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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Search your library for a permanent card with converted mana cost X or less, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

DemonDragonJ on Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

4 months ago

Would you consider putting Wargate into this deck, or is that card too expensive?

I know that I asked this question about your other deck, but are you certain that you certain that you can reliably cast all of the spells in this deck, especially considering that it has so few lands and only three mana-generating artifacts? Would you also consider putting Canopy Vista, Prairie Stream, or Spara's Headquarters in this deck?

Local_Hethen on Rafiq, The One Hit Wonder

4 months ago

I also have a Rafiq deck and my pods will absolutely remove him asap if they can.

I do see some protection for him but not much in the way of tutoring for your protective abilities or spells. It looks like you rely more on your draw abilities but that leaves too much to chance in my opinion. Enlightened Tutor, Steelshaper's Gift, Wargate, or something to just find what you need.

I would also drop the Colossus Hammer for Eldrazi Conscription.

Think about Steel of the Godhead, Shield of the Oversoul, and Favor of the Overbeing.

legendofa on Oathbreaker deckbuilding challenge

5 months ago

Made_Compleat How about The Masquerade is Over, with Estrid, the Masked and Wargate at the helm? It's far from tuned, but I think it's a respectable first draft--I don't have much Oathbreaker experience. I thought about Sarkhan Unbroken + Genesis Ultimatum, but this one started falling into place.

If I need to issue a challenge, it's to make a really bad deck. Overcosted and useless cards, sabotaging yourself, and generally not able to do anything. Inspired by the Nihilist format I learned about a couple of years ago from 99 Ways to lose (Nihilist), where you make a garbage deck, then switch with your opponent and try to win using the garbage deck they built. Nihilist: Too Angry to Think is my design. Bring that philosophy into Oathbreaker.

MrHighscore on The Dirty Dozen II

9 months ago

Hey DreadKhan, thanks a million for the thorough feedback!

I'm trying to move away from the 5 color theme, to speed up the plan slightly. It's still a bit rough to get the game rolling, and more often than not Atraxa will only be out turn 4.

Good points on the land ramp. I'll see if I can tweak the deck in a 'fetch forest' kind of way, and drop some of the signets. Also, I'm really not sure Smothering Tithe is worth it in this deck. You are right about Wargate, it may be worth it for the flexibility.

Regarding Brago, King Eternal I found him hard to capitalize on in The Dirty Dozen, so I decided to cut him out here.

Regarding Stax'ix effects, I'm having a hard time finding worthy cuts for them to matter. Some of the first cards I decided to cut were Norn's Annex, Crawlspace and Dueling Grounds

DreadKhan on The Dirty Dozen II

9 months ago

I'm not sure if it's really amenable to what you're already doing, but I remember a Sisay deck (I think I found it via ComedIan, it was actually a cEDH list), it used 5C Sisay to dig out a combo to win, and the combo was Planeswalker based. It used Aminatou, the Fateshifter, Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God, and Oath of Teferi to more or less win on the spot, the way it works is you use Oath to get 2 activations each time a Planeswalker ETBs, Aminatou and a copy can juggle one another, and with the other activation you get to do something to impact the board, Bolas can force opponents to exile permanents for example, but iirc this does eventually deck you. IIRC you can also untap stuff, so you can also make mana and do other stuff if you can't win via Bolas and Aminatou. Anyways, you aren't on Red, so you can't use that Bolas, but any method of copying Aminatou will let you juggle as long as you have an extra activation. AFAIK you only would need to add Aminatou to the list to have the option of doing this, since you have ways to copy her already. Without Bolas you'd still need some other piece out to generate advantage from the juggling, but I think that's not a big ask with this many other PWs.

I also noticed that you're on mana rocks over options like Nature's Lore and Three Visits, yes they require Green but you are on Triomes and Duals, which these can find. Land ramp is much more stable than mana rocks in my experience, so I try to use it over artifact sources in Green decks. In your colours I feel like you should look at Wargate, it's both a land ramp spell that can fetch a non-Basic land for only 3 mana, but if you have extra mana it can fetch something out.

It's a bit obnoxious, but Meekstone might be a pretty good fit in here unless I'm missing something, it even ignores your Commander fwiw. If you really want to protect Planeswalkers I would also consider Static Orb, but that's actively terrifying to most playgroups, but I think it would work well enough that I feel I should at least mention it. With your Proliferate theme and general lack of creatures, you might also try Tangle Wire, it does nothing to your Planeswalkers, and if the number is high enough it's very stultifying to the board. In a deck like this I wonder if Mythos of Brokkos would be handy to recur stuff? It's really, really wacky, but have you ever thought about trying out Brago, King Eternal? He can flicker your PWs whenever he connections, meaning you can downtick them, hit someone and then activate them again that turn. If you don't end up cutting back on artifact ramp Brago looks even better.

Good luck with your deck, hopefully something here will help your rework!

DreadKhan on Ur-Dragon (Recs. Needed)

10 months ago

I'll give you a few tips from my limited experience with 5 Colour decks and how they achieve their mana requirements.

My first point is that combining the Bounce Guild lands with numerous ETB tapped lands will feel incredibly bad, I would definitely throw in more untapped lands if you're going to use that many Bounce lands. I love the Bounce lands, but they should be played mostly with other lands that ETB untapped, like Basic lands, bouncing an ETB tapped land is not fun in my experience.

I would encourage you to lean into Green ramp, there is lots of it that's very good, including options that find dual lands that have Basic types (or even Triomes if your budget permits, but there are budget fetchable duals out there). To make that Green ramp work you probably would want more Forests because a Forest and ramp spell can fix your mana for you.

Another thing I noticed that helps 5 Colour decks is the fact that you can use budget fetchlands of all sorts. The worst of my favourite 3 is Myriad Landscape, followed by Blighted Woodland and Krosan Verge. Krosan Verge can technically find all 5 colours by itself if you use Triomes, because it can find non-Basics, but there is also Murmuring Bosk to help. In addition to these types of fetchlands, you might find some use for the old Panorama cycle from Alara, Esper Panorama, Jund Panorama, Bant Panorama, Grixis Panorama, and Naya Panorama. None of those are truly great cards, but in a pinch they both enter untapped while eventually offering good fixing. A nice perk to using more Basics is that you are better at enduring non-Basic hate, not sure if people use stuff like that in your area.

Their is the odd good land worth looking at if you want budget mana fixing, the pain lands Sulfurous Springs or Adarkar Wastes are very strong fixing options that are relatively cheap, people use these in budget cEDH builds, they're perfect if you want good non-Basics for a low price, the Enemy pair from that cycle (Shivan Reef and Caves of Koilos are generally quite cheap, the Ally pairs are pricy). There is also the odd land like Exotic Orchard that can fix pretty well, but most 5 colour lands that enter untapped are pricey.

My final suggestion is that I found it helpful to run more ramp than usual in my 5 Colour decks, as well as more lands total. My 5 Colour Sisay deck has 39 lands and iirc over 20 ramp spells/effects (some work as combo pieces), and my Reaper King deck has 38 lands and around 15 ramp sources. It's a big hassle to get 5 colours consistently, but if you straight up run extra lands and ramp it becomes much easier.

A few more general pointers, I noticed you don't have Crux of Fate in here, it's usually pretty good in a Dragon deck. You also might like Stinging Study as a big draw spell. It's usually not as good as Stinging Study, but Imposing Grandeur also exists. Bring to Light and Wargate are two pretty strong tutors, perfect if you want to power your deck up a bit.

DreadKhan on Ur-Dragon Tribal Tribal

1 year ago

I get the feeling that you're not into wiping the board, but I suspect Crux of Fate would probably fit. You can even dig it out with Bring to Light, wiping non-Dragons will miss your Commander (if you had to cast) and any Changelings while wiping most other creatures.

I think you've got enough non-Changelings to make digging out Maskwood Nexus pretty solid, maybe Wargate? There are lots of other ways to dig out The World Tree fwiw, many pretty affordable, if you can set up both Tree and Nexus (and have lots of mana) you should win on the spot, and it's not even 'infinite combo'. Wargate is just a nice fit because it can find any permanent, so in a pinch it can also just ramp out a land for 3 mana, iirc that's better than the going rate for non-basic ramp.

With your CMC of 9 Commander, you might consider Stinging Study, it's like a tiny Ad Nauseum that costs way less life, works without casting your Commander too.

It's a bit of a weird fit (and is big and clunky), but Avenger of Zendikar is really good in a higher land count Changeling deck, each land pumps your Changelings for you too, in addition to making a bunch of blockers. I run it with some budget fetches like Krosan Verge, which can find non-basics like duals or triomes for great fixing, Myriad Landscape which is okay fixing because it can find Green, and Blighted Woodland which I feel has a low opportunity cost as it'll ramp me as an instant if kept mana up for something and didn't need it.

It's a bit small, but Scarecrone can be a so-so card if you ever decide to toss Haakon in, with your Eminence ability you can recast Universal Automaton for free, so it's just 1 to draw a card and get a sacrifice/death trigger.

If you don't want to run actual counters, you might sneak a Patron Wizard in to help deal with wipes, you've got some Vigilance sources even.

Cool build!

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