Dark Confidant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dark Confidant

Creature — Human Wizard

At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost/mana value card.

DreadKhan on This Is Going To Hurt

2 months ago

Kaweiwu not quite sure what you mean by that, Keen Duelist punishes your opponent for your high MVs, and punishes you if your opponent has high ones too. It's very different than Dark Confidant type effects.

Coward_Token on Fuck it, late Outlaw of …

3 months ago

Spoiler Schedule

Insatiable Avarice: In mono-B, this is draw three for three, which is a pretty good rate. K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth gets Demonic Tutor + draw two for

Fortune, Loyal Steed: From reading the story, I thought he looked like the "horse" from Elden Ring so this art was pretty startling

The Gitrog, Ravenous Ride: I kinda wish he got some serious flavor again. The original premise of "edgy hypno toad" was what made him funny, but now it just feels like WotC is milking that fan reaction for all it's worth.

Great Train Heist: solid Relentless Assault variant, but I kinda wish the last one said "each" for EDH purposes, even if I know it targets for the sake of crime:ing

Gisa, the Hellraiser: WotC throwing legendofa a bone, I guess.

Olivia, Opulent Outlaw: Why would becoming a criminal make Oliva gain white of all colors? I assume this is in preparation for Assassin's Creed, but it's still pretty weird. (For reference: White outlaws within Mardu's color identity)

Final Showdown: The best spree card? In voltron decks this is basically an instant-speed Plague Wind for seven mana that doubles as a situational savingspell. I think the first mode has a lot of situational uses, but it's something you have to keep your eyes out for.

High Noon: Rule of Law upgrade for Boros+, although Deafening Silence is still a thing

Arid Archway: idk if colorless decks needed a second Guildless Commons, but sure. Would rather have a mono-colored cycle tbh.

Tomb Trawler: I'm surprised how slowly Grenzo, Dungeon Warden is accumulating these kind of cards; Cogwork Archivist missed the mark in more ways than one

Roxanne, Starfall Savant: was kinda confused about the second ability until I realized she triggers on both ETB and attack. Powerstones obviously work too, plus e.g. Svella, Ice Shaper. Edit: Oh and Treasures too, obviously

Stubborn Burrowfiend: Ahhh! What the hell is the flavor supposed to be with that art?!

Kambal, Profiteering Mayor: Pretty cool with e.g. Saw in Half, Wedding Ring, and Tombstone Stairwell

Geralf, the Fleshwright: still not a good mono-U zombie commander but seems real good in the 99

Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot: so basically a multicolor Taigam, Ojutai Master/Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch  Flip? Not bad.

Caustic Bronco: Could have been Dark Confidant on steroids, but mediocre thoughness and no evasion keeps its attack trigger from being reliable

Calamity, Galloping Inferno: somehow just a normal horse, not Elemental or anything.

Eriette, the Beguiler: gogo Enchant permanent! Also, every Licid is now a Dominating Licid

Obeka, Splitter of Seconds: suck it, The Ninth Doctor!

ShamiShini on Edgars Wedding Party

4 months ago

I would probably replace Preacher of the Schism, since Dark Confidant is a mana cheaper, and more reliable at drawing.

ShamiShini on Edgars Wedding Party

4 months ago

Since you already run Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth it would make sense to also include Cabal Coffers although you might need a way to reliably hit it since it can be a dead card without urborg in a 3 color deck.

Other than that, may I suggest Dark Confidant

Gidgetimer on Card name precision

6 months ago

The rules on card identification are in the Tournament Rules and as such outside of Competitive and Pro REL events the standards can be different, though the tournament rules are pretty lenient on this matter. You simply have to make clear which card you are talking about and the process of "naming" doesn't have to include the full or even partial name. As long as all participants understand what card is being referenced. For instance you could call Emrakul, the Aeons Torn "Flying Spaghetti Monster 1.0" or call Dark Confidant "Bob" and the cards will count as "named".

3.6 Card Identification and Interpretation

A card is considered named in game when a player has provided a description (which may include the name or partial name) that could only apply to one card. Any player or judge realizing a description is still ambiguous must seek further clarification.

Players have the right to request access to the official wording of a card they can describe. That request will be honored if logistically possible. The official text of any card is the Oracle text corresponding to the name of the card. Players may not use errors or omissions in Oracle to abuse the rules. The Head Judge is the final authority for card interpretations, and they may overrule Oracle if an error is discovered.

Some cards with a Universes Beyond treatment have different names for the Universes Beyond and Universes Within versions. These cards are considered to be the same card. Other special treatments of cards may alter the name in ways that are clear references to the original card (e.g. Swords2Plowshares); these are also considered to be the same card.

Some nontraditional cards (i.e., attractions) may share a name across multiple versions of the card. The name is considered to refer to all versions and does not need further disambiguation, including during deck registration.

Azoth2099 on So basically dimir Talrand

6 months ago

Hey man! You're gonna need a higher density of card draw, ramp and tutors if you want this bad boy to he more consistent, there's no way around it. Fortunately you're in , so that's no big deal. I'd recommend the following options:

Tutors: Demonic Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor, Beseech the Mirror, Mystical Tutor, Personal Tutor, Solve the Equation, Fabricate Spellseeker, Merchant Scroll & Lim-Dul's Vault.

Draw: Talion, the Kindly Lord, Necropotence, Black Market Connections, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage, Night's Whisper & Ad Nauseam (if you can lower your mana curve).

Ramp: Talisman of Dominance, Dimir Signet, Fellwar Stone, Springleaf Drum, Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Culling the Weak, Bubbling Muck & High Tide. Maybe Rain of Filth.

Other synergistic value: Praetor's Grasp, Bribery, Acquire, Entomb, Reanimate & Mnemonic Betrayal.

Other than that I'd probably say add more cheap counterspells and instant speed removal so you can control the board and bolster your own. Let me know if you need help with cuts, I'm seeing a lot of them.

Azoth2099 on Wizard Spam

7 months ago


Cheers m8!

As someone who's been brewing/playing Inalla for some time now, I'd recommend that you consider includes like Spellseeker, Snapcaster Mage, Dualcaster Mage & Sea Gate Stormcaller.

I'd also recommend that you not run any trigger doubters outside of Naban, Dean of Iteration & Harmonic Prodigy. Paying more than 2 mana for that effect isn't worth it, especially when those options can be easily tutored up with Vedalken AEthermage & Step Through.

Also consider other value pieces that are dirt cheap at the time of this writing like Necropotence, Dark Confidant, Mystical Tutor, Gamble, Sneak Attack & Cloudstone Curio. You really don't want to miss any of these, they will go back up in price sooner than you think.

Check out my own list if you want: SPELLMANCER (INALLA)

Let me know if you want more suggestions or have any questions!

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