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Silas and Armix form a Disposal Megacorporation

Commander / EDH Artifact Discard UB (Dimir)




Silas and Armix have cornered global markets by merging their recycling and disposal businesses. Citizens worldwide realize the horrors of capitalism as they are forced to pay to throw artifacts away, only to have them sold right back to them. Or something.

And there's a reason this disposal megacorporation is quickly gaining such world-dominating power! (Other than capitalism being an easy-to-abuse system.) Silas and Armix work great together. Armix is great at filling up the junkyard with peoples' discarded trinkets, but Armix's true talent is in "negotiating" with other businesses who might try to compete with you, keeping everywhere clear for the business to run uninterrupted.

With Armix filling up the junkyard and keeping meddling individuals out of the way, Silas is free to run his impressive salvage operation. His team retrieves a wide variety of valuable items from the landfill: you can find spy drones, security features, explosives, and the latest disruptive technologies to prevent other companies from using the junkyard. There are also plenty of consumer products that you can sell right out of the dump to turn a tidy profit.

Let's take a look at the many ethically questionable business practices you can now employ!

  • The first step in getting the newly merged conglomerate running smoothly is getting the CEOs on the scene! Both of our self-made machines cost 3 mana, but ideally we can speed up the process. Some of your company infrastructure goes up scarily fast, allowing operations to start early. If you don't have those fast buildings, don't worry! Silas and Armix wouldn't want to miss any new technology or exciting experiments. They'll also have to come by if there's a company emergency, or if some of your questionable practices cause a PR nightmare. Finally, sometimes Silas and Armix are just feeling in the mood to come by early.

  • Silas makes you a lot of money (card advantage), but if you need more you can always call for a government bailout! Your friends in the Phyrexian, Kaladeshi, Innistrad, Alaran, and Mirran governments have got your back and can give you a ludicrous amount of cash. Don't forget that every card that winds up in the landfill, even trash from company projects is your property, and can make you money. So get yourself something nice with that bonus! You earned it.

  • There's no need to use cryptocurrency when you have access to Armix's elite disposal team, skilled at laundering money. They even fill the landfill while they do it to generate extra profits.

  • Silas has more skills than running a business; when he's not making money, he practices his rusty nail throwing. In a junkyard brawl, he can take down any assailant.

  • The company's lobbying efforts, combined with the aforementioned friends in multiple governments, have paid off! As of today, all operations are no longer subject to those pesky timing laws!

WE INTERRUPT THIS LIST OF QUESTIONABLE BUSINESS PRACTICES FOR A MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSOR! Ever wanted a card that can beat business rivals, lets you bypass the city government's roadblock(er)s, and keeps you free of prying eyes? Look no further than this bulk rare that's been in my binder for the last 7 years, Glaring Spotlight! Lets Armix target those pesky hexproof creatures, or you can sacrifice it to have an unblockable turn. Invest in this up-and-coming card now and you'll double your money in a month! Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

  • There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but there is such a thing as free labor! Your Hardworking, Loyal Interns do research without pay, and become very profitable when you hire new ones each turn!

  • Sometimes Silas isn't doing enough recycling alone, and you might want another team on junkyard retrieval. Luckily, hiring more employees is very doable. During crunch time, Silas can also be persuaded to work twice as hard. (Although, 2 x 0 is still 0.) If your employees won't stop complaining about low wages, long hours, and no benefits, you can invest in automating your labor. I promise you'll make your money back in no time.

  • Worried about making it to your meetings on time? It's no trouble, just put on your nicest suit, hop in your limousine, and be on your way. In sticky situations, you can let your trusty bodyguard team do the talking. Private secret agents have also been deployed in the landfill to ensure any trips through there are smooth. And you can always use your underground channels to get you to especially hard-to-reach meetings.

  • Finally, what's the point of late-stage capitalism if you can't crush your enemies underfoot? Silas and Armix are great at getting things started, but when it comes to merging with other companies, they prefer to leave it to the experts. If your company does well enough, you could get the attention of Phyrexian industrialists, who are great at performing all the necessary negotiations to expand your operations into the multiverse. Can't get a hold of them? No problem! It seems Tezzeret has a conflict of interest, being in the Alaran government but also a majority shareholder. He can use his corruption to put a speedy end to other would-be corporations and help you negotiate mergers.

All the ways to attack with Silas and Armix on T4 (all require 3 lands, including lands listed, unless stated otherwise)

One card: Dark Ritual, Lightning Greaves, Swiftfoot Boots (4 lands), Sol Ring (2 lands), Lotus Petal, Ancient Tomb, Chrome Mox, Jeweled Amulet, Blood Pet, Mystical Tutor for Dark Ritual


Mox Opal + Etherium Sculptor

Mox Opal + Crystal Vein + artifact land OR 1 cmc artifact

Mox Opal + artifact land + 1 cmc artifact OR another artifact land (requires only 2 lands)

Mox Amber + Crystal Vein OR Etherium Sculptor

Etherium Sculptor + Chariot of Victory + 2cmc mana rock (4 lands)

These are harder to pull off but let you attack with both commanders a turn early.

The most important cards for these setups are Lotus Petal, Mox Amber, Chrome Mox, Mox Opal, Sol Ring, Ancient Tomb, and Crystal Vein. These will be called +1 mana cards.

Also important to keep in mind: Mox Opal will usually need one artifact land or 0cmc artifact to be online.

Dark Ritual + non-colorless +1 mana card

Mystical Tutor for Dark Ritual + non-colorless +1 mana card + any +1 mana card (can't be Opal and a land)

Chrome Mox + any +1 mana card except Amber and Crystal Vein

Mox Opal + artifact land + Sol Ring OR Lotus Petal

Etherium Sculptor + Lightning Greaves OR Swiftfoot Boots + Chrome Mox or Lotus Petal

cut : Glaring Spotlight, Codex Shredder, Perpetual Timepiece, Shimmer Myr, Cranial Plating, Mystical Tutor, 1 island, sword of light and shadow, feed the swarm, frantic search

testing : key to the city, vedalken archmage, Tezzeret master of the bridge,

added: Oskar rubbish reclaimer, containment construct, access tunnel, zephyr boots, skeleton key, tezzeret agent of bolas, tezzeret betrayer of flesh

possible cuts : blood pet, jeweled amulet, secrets of the dead, strionic resonator, swords


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91% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 1 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

22 - 3 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.19
Tokens Emblem Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh, Myr 1/1 C, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders EDH Rotating Decks
Ignored suggestions
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