mobilized for War - Hall of the Bandit Lord exists mostly to give Jegantha haste. I find it using Weathered Wayfarer in place of the common Expedition Map. I briefly considered Tempt with Discovery until I found it redundant.

personal reference mostly

10/22: I netdecked a Sisay deck a month after Jodah the Unifier was released. Jodah seemed like a cool pseudo legendary cascade commander. I was in the mood to toy with a new cEDH deck, so I gave it a try. Unfortunately, this opened the floodgates to realizing 1. there are way too options for legendaries 2. Sisay and Jodah decks have very different builds - Jodah cascading into a land or 0 drop is very sad 3. a lot of the decks online have the wrong ratios and are fragile/bricky.

Credit to u/riledupwhitekid for the Sisay tutor chains cEDH deck that acted as one of the original bases for this deck back in 2022. The deck noticeably leverages fast mana, which I didn't really enjoy but made me realize it's one valid way to try sisay.

1/23: I finished my first variant. I concluded that Sisay needs 20+ legendary nonland permanents to synergize well, but even then it's fragile. Considered taking the deck apart.

5/23: Sisay was reborn into a lecherous monstrosity of a deck legendary breasts with only art of only big breasted women. (I wish I did not have these needs.) Unfortunately, the Waifu deck accidentally became enar cEDH even without fast mana and became fine tuned after a few months. You can see the decklist here. (The cEDH version replaces 5-8 lands with fast mana: Mana crypt, jewled lotus, etc.) Sisay Waifu deck

9/23: After a few months of playing my waifu Sisay deck and this version, I slowly realized that the Waifu deck won more games than this variant so something was seriously wrong. As it turns out, the cEDH version was filled with too many fast cards but not enough protections, draw, and engines as the waifu deck. As such, the waifu deck played to the Commander's weaknesses, and the cEDH version fortified its strengths which it has too many of. This is first revamp of the deck. 10/23: A solid draft was finally built by upgrading the waifu version. -Card draw improved with proxies. $1 card draw is replaced with staples like Necropotence, Timetwister, etc. -All relevant fast mana and lands in deck accounted for. cannot go under 29 lands. -My waifu variant ran about 19 interaction, so I wanted to match that somehow. Running a rule of law card is very tempting.

11/23: ABANDONED THIS IDEA. It's not working. The waifu version keeps working better, although this works better for Jodah. Focusing solely on that build over this one. Waifu supremacy.

This section is exclusively my findings, strategies, and findings about Sisay Decks.

I specifically built this as a proactive deck rather than a reactive one, as the deck can leverage combos quickly. Once you have a critical mass of WUBRG mana, you basically can go on autopilot and, if left uninterrupted, can win in 2 turns.

In terms of Legendary matters, you want to have a good repository of Legendary creatures in a Sisay deck. Your usual game plan will involve ramping up mana, Once you hit 5 mana sources and Sisay on board, your plan is good to go. Once Sisay gets up to a 4/4 (2 buffs) you are usually able to get most of the combos in your deck.

A lot of decks online use 16 legends at most, which I think is a mistake. The problem of thinning a Sisay package to less cards is that it becomes difficult to buff up Sisay, so you will waste more turns buffing up Sisay rather than activating for wincons. My decks use at least 21 legendary nonlands to be consistent enough while ramping up power.

In choosing legendaries, any legendary that is part of a toolbox, helps your game plan, or is a net 1 cost is great. Ertai resurrected acts as a counter/removal, Derevi is essential to the gameplan, Kalain//Dihada//Ruby immediately get mana. At the same time, they all buff up Sisay, which is fantastic.

Colors matter a lot in Sisay. As such, I've avoided a lot of fast mana that produces generic stuff like Grim Monolith or Mana Vault. In its place even lotus petal and spirit guides are better. I've opted not to use Chrome mox and it doesn't necessarily get the right colors, and in a vacuum, Lotus Petal or Mox Diamond is just better.

Lands also matter in Sisay, and often you need to activate Sisay using lands. For this, I have included 30+ lands to stay on the healthy side.

Sisay appears difficult and confusing to people who have never played her before but actually has relatively linear lines and has choke points of removal, search stax, and creature stax. Nonetheless, that does mean you'll have to be able to explain the lines/stack interactions.

Sisay decks can be annoying with the number of times they tutor in addition to being a five color deck that warrants fetchlands.
However, Sisay makes up for her problems by being a relatively fast toolbox, able to tutor up any solution to a problem and often being able to play under rule of law or mystic remora once enough resources are built and Sisay can simply activate her ability.

_It's worth noting that Sisay is a convuluted deck. The deck has weak spots, but unless your opponents have played against it multiple times, they really won't know how to stop the deck outside of the usual removal, opposition agent, Linvala, etc. Keep these in your mind rather than something to be expected. _

Sisay is a very fragile deck. From my playtests, simply removing 2 or more legendary nonland permanents is enough to slow down Sisay enough to lose momentum. This includes Sisay. The worst is removing a legendary on activation, as Sisay looks at the last available board state.

If Sisay is removed on activation, the game checks her on the last available game state (so she still gets her buffs). I've had to explain this a few times more than I'd like.

5 color weaknesses: Blood Moon Magus of the Moon Back to Basics

Search Hate: Aven Mindcensor Opposition Agent.

Creature Hate: Linvala, Keeper of Silence Drana and Linvala Cursed Totem

Warrants running more creature removal such as Swords to Plowshares and Dismember.

Derevi//Emiel//Mount Doom

This is the main Win condition of the deck. It requires 1-2 tutor turns. It usually goes as follows: 1. Sisay at 4+ power. Tutor for Selvala, Heart of the Wilds. Skip this step if you have a single mana source that can get at least four mana (Bloom Tender, Faeburrow, Gaea's Cradle, etc.) 2. Next Turn, Tutor for Derevi. Derevi Enters to Untap Selvala for at least 4 mana. 3. Use mana to tutor for Emiel the Blessed. 4. Activate Emiel for 3 to Blink Derevi. Derevi enters to Untap Mana Dork for 4. Repeat Ad Infitum for Infinite Mana. 5. Activate Sisay to Search for Mount Doom. Use Derevi to Untap Mount Doom infinite times and drain your opponents for game. (for what it's worth mentioning, before the LOTR set, you had to Shivan Gorge instead of Mount Doom).

FREED FROM THE REAL//PEMMIN'S AURA Inf Mana: Enchant onto a mana dork producing 2+ mana e.g. Selvala, Heronblade Elite, Sanctum Weaver, Ilysian Caryatid. Bloom Tender and Faeburrow elder don't win immediately but provide enough value

This line might get cut at a later date. It works in my cEDH Kenrith deck but only because you have sufficient stax pieces. The idea is that this is a way to win within the first 4 turns, is not reliant on Sisay, and forces your opponents to use their counterspells/removal. However, they're mildly bricky as they don't do anything by themselves.


Every cEDH player's favorite topdeck wincon, Thassa's oracle is an auto include in most decks running at least 4 colors. Thoracle and Jace win immediately with Demonic Consultstion and Tainted Pact. She's an auto win the game, and there's enough counterspells that it can work. Just pray for no Angel's Grace.

Jace might be included at a later date as he's a four drop that's not a bad draw engine.

Green Sun's Zenith Extort Blind Obedience The idea behind this is line is that Green Sun's Zenith is an autoinclude in the deck, so you add in a stax piece to win the game. Once you have infinite mana and can draw your entire library, you Extort your opponents using Blind Obedience for game. Safer than Thassa's Oracle.

Thrasios Use to find any of the above Also Works as a great mana sink if you don't have the right colors

Here are some notes for the niche card breakdown and some general notes for a Sisay deck.

One Drops: Oath of Nissa: actually good value engine. Its just as viable in Sisay cEDH as it is in Pioneer. Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer or Cultist of the Absolute or Skrelv, Defector Mite

Gaea's Cradle. Sisay's Greatest Advantage is to find Gaea's cradle for free. You can use it to find the Derevi Emiel Mount Doom Line Above.

Relic of Legends//Esika, God of the Tree Only useful if your deck has enough legendary creatures. Do not use if you run less than 20 or are more planeswalker heavy. Esika might get cut.

Chrome Mox Chrome mox is great, but the issue with Sisay is that she needs the exact 5 colors. It's simply unlikely to get the exact colors necessary. Pitching a multicolor card to Sisay is not ideal as it's more than likely a card that's more ideal to buff up sisay anyways.

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben The best innistrad waifu has no place in this deck. You need your mana for counterpspells and interaction. Meta call at best.

Chromatic Orrery Somewhat of a brick. High cost but high payoff. Requires a build using exclusively fast mana as with many cEDH decks e.g. mana vault, dark ritual. Cannot be searched off Sisay unless you use Cultist of the Absolute (Turns Sisay's base 2/2 into 6/6), and even then Sisay must be 8 with 2 legendary pips (she maxes out at 7 with 5 color pips).

Gemstone Caverns Delighted Halfling Sisay decks really care about color pips. As such, you want to be able to start with colors ASAP regardless of cost. Gemstone Caverns only has a 7/99 chance of being in opening hand and a 5% chance of getting lucky and not going first in a four-person pod. Otherwise, it's a dead colorless card. Similiarly, Delighted Halfling only gives colorless mana. Yes your legends can't be countered, but you'll more likely be sinking mana into Sisay rather than casting legendary spells. Sisay is usually not the active threat in cEDH anyways. Use Vexing Shusher or Destiny Spinner or Veil of Autumn if you're that paranoid

Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy It does too little too late. The big issue with Kinnan is that it doesn't funnel the colors in the right ways. The most value I've got out of Kinnan is a few mana more for a counterspell I could have already cast. Kinnan is a great value engine, but You really have to build a deck specifically for Kinnan or with less colors. Kinnan is often used as a final piece. I've replaced Kinnan with Thrasios for consistency. Thrasios is also easier to trigger when holding up instant spells.


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97% Competitive

Revision 3 See all

(4 months ago)

-1 Mother of Runes maybe
-1 Sylvan Library side
-1 Tempt with Discovery side
Date added 10 months
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 4 Mythic Rares

78 - 9 Rares

1 - 15 Uncommons

0 - 2 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.38
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Dragon Spirit 5/5 R, Elk 3/3 G, Emblem Teferi, Hero of Dominaria, Food, Orc Army, Soldier 1/1 C, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure, Warrior 1/1 W
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