Unique Each Time [[Sen Triplets EDH]] *Primer*

Commander / EDH* Aaerys


xJonahSlayerx says... #1

Still have 1 more card to put in

December 21, 2017 10:37 a.m.

greyninja says... #2

Celestial Dawn is a key component to the deck, which you have, but you're missing a few others. Mycosynth Lattice makes everyone's spells cast for colorless; essentially doing the same thing. Chromatic Lantern makes your lands tap for all colors (including red and green). Your inclusion of Fabricate can search for these

Fellwar Stone is another good one. Plus any other artifacts that tap for all colors like Gilded Lotus and maybe even Astral Cornucopia. These will all help you cast opponent's spells

Have fun! +1 from me! Hopefully you can take the time to upvote a deck or two of mine! Cheers

December 25, 2017 8:49 a.m.

alexremy says... #3

For me, 36 lands is too much. I mostly go 32-34 lands and 14 mana accels such as greyninja said,Gilded Lotus, Fellwar Stone, Chromatic Lantern are needed, if you have the budget, id get Chrome Mox and Mox Opal as Mox Diamond is expansive as heck. Id also get rid of any lands that come in tapped such as ur spire, because ur losing a land drop+a mana for a tapped land. Your ACMC is also really high, id get more ramp such as Thran Dynamo or Basalt Monolith and Mana Vault, if you get any of these three I recommand getting Voltaic Key. If you fix your mana, your deck will run smoothly. Id recommend also a Whir of Invention along with Fabricate, a Cyclonic Rift as its protection and a board wipe but not for you. As for your graveyard hate id remove that angel and get a Tormod's Crypt , you essentially have enough creatures and will steal some from your enemies, it cost 4 to play.

I always wanted to do sen triplets but never figured if she was fun or not, hopefully ill get news from you if shes fun or not. Cheers my man!

December 25, 2017 3:15 p.m.

Aaerys says... #4

Thank you both greyninja and alexremy!

After thinking through this, Ill definitely be cutting lands and adding mana excels which you suggested. Unfortunately, Mox is quite out of budget but definitely a wanted addition in the future. Once I have the deck together, expensive singles will slowly replace others.

Ill try to shift my deck in regards to CMC and try to make a well rounded deck! Thank you both again for all your help, Ill update after a couple play throughs!

+1 all round from me :)

December 26, 2017 4:16 a.m.

KayneMarco says... #5

Another way to protect the triplets other than Darksteel Plate is with Diplomatic Immunity. Actually works really well with the plate if u get the plate on 1st

January 2, 2018 4:57 a.m.

Aaerys says... #6

Thanks I'll add it into my deck.

January 2, 2018 5 a.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #7

You need more affects like Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots, and Elgaud Shieldmate. Making Sen Triplets indestructible doesn't cut it. You need to protect it (them?) from cards like Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, and Darksteel Mutation that will either straight up exile Sen Triplets (making indestructible useless) or will just make the card itself useless.

Just some of my thoughts, I don't know what your playgroup is like. (Oh, and I would also consider the threats I mentioned above along with Insidious Will to deal with threats your opponents may have)

June 9, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #8

Also with the cards in hand issue, if you have a land in hand that you don't need desperately on the battlefield keep it in hand. I have found that it can be an effective bluff (unless they call you out, but that's just a risk you would have to take).

June 9, 2018 8:12 p.m.

Ravenrose says... #9

I have another suggestion - Dismiss into Dream. It will really screw people over. Furthermore, I think you should play Mind Control, Magic Control and In Bolas' Clutches. Merciless Eviction is also a good one. Isochron Scepter is a must for this deck! Have you heard of a combo with the scepter? It is a nasty one I assure you 3:). I am making a Fate deck called Morai with Sen Triplets and I will be using that combo. Also I suggest Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts for this deck and the Triad of Fates.

June 24, 2018 5:08 a.m.

WhichKing says... #10

Upvoted! Us Esper artifact players should stick together :P

For suggestions, I feel that you can incorporate a Stoneforge Mystic package to find equipment to protect the Triplets during grindy games. You can even throw in a Conqueror's Flail and Helm of the Host (I think the helm is a better way to enhance your board state as compared to the Tempered Steel).

October 11, 2018 1:45 a.m.

CaptSillva says... #11

Here is a few options you could try out Telepathy so you will know which opponent is the best option before hand, Retrofitter Foundry, Thopter Foundry, Sword of the Meek, Skullclamp, Hangarback Walker, and Sai, Master Thopterist for the combo insanity. Then of course Magister Sphinx and Sharuum the Hegemon because they're just too powerful to pass up.

October 13, 2018 3:16 a.m.

Poly_raptor says... #12

Really cool deck.

Upvoted for the use of Paradox Haze

Suggestions to help with the card draw?


-Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip

-The Immortal Sun (also protects The Triplets against planeswalkers

I have built/am building a deck around infinite turns but went for a slightly different build. Feel free to have a look and see if you like anything :)

Zur’s Paradox Theorem

Commander / EDH* Poly_raptor


October 25, 2018 9:16 a.m.

Bigant1 says... #13

If you feel like you need more counters, you could replace Ponder with a counter like Swan Song

November 4, 2018 10:35 p.m.

Bigant1 says... #14

Propaganda is also another good protection enchantment.

November 4, 2018 10:37 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #15

Hey Aaerys, I used to run a Sen Triplets EDH deck also back in the day. Here is some insight which I hope you will find hopeful.

A couple questions, what is the budget are you working with? What is your main goal when you play with this deck? (Is it to control the game, deny resources, or stall until you combo?) What is the your playgroup level like?

Based on what you said your issues were while playing the deck, off the top of my head is to run more tutors, i.e. Demonic Tutor, Beseech the Queen, Vampiric Tutor (As you listed in your side board), Imperial Seal. You are in Esper colors which allows for optimal control of the boardstate.

To also answer your question you posted in your deck description, I would agree in turning it to a more control piece shell with more interaction. Cut out all unnecessary dead cards and add in cards such as Path to Exile, Delay, Mana Drain, Flusterstorm, Silence, Pact of Negation, Force of Will, Chain of Vapor, Mental Misstep, Swan Song. Ramp package is also quite vital for a control Sen Triplet shell, you should run almost all efficient 2 cmc and less rocks.

Some cards for ramp, Dimir Signet, Orzhov Signet, Azorius Signet, Mana Vault, Mana Crypt, Lotus Petal, Fellwar Stone, Mind Stone, Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Progress, if you have the budget Mox Diamond, Mox Opal, or Grim Monolith.

If you have any other questions to help refining deck, I'll be happy to help!

November 11, 2018 9:44 a.m.

Aaerys says... #16

hkhssweiss Thank you so much for your help. I don't want to begin with anything too crazy, ideally keeping the budget to <20 per card, except for essentials such as Demonic Tutor to a max of ~60-70.

The goal of the deck is win differently each time (ideally). I don't like the idea of comboing off thopters with Sword of the Meek and Time Sieve however it has been constantly suggested to me, I feel like it is too slow and too easy to break once someone understands what I am trying to do. Flooding the board with Artifacts and enchantments which stall the board while I can control my opponents turns (either by countering, bribery counters, or limiting their resources and hand by playing their cards) would be ideal.

I would be playing it against Atheros god of the shadowborn listed in my deck list through user decks (at home 1v1 often) and at my LGS which is moderately competitive but has ranges in powerlevel. I know some of the people there run Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow, Sharuum the Hegemon and the above Atheros deck. I haven't tried the deck in multiplayer yet, just casual 1v1.

I agree with you on tuning it to a more control based shell, however I am not particularly sure on what to cut, whether you would remove all the combos or try to cut some enchantments? Currently I feel that the artifact synergy and ways to protect Sen triplets has been quite efficient so I would lean towards keeping cards like Master Transmuter, and the darksteel artifacts.

Thank you for all your help

November 11, 2018 6:01 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #17

Aaerys No problem!

Yes definitely keep the artifact synergy, honestly if you don't like the combo approach and want to go for the more interaction routes with fun things to play (like playing with other people's deck ;3) than I would suggest more protection, counterspells, artifact synergy, card draw, as well as interaction.

Here is a list of some additional cards that I found useful and within the $20 or less range.




Ghostly Prison

Aura of Silence

Damping Sphere

Collective Restraint

Phyrexian Revoker

Ethersworn Canonist

Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir

Venser, Shaper Savant

These cards will make opponents less likely to hit you, or will at least slow them down enough for you to interact with them.


Mana Leak


Muddle the Mixture

Stoic Rebuttal


Spell Pierce

Arcane Denial

A couple more useful counters, best one I like to use for Sen Triplets is cards like Remand, Muddle (because the 2 cmc transmute comes in clutch), and Arcane Denial as it gives more options to choose from their hand.


Shimmer Myr

Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage

Trophy Mage

Crystal Shard


Strionic Resonator

Voltaic Key

Paradox Engine

Aetherflux Reservoir

Academy Ruins

Shimmer Myr and Raff Capashen are honestly auto include in my opinion, giving the ability to flash in your commander and not waiting to wait one whole turn before her upkeep effect is amazing, it also allows us to hold up mana to interact with other players before deciding what we can do. The curve is also great since Shimmer Myr is 3 cmc and Raff is 4 cmc, we can hold mana for our counterspells and interactions and if the coast is clear flash in Sen. Trophy Mage is for the redundancy that you have more than a likely chance of tutoring your Shimmer Myr or Crystal Shard (Shard always makes sure that your opponent will be reluctant to tap out and thus preventing them to cast more creature spells). Voltaic Key is there just for more fun shenanigans, I always like having them in these type of artifact decks. Academy Ruins is a card I would highly recommend investing into, it saves your artifacts, it allows recursion, and if the case where Sen dies, you won't have to consistently pay the tax for it with this card on the field.

On another note Paradox Engine is a powerful card, it allows you to gain extreme amount of value, hence the reason you would want to include more mana rocks into the deck. I added Aetherflux into list in the case you want to close out a game, since you are running Isochron Scepter already, adding in Dramatic Reversal will be your win con and also allows you to net infinite mana and play your opponents hand if you so would choose. The playstyle is all there for you to choose ;3

Card Draw:

Mystic Remora

Sphinx's Revelation


Notion Thief

Consecrated Sphinx

Time Warp

Some choice cards I like to use, Notion Thief is there for them really sneaky plays when there is a mass Windfall or if someone taps out for a burst draw. Sphinx is a high power card engine. The time warp is there for just pure value.


Anguished Unmaking



Into the Roil


Toxic Deluge

Return to Dust

Dark Petition

Forsake the Worldly

Dramatic Reversal

Tower of the Magistrate

Some notable cards are like Snap, which untaps your land and bounces the creature back to their hand, pure value if its your turn next as now you will be able to cast that creature as well! Capsize is also a deadly card, as you can bounce their land and then play the land you bounced on your turn with Sen on the field, buyback is also killer (I have people scooped many times when I used this trick 1v1). Tower of Magistrate is really interesting against other people playing with artifacts (This auto de-quips voltron commanders!). A lot of these spells can also be copied on to Isochron Scepter making them extremely useful for you to control your opponent and allowing them what spells they can play, bouncing the spells you want to play from their deck, and removing the cards you don't like.


Thought Vessel

One more card which is a great mana rock.

Hopefully this gives you a better idea of a Control Sen Triplets shell, I think you can tell that this was one of my favorite decks before I retired her ;P

November 11, 2018 7:31 p.m.

Aaerys says... #18

hkhssweiss Thank you so much! I'll go through it now! I can see why you loved the deck, hopefully my version will become a lasting favourite as well :)

November 11, 2018 7:51 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #19

Aaerys No problem, always down to help! I love brainstorming EDH decks and helping out, deck building and play testing is super fun!

November 11, 2018 8:05 p.m.

Alexev says... #20

I always wanted to make a good Triplets (and I had so I can give you some advice) deck, the problems with teriplets are these

  1. Se is a 2/2 for 5, so is very very weak

  2. Nicolas Maquiavelo once said that people forget more quiclky the death of their parents than the loss of their patrimony, and this is true, the triplets are there to steal stuff, If I a player thinks you will be stealing his stuff, that player will focus you, the other players will fear that too, triplets steals lands, creatures, artifacts, etc, you name it

All that said, you cannot let these girls enter the battlefield without a plan and some mana open for defense, Propaganda Ghostly prision, no mercy, aurification and righteous aura are some good pillowfort cards you can use to stay alive while you can assemble your pieces at the board.

Stealing other people things is fun, but you wont be winning with that, for wincons I suggest Sharuum combos, Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry + Time Sieve combo

Because you dont want people messing in your turn when you cast your combos I suggest Silence+ iscochronous scepter (or just silence)

A good quantity of counters helps, also a lot of mass removal

I hope you can get a real good sen deck

November 27, 2018 11:51 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #21

For cheap counterspells that aren't listed in your maybe board you can use Dispel , Rebuff the Wicked , Turn Aside , Unsubstantiate , Spell Pierce . Negate , Arcane Denial , Countersquall , and Imp's Mischief .

For Esper colors, there isn't much you can do for fast ramp aside from relying on faster lower costed mana rocks to makes it go faster. The other alternative route to this is going for a cost reducer route like using cards like Helm of Awakening , Jhoira's Familiar , Baral, Chief of Compliance , Cloud Key , Etherium Sculptor , Foundry Inspector , Grand Arbiter Augustin IV , and The Immortal Sun .

Hope that helps!

January 15, 2019 7:10 a.m.

PartyJ says... #22

If you wan to dig in deeper, you can always see this list for a broad range of ramp options:

MTG list of EDH Ramp Cards | last update: 30-07-18

Perhaps these options prove to be interesting for you:

Good luck and +1 :)

January 15, 2019 8:06 p.m.

Have you considered Bribery or Eternal Dominion ? these are some theft cards I enjoy using. although the main downside with theft themed decks is that its power is usually dependent on the power level of the table, it can work though.

Since this is a Sen Triplets deck I'll have to give it an upvote because I love Sen Triplets.

January 21, 2019 3:30 a.m.

Ripwater says... #24

Hey man,

Loving the list and a total difference from what i've played in the past. Might steal this ;)

Just a question: Why don't you run Blightsteel Colossus ? You have many ways of getting him out and it kinda gives you another victory condition. Of course I do understand if you refuse to play with infect :)

February 7, 2019 4:05 p.m.

Aaerys says... #25

kevinscheurwater I wasn't running it since I didn't know about it haha! I'll definitely be play testing it, thanks for the help!

The deck is definitely great, give it a try :P

February 7, 2019 7:09 p.m.

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