Journeyer's Kite

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Journeyer's Kite


, : Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

multimedia on Urza’s legion

1 year ago

Hey, good start on a budget with what you have so far. Command Tower is a budget staple land for multicolored Commander decks and Arcane Signet is a budget staple mana rock.

Ramos, Dragon Engine can only be played in a five color deck using it as Commander or another five color Commander. It's activated ability has all five mana symbols and those symbols count toward it's color identity. Urza's color identity is only three colors Esper (black, white, blue). Because Urza doesn't have red and green that's why Ramos can't be played with Urza as Commander.

If you want aggro with Urza lets look at the beginning of the mana curve first, cards spots of 0-3 CMC only then we can look at the higher end of the mana curve. The first changes to consider is to remove all the nonartifact creatures and then later determine if they are worth a spot in your deck because they have abilities that help artifacts or Urza. I think you'll find that you don't need any of these creatures because artifact creatures can take their places. If you want to be aggro with Urza then you want to utilize Urza's artifact creature affinity to cast Urza quicker. To do this consistently Urza wants 0-2 CMC artifact creatures and some 3 CMC artifact creatures more than the rest.

Some of these creatures may be added back in later, most likely not, but for now lets build the creature base with only artifact creatures. For making upgrades lets look at best cards here with Urza and build around them? Arcbound Ravager and Portal to Phyrexia are the two best cards here with Urza because they're artifacts and they're abilities are more powerful compared to most other cards here. Ravager brings the aggro, but if aggro doesn't do it and you need more reach to win the game then Portal can do that. Lets start with Ravager and what makes it better with Urza? Modular and you have some here, more one drops can help toward Urza's artifact creature affinity and Ravager.

Steel Overseer adds to the +1/+1 counter strategy, it's powerful but only for artifact creatures and if trying to be aggro it's a good reason to play very few nonartifact creatures. Silas Renn, Seeker Adept goes well with Arcbound Ravager since with Ravager you want to sac artifacts and Silas lets you cast an artifact from your graveyard. It's deathtouch combined with Urza's menace makes it a creature who opponent is not going to block and lose two or more creatures blocking it. Baleful Strix, Triarch Praetorian, Malcator's Watcher are two drop artifact creatures who fly and who draw when enter the battlefield (ETB) or dies.

Some artifacts here are worse than others.

Think about limiting the amount of nonartifact spells to just the better ones you have here?

Equipment that increases the equipped creature's power equal to the amount of artifacts you control really ups the aggro since then any little artifact creature can become huge which combined with menace can make it a great attacker. I see Silver Myr and it's good here since counts twice for Urza, artifact creature affinity and ramp. Consider adding more artifact creature mana dorks who can make colored mana?

The budget Signets can help for ramp as well as color fixing which is really needed because the manabase here is pretty much all basic lands. Arcane Signet is a staple budget mana rock for ramp in Commander. Chromatic Lantern is fine for color fixing, but you're going to want more than that.

Some nonartifact creatures at the beginning of the mana curve can really help aggro and Urza.

Losheel, Clockwork Scholar is powerful with artifact creatures when attacking is what you want to be doing especially Constructs. Your artifact creatures don't take damage in combat meaning that opponents will have a difficult time choosing to block since their blockers might die, but your creatures will be fine. Losheel is also repeatable draw, once on each players turn when an artifact creature ETB you draw this includes when a Construct is created by Urza if you didn't have an artifact creature ETB before your end step.

Sai, Master Thopterist can be a repeatable source of artifact creatures, Thopters, to be attackers or sac fodder. Emry, Lurker of the Loch is like Silas Renn, Seeker Adept more ways to cast artifacts from your graveyard is good with Arcbound Ravager and other sac outlets.

That's it for this comment, but if you're still interested I'll give advice about the high end of the mana curve here to take more advantage of aggro into mid game and Portal to Phyrexia late game as well as some budget land options for the manabase. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

mrdehring on I'm a Bird

2 years ago

You have a fair number of ETB triggers. Have you thought about Conjurer's Closet and Teleportation Circle ?

Looks like you really want to have lands to play for free when you hit a token. Do you have enough card draw to stay ahead of this? Would Journeyer's Kite be a good card?

I feel like you want to make space for Budoka Gardener  Flip making tokens after you play all those lands.

With the go wide plan you may want to look at the back side of Augmenter Pugilist  Flip. Echoing Equation could get pretty crazy.

I think Meloku the Clouded Mirror goes infinite pretty easy here. Trade Routes is another option with any landfall creature that makes a token.

Whirl on Moraug Marauds the Battlefield!

3 years ago

Man, how did I forget to mention a card I really love, Journeyer's Kite? You might be interested, since it's a colorless, repeated land searcher.

Skinken on Artifact R/W CMDR

4 years ago

You just gotta read through a few forum threads. Or go the hardcore route and just scour Gatherer to find the gems

Arcane Encyclopedia is sorta the bar that I evaluate draw engines against. It's not a bad card, but that's basically the bar. Anything that's worse should not be played but anything that's as good or better is probably ok. I played a lot of mono white, so the context is largely the same. When draw engines get cheaper than Arcane Encyclopedia they also get more restrictive, so just pick a few of the ones that fit your deck.

Jar of Eyeballs, Mazemind Tome, Phyrexian Portal, Endless Atlas, Treasure Map  Flip, Azor's Gateway  Flip, Journeyer's Kite, Thaumatic Compass  Flip, Temple Bell, Liar's Pendulum, Bonder's Ornament, Eye of Yawgmoth, Icon of Ancestry, Phyrexian Grimoire and prolly a bunch more I missed.

Remember that when you play red you have access to cards like Faithless Looting, so just getting lands is fine.

There are also a few good 4 mana draw engines. Coercive Portal, Outpost Siege, Karn, Scion of Urza, Endless Horizons come to mind.

Alternatively, theres always the option of just doubling down on Skullclamp and play equipment tutors to always have it, but if it were me I would try to utilize your cool commander ;)

Lastly, I noticed you run a lot of tapped lands. Since you are playing a heavy artifact deck, mana fixing actually becomes a lot less of an issue, so I would actually advise you to just run more basics. This deck should run totally fine with three plains or three mountains in your starting hand. But you lose a lot of tempo from playing Stone Quarry and friends.

Hope this helps, and good luck with the deck!

HortonIsTired on The Arrival

4 years ago

Cool deck. Ive lost to it thinking im not losing to this....wonder if Journeyer's Kite might help slim the deck of those dirty snow lands. I hate a lot of cards in this deck....that means its working.

scumbling1 on Squee the Looter

4 years ago

I have long considered building a Squee deck like this, and I think you have done it better than I would.

Any thoughts on Journeyer's Kite / Thaumatic Compass  Flip to stuff your hand? I used to play these cards a lot in mono-red, but maybe their time has passed.

Also, what about Dangerous Wager? It could be total garbage, but I want to like it. If it could find use, I think this deck might be where.

VladMarkov on Prossh, Skyraider of my Friends

4 years ago

Nice deck idea :)

Have you thought of Journeyer's Kite to increase your chance for lands instead of Burnished Hart? Maybe you would consider Utvara Hellkite?

EIV on The Seventh Seal

4 years ago

Weathered Wayfarer, Strata Scythe, Idyllic Tutor (yeah I know this is for an enchantment but still if you're getting shitty draws it gives you and opportunity to reshuffle), Call the Gatewatch, Wanderer's Twig, Journeyer's Kite, Enlightened Tutor, Stonehewer Giant, Mirror Entity

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