Sarcomite Myr

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sarcomite Myr

Artifact Creature — Myr

: Sarcomite Myr gains flying until end of turn.

, Sacrifice Sarcomite Myr: Draw a card.

Nishodus66 on Myr: Automata

1 year ago

Sorry, I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking about the color ratio, but when putting together my mana base I figured most things were colorless so didn’t matter too much what color, but the main thing I wanted it for was the Commander’s activated ability, so wanted to make sure all 5 colors were evenly represented. Then I added in Chromatic Lantern, Chromatic Orrery, The World Tree, and Cryptolith Rite as my main mana fixers.

As for the cards you suggested, truthfully I didn’t know about Pia's Revolution until you mentioned it here. While I do think that Sai, Master Thopterist is the more reliable card, only needing itself to work and not relying on opponents avoiding the damage, I don’t like having the extra Thopters not getting much else unless Mirror Entity or Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer are in play. Since I already have a Sarcomite Myr in this deck, I might just work Pia into it. Thanks for letting me know about it!

(Also, that would give me more cause to also add Kuldotha Forgemaster to the deck as well)

mtgplayer903 on Myr: Automata

1 year ago

Also, Pia's Revolution/Sarcomite Myr vs. Sai, Master Thopterist… Which would be more effective?

Mortlocke on New hubs to be added

3 years ago

Hello legendofa,

I propose a new hub to be added: Phyrexian. During Modern Horizons 2, 225 creatures were retconned into having the Phyrexian creature subtype to join Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider . Additionally, there were a smattering of Enchantments, Artifacts and etc that ether have the Phyrexian subtype or create creature tokens that do. Thanks to this retcon I now have a deck that has a Phyrexian tribal theme. For your reference, below is a full list of spells that were affected by WotC's Phyrexian errata.


RazortoothMtg on List of Commanders by Home …

5 years ago

User:DemonDragonJ I don't think that they mean he's from Dominaria, but rather pointing out he only exists in one possible future (the only card he's referenced on is Sarcomite Myr from Future Sight) that we were able to see BECAUSE OF the rifts on Dominaria. Based on the "who melds flesh and metal in glorious harmony" line it's pretty obvious he is on New Phyrexia, however he might not even exist in this timeline at all or maybe only exists in the future and isn't alive yet.

Phaetion on Lets speculate on the confirmed …

6 years ago

I think I found my favorite legendary card in the set so far.

enter image description here

Only ever referenced once (Sarcomite Myr for reference), and it plays well with both Tawnos and Saheeli. I love this guy, and I might build my own version one day.

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